mythmaster wrote:ok i have a few
whats ur fav animal
whats ur least fav animal
whats ur zodiac animal
do you like wolves
do you like going to the zoo
have you ever talked to ur zodiac animal i mean trying to get it to understand you
im srry for all the animal Q's i just like animals
Alice wrote:That's okay, I love all animals!
I'd have to say cats are my favorite animal, because I literally can't get enough. :/ When I was younger, the answer would have been dogs or guinea pigs. (I do have one dog, but I dont' seem to collect dogs the way I collect cats. I think there's a reason for that, which I don't necessarily have to go into. :/ )
Anyway, my least favorite animal is probably anything that can eat me.
I do, I love wolves.
I like zoos fine, but rarely get a chance to go. Home might resemble a zoo to some, though.
I don't really do anything about the zodiac, or bother finding out about it either, so I'd have to say I don't know. But... I do talk to animals sometimes, and I like it if they understand me.
What are your answers to your questions?
How do you like your steak cooked?
When did you become saved? What denomination are you? Have you been baptized? If so, when?
Do you hate McDonald's as much as I do?
What's your favorite dessert?
What do you like on your pizza?
If you were on a desert island, and you had ample food, water, and shelter, what three other things would you want with you?
If God Himself decreed that you could only own ONE anime series, ONE video game, and THREE music CDs for the rest of your days, what ones of each would you pick?
Favorite band?
What does it mean to "rock" a vote? Can a vote be R&B'd? Singer-songwrited?
How many of the nine Supreme Court justices can you name? How many of the nine members of The Brady Bunch can you name? What does that say about you?
Thirteen colonies? That's bad luck. Who was the colony wizard who came up with that one?
ok i also have another Q whats ur fav band
Hmm...I'm trying to think up some new questions, sorry if I'm repeating a question
If you were an animal, what do ya think you'd be? (based mostly on personality)
Do you have any fave TV shows?
Any fave cartoon characters?
Any siblings?
What's your fave climate? What environment wouldja want to live in? (i.e. mountains, beach, etc.)
What color is your hair? Do you like pickles?
> I'm a wriiiiiiiter.
Profeeeeeeeeeeeeessionally? Or just for fuuuuuuun? ^_^
> Sugar-Free Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
Um, eek?
Alice wrote::thumbsdow
Otaku10 wrote:Have you discover God's will for you?
Alice wrote:I'd be glad to hear people's answers to their own questions, and other things that will help me know who they are.
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