Okay guys, well, now since my computer is all fixed up and stuff, I am going to try to come back!! So yeah, I am back now. ^-^;
Anyway, I would like to update you all on the gerbils!! They are pretty big now, the girls are still pretty small, but the two boys are very big!!! Almost has big as there daddy. Shikijou is still the biggest. =D
I should be getting pics of them very soon, and posting them, and you guys can see how they have grown! ^-^
Now, my new obbsession is Counter Strike, so if you guys play, let me know your screen name, so I can play you.
The server I go to all the time is: [Lord] Christian Server
So yeah, I hope some of you can come play me!
P.s Kinko, has been gone for two weeks, and she is coming back today, so she might starting posting a bit more too. ^^ Well, later you guys!