Why do so many Christians like KH so much?

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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:00 am

termyt wrote:Funny, that's why I didn't like the combat system. Donald and Goofy were pretty much useless.

Strictly speaking, I didn't like that aspect either, but at least they didn't get in the way (provided you never let them have any items). What I liked was the free battle system]But you're right on the money for me, too, UC. The appearance of FF characters was a big draw for me and the story was engaging as well, even if I had Donald Duck following me around everywhere.[/QUOTE]

What I wish is that Final Fantasy characters could have joined your party for lengthy periods of time. Donald and Goofy would have been replaced the instant I had the chance (even if the new characters had just as bad an AI).
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Postby Arbre » Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:24 am

I've been playing Kingdom Hearts for about the past month. (Not because it's a long game, just because I'm slow at playing video games in general).

The animation is beautiful in some scenes, the music usually sets the mood very well, and the accuracy in converting most Disney characters to 3D impressed me. Voice acting added a lot too.

The texture on the boss in Haloween Town surprised me. I generally don't see texture that nice in my GCN games, which is a more powerful system.

I was raised on Disney cartoons and videos and I do enjoy most of the classic animated films they put out--- you know, the ones where they still had songs in them. <_<

Seeing the villains all come together, even though they really couldn't have in their intended worlds, was amazing. I can't think of any other instance where that's happened in any video games I own. And to do that with characters that are nostalgic to me... very fun. :)

I haven't ever been a fan of FF so those characters are nothing more to me than cool looking anime characters fleshed out in 3D. :P They *do* look nice, though.

I thoroughly enjoy the battle system in this. Real time is what I prefer, definitely.
The AI for Donald and Goofy could use a bit of help, but they don't really get in the way. And occasionally Donald would heal Sora for me, which is a nice surprise when it happens. I just can't rely on Donald for that.
I'm used to fighting bosses with only a single character anyway (Legend of Zelda, Mario, MegaMan, etc), so it's all good.

Disney movies in general have the whole good vs evil plot, with good always winning. That's a feel good story there. And even though there are villains in the game, it's still lighthearted and fun throughout.
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Postby Debitt » Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:43 am

I too have noticed that most Christians tend to be fans of Kingdom Hearts. My brother being the exception, since he refuses to allow the game into our house. xD; He's not too big a fan of the Disney/FF crossover and truth me told, neither am I.

In itself, KH isn't a bad game. I really enjoyed what I've played of it, though like most people here have mentioned, Donald and Goofy are pretty much useless moving targets and I'm the biggest fan of the Disney-ness. x_X; I do wish FF characters were more readily available as party members, which I think would have probably been padding for the obvious anti-crossover backlash that the game got.

What I don't get is why a lot of Christians I have met so readily embrace KH while condeming Final Fantasy. I don't feel right listing any reasons people have given me as to why KH is "good" and the rest of FF is "bad" (simply because I don't want to sound like I'm picking at someone's convictions, which is the farthest from my intentions here), but they struck me as rather hypocritical. ^^;

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Postby cbwing0 » Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:48 am

Shatterheart wrote:While on the topic of things we notice on CAA. I notice a large movement of people who love to take up defenses. Perhaps its a way to make themself feel better about themselves in the real world...who knows. But it seems like no matter what is said...someone is always running along. "Don't say that" "You shouldent do that" Grow up folks. If someone says somthing foolish, more often then naught...there gonna get unkind responces. Personaly...since i am being lumped in with the tactless people... I think what I said was fine.

And of course there is never any substance to those suggestions... :eyeroll:

Naturally you think that what you said was fine; otherwise, you wouldn't have said it. The fact that people often get unkind responses does not justify the perpetuation of such responses. On the contrary, it should motivate us to examine the ways that we choose to respond to others.

To clarify, there is little or nothing to which I take offense. I was not offended by what you said, but I did feel that it was unnecessary and unbecoming of someone who is supposed to be a leader.

I am a leader myself in my community, so I am not speaking from a lack of experience in this matter. Direct criticism tends to have the opposite effect of that which is desired (that is, a change in behavior). Encouragement is much more productive in both the short and long term.

Feel free to do what you like with my advice, but try to remember that you are not infallible.
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Postby Stephen » Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:54 am

You are free to think whatever you like. Rather then argue with you CBwing, I am simply going to say that this thread needs to go back on topic.

Personaly, I still think a good part of why its so popular among Christians is the lack of foul content.
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Postby Nate » Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:12 pm

[quote="Kokoro Daisuke"]What I don't get is why a lot of Christians I have met so readily embrace KH while condeming Final Fantasy. I don't feel right listing any reasons people have given me as to why KH is "good" and the rest of FF is "bad" (simply because I don't want to sound like I'm picking at someone's convictions, which is the farthest from my intentions here), but they struck me as rather hypocritical. ^^]
I agree COMPLETELY, Kodai. I remember a thread started by a member a while back talking about how they couldn't stand Final Fantasy, but liked Kingdom Hearts, and the member seemed to contradict themselves in their reasoning (which I won't give, lest another argument start).

But hey, whatever, everyone's entitled to like and dislike whatever they want, so no twelve off my back. (obscure Simpsons reference)

EDIT: I suppose I should put some on-topicness here. When I first heard about the game, I refused to play it, simply because I thought the idea of FF/Disney was sickening. However, a friend of mine got it, and as I saw him play it, I was intrigued, and borrowed it...and started playing, and highly enjoyed it. Not my favorite game, mind you, but closer to the top than the bottom. I really wish the AI had been better...and there was really no point to switching party members, sadly, since Goofy and Donald were the only permanent party members. In fact, it hurt you if you replaced Goofy or Donald in your party, since that means they wouldn't be able to level up. That kinda irritated me, but other than that, good stuff.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Jun 03, 2005 2:45 pm

[quote="cbwing0"]It would seem that there are several people in this thread that desperately need a lesson in tact. Normally I would let it slide, but I have been noticing a trend of needlessly harsh and mean-spirited responses in the videogame forum.

For those that don't know, tact is the ability to allow others to "save face." What is that, you ask? Allowing someone to save face is the ability to restrain oneself from capitalizing on the mistakes of others by mercilessly harping on and criticizing them.

When someone has realized their mistake (as Seaniel undoubtedly has), it is best not to continue to ridicule and criticize them. Remember, we are talking about games. A videogame discussion is not the best place to make an example of someone in a crusade to prevent inaccurate generalizations.

Even that wouldn't be entirely inexcusable if we were not representatives of Christ on an openly Christian forum. If someone like Seaniel was not a Christian, do you honestly think that they would come back to hear the gospel after such treatment? Would you if you were in the same situation?

I regret that I have to speak this way to those that should be ambassadors and leaders, who should be more concerned with loving others than winning arguments. Remember, the ability to show tact is a strength, not a weakness]

i think the reason is because everyone doesn't read every single post... just the first one or two, then submits a post... thus was unable to read his apology
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Postby termyt » Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:30 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:Strictly speaking, I didn't like that aspect either, but at least they didn't get in the way (provided you never let them have any items). What I liked was the free battle system]
I like the traditional turn based systems better, but I do understand the appeal of real time systems as well.

uc pseudonym wrote:What I wish is that Final Fantasy characters could have joined your party for lengthy periods of time. Donald and Goofy would have been replaced the instant I had the chance (even if the new characters had just as bad an AI).

Amen. If only the game allowed that. Perhaps in KH2?
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Postby kazekami » Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:35 pm

In Kingdom Hearts 2 it will be allowed. Auron from FFX will fight in Soras party. Which will be awsome. I wish I could have ditched Goofy and Donald. They did make nice Canon fodder. Even at level 100 they still were terrible. I leveled them all the way up.

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Postby Stephen » Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:44 pm

In Kingdom Hearts 2 it will be allowed. Auron from FFX will fight in Soras party.

Now that sounds cool! My interest in KH2 just went up a bit.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:15 pm

Pre "Final Summon" Auron or post? That's gonna make a difference...

If it is pre, then he's a bit childish and not the bad-donkey character most people love... If it's post, then the FF players will know his "terrible secret"... Anyone know?
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Postby Link Antilles » Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:18 am

Bobtheduck wrote:Pre "Final Summon" Auron or post? That's gonna make a difference...

If it is pre, then he's a bit childish and not the bad-donkey character most people love... If it's post, then the FF players will know his "terrible secret"... Anyone know?

Post, I'm sure, yet he doesn't seem to wearing the trade-mark sun glasses.

[spoiler] -Seeing how the screenshots show you meeting him in hades and not to mention, it still looks like he is favoring his arm. [/spoiler]
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:56 am

kaemmerite wrote:In fact, it hurt you if you replaced Goofy or Donald in your party, since that means they wouldn't be able to level up. That kinda irritated me, but other than that, good stuff.

If I recall, all characters level up, regardless of if they are in your party.

termyt wrote:I like the traditional turn based systems better, but I do understand the appeal of real time systems as well.

I consider myself somewhat of a defender of turn-based systems (which I am also a fan of). People are not standing around and waiting their turn, everyone is moving as quickly as possible. The turns simulate the order in which people can move, not their literal time spent moving.
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:13 am

It's because they're too young to play Metal Gear.

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Postby Tommy » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:15 am

Turn-based is so unrealistic and was more expected with older games. That doesn`t mean I don`t like Turnbased. Turnbased is fun, challenging, addicting, but unrealistic.

And Auron in KH2 will be younger than in FFX. Only, if you didn`t notice the storlylines in FF don`t cross with KH at all considering Squall was 18 and Sephie was like 14 and they said Aerith found Traverse Town and has lived there since a "Little Girl", then maybe in KH2, Auron won`t be an

[SPOILER] unsent because Tidus wasn`t a dream in KH. [/SPOILER]
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Postby Nate » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:21 am

Tom Dincht wrote:Turn-based is so unrealistic and was more expected with older games. That doesn`t mean I don`t like Turnbased. Turnbased is fun, challenging, addicting, but unrealistic.

Not really. It's just that more of the action is implied.

I am a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, the tabletop, pen and paper RPG. You roll for initiative in that game, and go on your initiative number. The manual itself states that when it isn't your turn, you're still dodging attacks and moving around and fighting. It's just that you don't actually do anything of note until your initiative number.

I see turn based RPGs the same way. The characters aren't standing around waiting for their turn. They're moving around and looking for chances to attack and blocking, much like is done in D&D. It's just that it would take too much memory and work to animate that in the fight sequences, hence why they all just stand there.

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Postby kazekami » Sat Jun 04, 2005 2:29 pm

From what I read. He was at the Farplane and Hades brings him back to try and get him to take care of things for him. And Auron is not going to take it. But In the first game Squall was like 21, Wakka, Selpie and Tidus were about 14. So I doubt that the age of the charachter really makes a difference. Form the screen shots I saw he looked pretty badass. I really can't wait. I love Auron. He is just too cool.

Oh and Donald and Goofy did level up regardless of if they were in your party or not in the first game. It just didn't show when they did in the box when they weren't in your party. If you check look at there status in the start menu you can see there XP raises everytime you fight. Which is really nice. Though they still are pretty useless even if you do level them up to 100.

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Postby Tommy » Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:23 pm

I`d like to see more FF characters than Disney in the sequel. It seemed like thw whole point of KH was to get Disney lovers and little kids into FF. It worked for me.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:45 am

kaemmerite wrote:Not really. It's just that more of the action is implied.

I am a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, the tabletop, pen and paper RPG. You roll for initiative in that game, and go on your initiative number. The manual itself states that when it isn't your turn, you're still dodging attacks and moving around and fighting. It's just that you don't actually do anything of note until your initiative number.

I see turn based RPGs the same way. The characters aren't standing around waiting for their turn. They're moving around and looking for chances to attack and blocking, much like is done in D&D. It's just that it would take too much memory and work to animate that in the fight sequences, hence why they all just stand there.

I hadn't heard that. That's interesting (and logical), though my opinion had always been that everyone is attacking pretty much constantly, but that they just stand on the screen because the gamer gets time to plan attacks.

kazekami wrote:From what I read. He was at the Farplane and Hades brings him back to try and get him to take care of things for him. And Auron is not going to take it.

Ah, that's interesting. It sounds like he'll get a good showing.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:17 pm

Dungeons and Dragons.....How does that game work?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:18 am

That's a decidedly different topic. If someone wishes to answer it, do it via PM.
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Postby termyt » Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:56 pm

Good explanation, Kae. Instead of repeating it, I'll just add this:

Another advantage of the turned based system is you get to plan the attacks of all of the characters. That way you can maximize each player's contribution in the game and you aren't left with comments we've seen in this thread about the usefulness of Donald and Goofy.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:11 pm

Star Ocean has the best battle system next to Grandia games, but Star Ocean is too hard.
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