KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins.
Voyage of the Dawn Treader by CS Lewis
holysoldier5000 wrote:I love C.S. Lewis. He is the author who inspired me to become and author.
Have you read C.S. Lewis' Space trilogy?
holysoldier5000 wrote:So why did you find it flawed?
holysoldier5000 wrote:[spoiler] It was kind of like C.S. Lewis was trying to illustrate the power of Christ return.[/spoiler]
holysoldier5000 wrote:Cool, but how did we get off topic? I should be asking questions about you. So what music do you like?
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:What's living in South Africa like?
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:How many Tintin comics have you read?
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Do you enjoy Frank Peretti's books
Cap'n Crack wrote:How much mecha or giant robot manga and anime have you seen?
Cap'n Crack wrote:Have you always lived in South Africa?
Cap'n Crack wrote:Do you prefer realistic or abstract stylization in your anime?
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins.
Paranoid. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more paranoid country. Its the high-crime rate basically
holysoldier5000 wrote:In know there is a lot of War Lords who are causing havoc in middle Africa, and Islamic extremist are greatly spreading in that area. Is the area where you live suffering from central Africa's turmoil?
Zane wrote:Hey bigsleep, good to see you around again.
Zane wrote:Tell me did you grow up in a Christian house-hold? And how did you become a christian?.. was it a *click* or a slow growth into a relationship with Christ?
termyt wrote:Hey bigsleepj.
I've really enjoyed our back and forths in the Avatar Caption game. I'm glad we are both members here.
termyt wrote:First off, I'm assuming have a more British English than American English. How would you write this:
"The colour grey" or "the color gray?"
Next, what time is it there right now?
Finally, from stories I've read in the news, it seems like many of the more stable countries in Africa are going through a kind of reverse discrimination adjustment. I imagine South Africa is no different, considering the relatively recent toppling of apartheid. Is there discrimination against people of different races? I know there will be some, but I am thinking more along the lines of legal, government sponsored, or at least government tolerated racism.
I’ve heard that the USA is the country that spends the most time and effort on racism, but I would think South Africa may give us a run for the money.
I know that's kind of a political topic, feel free to refrain from answering, if you want.
holysoldier5000 wrote:All these serious question! Well I will add a few more very serious life threatening questions:
Would I look better in a kilt or lederhosen???
What is the air speed velocity of an unladed swallow???
Can earthquakes really be prevented by jello???
Should Pikachu run for political office???
Are you really related to Darth Vader???
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood???
Does this dress make me look fat???
If the theory of relativity is truly relative then is time travel possible???
holysoldier5000 wrote:If you could give one author that best describes your style then who would it be?
holysoldier5000 wrote:What style of writing do you prefer? First person, second person, thrid person?
Genre, target audience?
holysoldier5000 wrote:Tell me about you as a writer. If you don't mind.
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins.
I would have to say Stephen King crossed with Raymond Chandler (author of the book "The Big Sleep" - heheheheheh - and "Farewell, My Lovely"). Someone also said that my one unfinished book reminded them of CS Lewis' That Hideous Strength as well so I can say I have a touch of Inkling in me. (the last book I read before starting that project was "THS"). My current writing attempt however is more styled (consciously) after the style of James Dickey's "To the White Sea" which is 300+ pages of which only about 10 contain dialogue. Mine has more though.
I do not restrict me to a certain genre or narrative and I write whatever would suit the story. Usually its third person although my current is in first person. My stories are usually a cross between certain genres, mostly fantasy and detective.
As a writer I'm unsuccesful in the extreme. Last year I abandoned (for extremely complicated reasons, see link) on which I laboured for 2 years precisely. Currently I'm writing my next project and I hope to (AT LEAST) finish it. I'm also busy with something else with one of the members of the CAA (Cap'n Crack) but that is still in the developing stages.
holysoldier5000 wrote:Hey thats cool. I would say that I resemble more of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle mixed with C.S. Lewis.
holysoldier5000 wrote:Well there is no writing that is bad writing. It all is practice that helps the writer develop their style. Just because the first one dosn't work out, so what? It all is part of the path to those great books to come.
if you concoct a recurring central character for your books, you write the last book first so that when you write what comes before it can have a sense that you're building up to something. My one current prose writing project has the same character starring in it and most of the characterization from the book (especially his traumatic past) makes this current book all the more easier to write. Still its slow going.
Another influence I should have mentioned is Victor Hugo.
holysoldier5000 wrote:Do you think you could give a short synopsis of you current writing project? I am curious to see what ideas you have so far. If you don't mind.
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins.
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