Steeltemplar wrote:My strategy is that if we let Agent Floppy interrogate the suspects that no one will be able to resist his adorability.
ooo!! good plan!!
Steeltemplar wrote:My strategy is that if we let Agent Floppy interrogate the suspects that no one will be able to resist his adorability.
Steeltemplar wrote:<holds up Agent Floppy to Sakura-chan>
<makes a cute bunny voice> Tell me...Sakura-chan....what do you know about the Mountain Dew spill?
anime4christ wrote:Ok, I asked Agent Sniffy (puppy), he knows Dr. Mittens never drank mountain dew.
anime4christ wrote:Must be Dr. Gloves, Agent Sniffy says he must have spilled it while tying up Dr. Mittens.
anime4christ wrote:maybe
Edit: I'm 36 ahead, I guess I just post more in the regular forums
Steeltemplar wrote:So.....what we're saying here is..."Never drink Mountain Dew while abducting someone"?
Steeltemplar wrote:Do you want me to break his keyboard so he can't post anymore, Your Highness?
anime4christ wrote:mine?
anime4christ wrote:*takes ST's hammer* don't make me use this
anime4christ wrote:*blowd up sakura's pc*
anime4christ wrote:whatever "the invinsible sakura"
anime4christ wrote:have u checked out my music thread lately?
Steeltemplar wrote:<sneaks in and slices A4C's keyboard in half with a katana>
Muahahaha! The RP-Hime rules the board!! Hail RP-Hime!
Hey, I added a pole, and I asked u a question on my music thread.
anime4christ wrote:my cyrrilic keyboard! how am I supposed to type in Russian now? Oh well, I still have a regular keyboard. breaks ST's katana into a million peices. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Steeltemplar wrote:My katana!! Don't worry, my beloved RP-Hime! I have a backup!
<pulls out his Bazooka Of Unfair Advantage>
<blows A4C's regular keyboard into approximately 34,372 pieces>
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