The Fencer with The Mushashi with the Master with the Whatever!

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The Fencer with The Mushashi with the Master with the Whatever!

Postby Tommy » Fri May 06, 2005 2:39 pm

What`s the deal with this dual package?

I always hear:
"Brave Fencer Mushashi is an Action RPG masterpeice. The graphics are breathtaking and the characters are so unique."

I herd this on a review in like 2004. Gimme a break, Fencer`s graphics suck more than FF7 which doesn`t bother me that much with Plain RPGs but with an Action like game. It gives you a freakin headache.

Now have I played this game: No.
So can i have a full-fledged opinion on this game: No.
Do I plan on Playing this game: That`s a definate maybe.

All I know is that most of the RPGs I like and you guys too NONE of my friends have ever heard of them such as:
Star Ocean, Grandia, Chrono Trigger, Suikoden.

Well tons of my friends have played Legend of Dragoon and find it decent.

My friend tells me:
" Hey, i just played a Square-Enix game called Samuri Legend Mushashi and its the best Square game ever.

I recognized the title and thought: "Ooooh...a sequel, must mean good graphics which can make an action game better."

So I played the demo and i just have to ask:
"Is the Mushash in the sequel the same as in the original? Its just I heard its not a direct sequel. If he`s the same guy why the change of hair color?"

So are both of these games worth a play? Or just one. Will i get used to the bad graphics of the original? That`s for you guys to inform me on.

So do you guys dislike the fact that I make an RPG thread weekly? Or just dislike me or both?
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Postby Nate » Fri May 06, 2005 7:14 pm

To answer your questions:

No, Samurai Legend Musashi is not a direct sequel to Brave Fencer Musashi. Is it the same guy? Well, they're both named Musashi. The both use two swords. That's about the only similarities between the two characters.

I didn't like Samurai Legend as much as the original Brave Fencer, though.

First of all, the voice acting in Samurai Legend is bad. Horribly, HORRIBLY bad. They tried to make Musashi sound like he does in the first one...and they failed miserably. The voices are bad all around, actually...I can't think of a single voice I liked on it. They made a big, tough, burly dude sound like some learned British scholar or something. It was too stupid.

The voices of the original Brave Fencer, though a little odd, were good. It had very good voice acting, I thought. It was cheesy, sure. But Brave Fencer never took itself seriously. One of the special powers you could get was "Bowling." You rolled a bowling ball. And in one level, these zombies line themselves up like pins, and you have to bowl them over before you can continue on. It was goofy...that's what made it fun.

Samurai Legend, on the other hand, has very little humor (that I noticed). It takes itself too seriously...and it's hard to take a game seriously with such crappy, laughable voices. Brave Fencer had cheesy voices...but there's a difference between cheesy voices and bad voices. Brave Fencer falls into the former, and Samurai Legend into the latter.

I also disliked Samurai Legend's duplication system as opposed to Brave Fencer's. If you play them both, you'll understand.

Given all that, Samurai Legend is NOT a bad game. It's a good game. Just not as good as the original.

Finally, we all know how you feel about graphics. So I won't address that one. ;)

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Postby Tommy » Sat May 07, 2005 5:57 am

No, I only care about graphics if its an adventure game.
Heck, I`m hooked to NBA Live 1998 right now.
I`ll try to pivk up Brave Fencer once i`ve finished all these RPGs i got.
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