Steeltemplar wrote:It's a good thing because I watch a lot of foreign films - especially Korean.
lol yeah, it would be helpful then
Steeltemplar wrote:It's a good thing because I watch a lot of foreign films - especially Korean.
faithfighter wrote:You know jappenes? I was learning it...I really like it!!!!!
Steeltemplar went and changed your avvie again. lol. Who is it now?
Sakura15 wrote:haha! Kim from Mave's online Christian manga KingdomCome thats the link
Steeltemplar wrote:Ah....much coolness
anime4christ wrote:ur 25 ahead of me, that's it! *swaps sakura's keyboard with a cyrillic one*
Steeltemplar wrote:Who's your favorite of all the characters that you play in the RP's?
Steeltemplar the RP-hime....are you going to name some people as knights and defenders of the RP realm? (you know, to protect us all against the evils of...really inconsiderate players)
Steeltemplar wrote:I would me most honored indeed, my Princess of RP's.
<kneels before the RP-hime and awaits the touch of her sceptre>
Yes, I do so swear, to help protect the realm against the evils of really inconsiderate players and all they may dish out.
Yea, with a really big mallet shall I dispense justice to those who lack manners and consideration for others!
Steeltemplar wrote:(You're welcome)
<walks in wearing heavy armor>
What are your orders, RP-hime?
Sakura15 wrote:Ahh, Sir Steely-chan. My orders, are to go to the main roleplay area, and make sure that their are none who wish to destroy all the fun we are having with their evil and mean ways. And if you find such a person...which is highly unlikely..but still, you shall contact them and remind them...that its no fun for anyone when we cant play nice.
( hahahaha, that sounded hilarious. Of course I doubt any of you would actually do that )
Steeltemplar wrote:LOL.
I will do as you order, great and beautiful RP-hime! <salute>
May I use my special reminder hammer? <holds up a giant mallet that says "Ye Mallet of Attitude Adjustment">
Steeltemplar wrote:Well, we are in EGHS together. I have started to refer to the crew there as the "EGHS Family" because our little group is so tight-knit And because we're like the mafia.
Though you didn't hear that last part, see?
ChristianRonin wrote:OI! Sakura 14+1, Can I be a dame?! PLEASE!! (a dame is a female night.)
Oh yah! Who is your favorite bad guy in all the rps you play in.. (name which rp that is..)
Sakura15 wrote:Of course you can CR-chan!
Hmmm...I'd have to say...well..darn I cant say Arktos..cuz he's having second thoughts. Hmmmm, probably....I dont know! lol I'll get back to you on that.
ChristianRonin wrote:*YAYS!! ^_^ Thank you Sakura13+2, Princess of Rpia!! ^______^!
didja hear that St? Not only are we Partners, but her highness really like Arkos as a bad guy!! ^_^
ChristianRonin wrote:Dude..the Hunter died..
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