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Get'n to know you

Postby holysoldier5000 » Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:53 pm

Konnichi wa, brothers and sisters in Christ,
Ashley :rock: was generous enough to forgive me of my mistake with the “Outsiders Fellowshipâ€
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Postby Locke » Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:57 pm

I PM'ed you my responce :thumb:

Im interrested in this "Celtic Rock" thing though... any artists you care to recommend?
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Postby Hephzibah » Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:08 pm

Gday everyone!

1. What is going on in your life?

Hmm... nothing much at this precise time. Its mid-semester break (I'm in uni), so I'm BLUDGING!!! Of course... *glances at pile of homework beside me*

2. What ya up to?
At the mo, just sitting in front of the computer most of the day. Garr! Its not healthy I tell ya!! What I WANT to be doing is completing my assignments, improving my manga drawing skills, spending more time with the family...

3. Interest?
Drawing manga (not too good at the mo, but am improving), playing the comp, reading, thinking up stories

4. What’s your favorite Movie, Manga, VG, Anime, Music, TV show, and Book?
Movie: LOTR
Manga: + Anima
VG: Deus Ex
Anime: ooch... this is a toughy. Probably Full Metal Panic
Music - Aargh! Hard questions!!... ok, Nicole Nordeman; TFK; and a whole range of Christian music.
TV Show - Lost. It used to be ALIAS, but its getting kinda silly now.

[spoiler]WHY DID VAUGHN GET MARRIED?! WHY WHY WHY!!!![/spoiler]

Book - hehehehe... I have an entire list!!!:
This Present Darkness (TAL AND GUILO ROCK!)
James Herriot books
Stephen Lawhead books (avalon, the pendragon cycle, etc)
The Mark of the Lion trilogy (by Francine Rivers)
The Circle trilogy (Ted Dekker)

5. And what do you want to do with your life?

I want to be an online-manga artist! I also want to get married, have a few kiddies, and SERVE GOD!
As for jobs... bleh. I haven't the faintest idea. I'm good at maths, hence am doing a Bachelor of Commerce, but the whole commerce, accounting stuff doesnt seem to interest me. So, I'm not too sure what the future holds for me, only that whatever it is, I want to be doing what God wants me to do.
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Postby holysoldier5000 » Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:09 pm

Locke wrote:I PM'ed you my responce :thumb:

Im interrested in this "Celtic Rock" thing though... any artists you care to recommend?

Flogging Molly :rock:
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:19 pm

1. What is going on in your life?
Unemployed - looking for a job, being a youth leader, going to see a counsellor.

2. What ya up to?
Working on my novel and trying to design a website for some of my stuff.

3. Interest?
Writing stories, drawing cartoons and strange creatures, playing computer games. Reading is a huge interest.

4. What’s your favorite Movie, Manga, VG, Anime, Music, TV show, and Book?
Movie: The Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition
Manga: The New Kindaichi Case Files (mystery manga)
VG: The Thief trilogy and Impossible Creatures
Anime: Last Exile (steampunk goodness)
Music: P.O.D's early stuff - Snuff the Punk and Brown
TV show: 24, Alias, The Pretender, Lost
Book - Non fiction: The Bible
Book - Fiction: This Present Darkness/Piercing the Darkness or The Oath by Frank Peretti. Favourite Childrens Book is the Chronicles of Narnia (I know its really 7 but...):hits_self
Website:, and

5. And what do you want to do with your life?
Don't rightly know as I have great trouble setting goals and knowing my direction - that's why I need God. Here's my answer: Serve Jesus with all my heart, get a creative job (cartooning, writing, design, child-care, something), get married, have kids.
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Postby faithfighter » Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:38 pm

Hi every 1, I am FF, little sister to holysoldier5000.

1. What is going on in your life? I am going to 2 youth groups, and trying to live through 7th grade.
2. What ya up to? about 5.4...heheheh,
3. Interest? Writing, reading and hanging out w/ my brother and friends.
4. What’s your favorite
Movie, LOTR
Manga, Fruit Basket
VG, Xmen
Anime, Trigun
Music, Swithchfoot
TV show, Trigun.
Book: King of the Trees.
5. And what do you want to do with your life? be a youth group laeder.
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Postby Sakura15 » Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:41 pm

1. What is going on in your life? School ( meh T_T ) growing closer to God.
2. What ya up to? not alot.
3. Interest? Geting on the computer , riding my bike, music, manga ( duh lol) singing ( no not infront of people ) hanging out with friends and people lol, having a better relationship with the Lord.
4. What’s your favorite Movie, Manga, VG, Anime, Music, TV show, and Book?
Movie: currently, The pacifier. Manga: Fruits basket. VG: Final fantasy X-2. TV show: dont watch tv ( well cant is more like it lol ). Book: THE BIBLE! lol also a young woman after God's own heart. Fiction wise....hmm...I havent actually read a fiction book in a while lol.
5. And what do you want to do with your life? Whatever God wants me to do, for now Glorify Him with all that I am, and live my life for Him.
"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." -Isaiah 41:13

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Postby Kewl Girl » Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:13 pm

Heheh, I cut and pasted this I hope that all right!!

1. What is going on in your life?
Hmmm.... Well short version, Im working on really studying the Bible and memorizing lots if verses.. Im also looking fo direction from God as to what I should be doing this summer. I have so many diffrent choices..

2. What ya up to?

Not much really, Im trying to finish up my PSOE classes before the deadline. Im not even half way done with my Astronomy course and I only have a month!!! I hate science!

3. Interest?

Drawing, playing with my little brothers, volley ball, swimming, reading and memorizing the Bible, just plain reading, and watching anime (of course).

4. What’s your favorite Movie:

Thats really hard, Im not really a movie person, but I LOVE monty python and the holy grail!!


I havent read a lot, but I like Fruit Basket and DNAngel..

Video Game:

KINGDOM HEARTS!!!!! I also like FFX !


E's Otherwise!


Thats easy: PILLAR!!!

TV show:

CSI, Law and Order, and shows like that..


Shadow mancer, Wormwood, and Into the Summerland (I think thats what its called)

5. And what do you want to do with your life?

I wanns be a pro. Animation artist, Comic book person, or something along those lines. However my Mom doesnt like my choice because she says they dont make big money. But since that isnt why Im doing it anyways it doesnt matter to me!!

Okay thats everything... Again.. NICE TO MEET EVERYONE!!!!
Formerly Kewl Girl 16

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
:jump: "I say BOO to lust, and DOWN with "hot"!!" :jump: , a quote from Felix.

I suppose I should be puttin this in here to although I dont have much on it yet:
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Postby Dont-Lose-Heart » Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:37 pm

1. What is going on in your life? not much x.x i'm sitting in a big can of water soup
2. What ya up to? currently i'm making a drawing tutorial that may or may not be useful to anyone
3. Interest? Jesus, Kelli, friends, art, flying pigs and the like...
4. What’s your favorite *inserts his own stuff here* JESUS! and then Kelli-Ann Patterson! and then everything else!
Movie, The Princess Bride and Spider-man 2
Manga, dont have one. never really got into reading manga
VG, Lunar: SSSC and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
Anime, a tough one probably Kenshin though
Music, SKA! my favorite band is Five Iron Frenzy
TV show, not sure i watch G4, the Science channel, Cartoon Network, and the Sci-Fi channel a lot though
and Book? the Bible... i'm not a big reader and oddly enough just about the only book i've found where i want to read more even if i've already read it is the bible
5. And what do you want to do with your life? i'd like to be an artist and i'm pretty sure that it agree's with God's plan for me but if not then i'll find something else... i'd like to get married and have a family one day but you know if it doesn't happen for me then i wont care when i'm gone =P
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Postby Hephzibah » Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:41 pm

WAAAAAAH! You like the Princess Bride?! :hug: Isn't it great!!! Doesn't Wesley rock!!!!
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Postby faithfighter » Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:49 pm

*song geting to know you playing in back ground* this is so fun!
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Postby Sakura15 » Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:11 am

faithfighter wrote:*song geting to know you playing in back ground* this is so fun!

ROFL! :lol:
"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." -Isaiah 41:13

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Postby faithfighter » Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:51 pm

Thanks Sakura!
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Postby Sakura15 » Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:19 pm

faithfighter wrote:Thanks Sakura!

Your welcome FF-chan! :grin:
"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." -Isaiah 41:13

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Postby Kewl Girl » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:28 pm

Perhaps we should come up with more questinos to ask each other... So...whats everyones fav. Ice cream??
Formerly Kewl Girl 16

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
:jump: "I say BOO to lust, and DOWN with "hot"!!" :jump: , a quote from Felix.

I suppose I should be puttin this in here to although I dont have much on it yet:
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Which song???

Postby holysoldier5000 » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:32 pm

Kewl Girl 16 wrote:Perhaps we should come up with more questinos to ask each other... So...whats everyones fav. Ice cream??

My fav. Ice Cream is Vanilla. :dance:

:jump: I got a question:

If you could find one song that describes you or your life which one would it be???

Here is mine:

Artist: Jeremy Camp
Song Title: Walk by faith

Would I believe you when you say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With the one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do

yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, ya

Well I'm broken
but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken
pouring Your words of grace

Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)
Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)

I will walk,
I will walk,
I will walk by faith
I will, I will,
I will walk by faith
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Postby FadedOne » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:48 pm

If you could find one song that describes you or your life which one would it be???

Starfield---Outstretched Hands

one of the most awesome songs least in my opinion
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Postby Hephzibah » Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:14 pm

If you could find one song that describes you or your life which one would it be???

Nicole Nordeman - Legacy

I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all the who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best
At such 'n wouldn't matter much

I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an "Atta boy" or "Atta girl"
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
the temporary trappings of this world

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to you enough to make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who blessed Your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy

I don't have to look too far or too long awhile
To make a lengthy list of all that I enjoy
It's an accumulating trinket and a treasure pile
Where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon destroy


Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred
Just want to hear instead, "Well done" good and faithful one

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What song best describes me personally???

Postby holysoldier5000 » Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:54 am

If you could find one song that describes you or your life which one would it be???

Just had to post this one… :lol:

My life's song may be Walk by faith, but what song best describes me personally??? No question! Wizards Needs Food, Badly by Five Iron Frenzy! :rock:

I know that you're probably mad at me.
I've come to expect that.
You know that you'll never have all of me,
you've come to resent that.
You say "tomato", I say "video games",
you're acting so solemn.
You'll take the precious remote control from me.
Do I sound like Gollum?
(It's) not that I'm escaping,
you charm me like the flame does moths,
it's just that you'd prefer me docile,
like a narcoleptic sloth.

The wizard needs food badly,
the Voltron can't be incomplete.
The things I love, you hate so madly,
I must not go down in defeat.

In the hunter-gatherer societies,
I'd bring home the bacon.
Public thought says men should try and be tame,
stirred but not shaken.
I say "baseball" then you start to cry,
I'm sorry I grieve you.
I think a motorcycle's a good way to die,
this must bereave you.
I know that you try so hard,
and I'm not saying it's a sin,
it's just that they don't feel my pain,
in Vogue or Cosmopolitan.

The wizard needs food badly,
the Voltron can't be incomplete.
The things I love, you hate so madly,
I must not go down in defeat.

And I'm sure you have your reasons,
but listen to me please...
I want the G.I. Joe with the Kung-Fu action grip.
I want Nintendo with the extra-graphics-microchip.
Tackle football with rocks,
and sticks, and knives, and pain...
I want a truck with the four wheel drive train.
You'd rather see me get good at bookkeepping,
I could clean house in the time that I'm not sleeping.
I live to serve you, and I don't want to be rude,
but you should see that the wizard needs food.

The wizard needs food badly,
the Voltron can't be incomplete.
The things I love, you hate so madly,
I must not go down in defeat.
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Postby Sakura15 » Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:27 am

Kewl Girl 16 wrote:Perhaps we should come up with more questinos to ask each other... So...whats everyones fav. Ice cream??

Mint chocolate Chip!!

I'll get back to you guys on the song.
"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." -Isaiah 41:13

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Postby Sakura15 » Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:34 am

Walk by faith, I would say is also a song of my life. But heres another good one.

Kj-52 - Are you real?

so much stress keeps running through my mind now
I fell into a mess that I wish that I could climb out
I guess I'll hide it so nobody will find out
that way everyone thinks that everything is fine now
at home things are messed up with mom and dad
and at school all my friends stab me in the back
no one is real anymore I hate the way they act
there is so many things that I wish I had
so God if you're there do you understand?
don't you care about anything that's happening?
it's not fair to put me through all this junk again
you see that I'm scared so help me if you can
so please speak loud and clear cuz I'm listening
I need to know that you're real cuz I'm struggling
you need to show that you're here cuz I'm stumbling
show me that you care and this is why I'm saying this

are you real I want to know
are you real then let it go
are you real I want to know
are you real then let it show

it was right then when everything it began to change
I started looking at these things in a different way
I saw life through God's eyes and it wasn't the same
that was right at the time I called on your name
and then I saw all the lies that was thrown my way
I recognized that I need you and on that day
I cried out and seeked you that was when you came
now that I see you I've been through a major change
and I believe you are real cuz it's so plain
I finally I feel that I can make it through anything
it don't matter what they speak or if they hate
they can't keep me down no more cuz I've seen your face
and from now never will I be ashamed
cuz ima stand strong I won't bend or sway
now that I know that you're real it's gonna be ok
I hear you speaking in my ear and this is what you say

are you real I want to know
are you real then let it go
are you real I want to know
are you real then let it show

see there is a war that's going on outside
you can try and ignore it and just run and hide
but everyday more and more people die
see the battle is for souls and we are on the front lines
so many soldiers are too scared to fight
they're too worried about what people thinking of they life
how can you fight if you won't lay down your pride
and how will anyone see if you won't shine your light
so many of your friends is walking around blind
and you've got the source that can open up they eyes
it's yalls choice what you'll do with your lives
but I'm gonna go to war cuz I've made up my mind
Jesus gave his life when he went and died
so the least that I could do is just give him all of mine
so how many of yall are ready to fight by my side
cuz this is what he's saying right now here tonight

are you real I want to know
are you real then let it go
are you real I want to know
are you real then let it show
"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." -Isaiah 41:13

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Postby Hephzibah » Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:48 pm

Kewl Girl 16 wrote:Perhaps we should come up with more questinos to ask each other... So...whats everyones fav. Ice cream??

Ooo icecream!!!! :grin: I would probably say either Cookies and Cream or Cookie Dough. Crunchie icecream is also lovely... O! and so is Bailey's :P And Port icecream!! YUMMM!!!
Can I choose more than one?
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Postby Locke » Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:56 pm

This song represents where I am Spiritualy =]

Where Are You Going By Dave Matthews Band

Where are you going, with your long face pulling down?
Don’t hide away, like an ocean
But you can’t see, but you can smell
And the sound waves crash down

I am no superman
I have no answers for you
I am no hero, oh that’s for sure
But I do know one thing for sure
Is where you are, is where I belong
I do know, where you go, is where I want to be

Where are you going, where do you go?
Are you looking for answers, to questions under the stars?
If along the way you are growing weary, you can rest with me until a brighter day
It’s okay, where are you going, where do you go?

I am no superman
I have no answers for you
I am no hero, oh that’s for sure
But I do know one thing for sure
Is where you are, is where I belong
I do know, where you go, is where I want to be

Where are you going, where do you go?
Are you looking for answers, where do you go?

Where are you going?
Where do you go?
Let’s go.

Floggin Molly, I havent heard any of their stuff but I heard it good. :thumb:
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Postby holysoldier5000 » Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:41 pm

You all have some really cool songs! :rock:

And yeah, Floggin Molly is the best!
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