The Final Fantasy Series

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:22 pm

Final Fantasy VI was the clincher that really hooked me on RPG's. The first true RPG (aside from Pokemon) that I played was Chrono Trigger; I was immediately mesmerized by the excellent story and cast of characters, it offered a game experience like I never knew existed before. I was excited when I learned that there was more where that came from and tried FF6.... (Back when it was known as FF3) For me, FF6 was a breakthrough... up until then I'd never known a game could contain a such a mature, twisting, dark storyline with a realistic cast of characters till then. I got hooked on RPG's for life.

I believe this is why I still consider FF6 the best... it was my personal first exposure to the world of FF. (I later went on to enjoy FF5 and FF4... and beyond).

I definately highly recommend it. I also recommend IX. The best of the PSOne trilogy.... (sorry VII fanboys)

You really need IX and VI Ash. IX AT LEAST.
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Postby CDLviking » Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:51 pm

MasterDias wrote:True, I suppose. Although his reason was about as clear as mud for most of the game...

You find out in the Temple of the Ancients on the first disc.

I still say that Sephiroth was more cunning in the way he went about it. He did most of his work from the shadows, much like Shishio in RK, without the general public ever realizing that he was behind everything. [spoiler]If you go back to Hojo, you could even say this plot was the begun from his conception.[/spoiler]
Kefka was more of a maniac who got out of hand.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Apr 23, 2005 4:43 pm

Azier the Swordsman wrote:I think Kefka's insanity makes him the evillist villain in the entire series. Here's a whacko who love death, destruction, and Chaos... and gains the ultimate power in the universe.

I would actually say VI is the best... (though IX is still my fave) but, that's probably because VI was my first exposure to the series.

As on the difficulty issue......

FFI: Hardest in the series. Nothing lots of leveling up won't help. (The weenie (Easy) mode in the Origins version doesn't count)

FFII: Easy. There are a couple of tricks for getting your characters really powerful pretty quickly......

FFIII: I actually played very little of this..... I'm planning on buying this for my Famicom in the very near future, I'll tell you what I think. :thumb:

FFIV: Somewhat challenging, mainly because new characters frequently start out at lower levels. (The US SNES (known as FFIV EASYTYPE in Japan) version does not count)

FFV: Not very difficult. Getting characters leveled up is a bit easier as there are only four throughout the entire game. (Technically five, actually, but the fifth inherits another characters exact stats, so that doesn't count)

FFVI: Again, I don't remember this one being difficult, just stay leveled up.

FFVII: Forgot. :eh: I don't remember this one being very difficult though...

FFVIII: Probably the easiest in the PSOne trilogy....

FFIX: Not very difficult.

FFX: Again, Not very difficult.

FF9 was the easiest FF game until X-2 came out and it took me 32 hours. FF7 was much harder than 9 and FF8 was wicked hard because you need to learn to fully understand the Junction System and alot of the bosses I was stuck on for a month. I was stuck on the tank outside the Missle Base for almost three months because I placed my weakest characters there.

I played FF9,8, and 7 at the same time. actuallly, when I bought 9, I was stuck on the last boss of FF7 and at the end of Disk 3 on FF8. i`d actually say i love them equally. I have no favorite FF really... while I do like these games and FF10 and think FF6 was WAY overated. I mean, it was a goood game but its worse than all of the FFs that follow ( Except X-2).

I`d personally like to see a remake of FF Tactics for the PS2.

-Switches to Napoleon Dynamite Accent- That would be Flippin' Sweet.
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Postby Nate » Sat Apr 23, 2005 6:28 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:FF9 was the easiest FF game until X-2 came out and it took me 32 hours.

FFIX wasn't very hard, I agree. However, if you're like me, and you feel the need to steal everything from the bosses, it's insanely difficult. Sorry, but Zidane is the absolute WORST thief ever. He sucks hard. Locke is the Master Treasure Hunter. It took me AGES to steal anything with Zidane, no matter what level he was, or how much I raised his speed. Oh, and don't get me started on trying to steal from the third Black Waltz with Marcus...

Sorry, but it's just WAY too frustrating to sit in a boss fight for forty-five minutes because Zidane couldn't steal candy from a baby. :/

FF7 was much harder than 9

You know, honestly, I can't remember any particularly hard parts of 7...except the optional bosses, but that's to be expected.

I think the closest 7 came to being hard was the enemy encounters in that sunken helicopter...the Unknown 1, 2, and 3 enemies. Those were pretty tough, but other than that...even Safer Sephiroth wasn't that much of a challenge.

I`d personally like to see a remake of FF Tactics for the PS2.

Now that, I will definitely agree with you on 100%. :thumb:

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Postby Tommy » Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:56 am

I was stuck on the Lazer Eye boss longer than any other boss in FF7. FF7 was also the first FF game I ever beat so i found Sephiroth Safer quite a challenge. Youi have to admit, in FF7, its a lot harder to beat Sephiroth than in Kingdom Hearts. The annoying boss music does distract me. So far, my favorite lat boss music is Ultimecia`s last form and to prevent spoliers I won`t tell you which FF she`s from.

Ashley, if you care about music then you will find old school FFs REALLY annoying.
FF8 beat the others in the music competition in every category besides World Map.
FF Tactics gives you an annoying Scottish feeling.

To make it simple:
8.FFTactics (Gives you an annoying Scottish Feeling)
11. FF4
12. FFX-2 ( Funky Jam Disco Party)
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Postby Nate » Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:35 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:Youi have to admit, in FF7, its a lot harder to beat Sephiroth than in Kingdom Hearts.

Dude, ask almost anyone here, and I guarantee you'll get the same response. Sephiroth is about a hundred times harder in Kingdom Hearts than in FF7, for a few reasons:

1. To avoid Safer Sephiroth's status effect attack, you can equip a Ribbon accessory, and it's almost like Sephiroth never even got a turn. In Kingdom Hearts, Sephiroth has no status effect attacks, instead preferring to pummel you mercilessly.

2. His meteorite summon sucks...but if you have your defenses high, you can get away with only a few thousand HP gone. Then his turn is over, and you can cast Full-Life on yourself with no worries.

3. In that vein, Safer Sephiroth can't do much to your MP in FF7, so you can cast healing spells to your heart's delight. In Kingdom Hearts, his Sin Harvest attack takes you to 1 HP and 0 MP. Meaning no cure spells. Not that it would help, because by the time you tried to cast Curaga, he'd use his teleport slash to take that 1 HP away from you. Safer Sephiroth didn't have any attacks that took you to 1 HP in FF7.

4. In Kingdom Hearts, you're all by your lonesome. You get wasted, that's it. Game Over. In FF7, you have two other party members, who will probably know Life 2 and can resurrect you if you die.

5. Let's not forget the Final Attack-Phoenix you automatically get resurrected if all your characters die...Kingdom Hearts doesn't have an auto-resurrect feature if you die.

There's five reasons why Sephiroth can't possibly be harder in FF7 than in Kingdom Hearts.

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Postby MasterDias » Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:11 pm

It was very satisfying when I finally beat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts.
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1 Thessalonians 5:15

"Every story must have an ending." - Auron - Final Fantasy X

"A small stone may make a ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave." - Wiegraf - Final Fantasy Tactics
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:10 am

Azier the Swordsman wrote:FFI: Hardest in the series. Nothing lots of leveling up won't help. (The weenie (Easy) mode in the Origins version doesn't count)

Dude... Chaos was REALLY easy.... i battled him at level 55, and i died 3 times. But when I gained 10 levels, i went for him and i pwnd him (just boost attack speed and attack strength on your guys and youre sure to win)

Ashley, if you care about music then you will find old school FFs REALLY annoying.
FF8 beat the others in the music competition in every category besides World Map.
FF Tactics gives you an annoying Scottish feeling.

tom.... what on earth? FF4 and FF5 and FF6's soundtracks were GOLDEN dude.... just cause them "ol skool" aint mean they are bad... i mean ff4's soundtrack was amazing... and serouisly, Nabou Utemasu's songs were MUCH better old school.... sure the FF1-2-3 weren't THAT good (it was 8 bits! come on!) but the remade versions have an EXCELLENT soundtrack

FF8's battle music was like... a dance beat disco thing... and was really annoying...

i am particularly fond of FF6's boss music. And atma weapons music.... it is pure Gold
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Postby Tommy » Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:22 pm

Ok fine let`s see I beat Sephiroth at Level 63 with Sora easily with the Kingdom Key. All I did was jump out of his way when he tried to attack and attack him from behind repeatidly until he eventually died.

Whenever I played FF7, he always did Super Nova every other turn he had and I only had one ribbon. Whenever I was badly affected by Super Nova with 300 HP remaining he`d finish me off with some flame attack called "Deen" that dies about 600 to everyone. If he didn`t do Super Nova before Deen he wouldn`t be that hard.

Kingdom hearts Sephiroth to me was as easy as pie. Say what you want. FF7`s Sephiroth was way harder.

The most annoying music in any video game came from FF6. Figaro castle.....horrible. Tell me some gold music besides Atma Weapon.
FF8 had the best music in the series, hands down. The battle music ruled every FF game but the Boss music didn`t really match the situation.
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Postby CDLviking » Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:28 pm

I think you are alone in the ease with which you beat KH Sephiroth. The key to defeating FFVII Sephiroth is preparedness for battle. Equiping your characters specifically to fight Sephiroth.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:35 pm

I don`t care if i`m alone. MAybe I just rock in kingdom Hearts....jk.
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Postby CDLviking » Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:53 pm

If you beat him that easily, then yes, you probably do.
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Postby Nate » Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:56 pm

Yeah, I had to power up Sora to about level 75...I couldn't use Ultima Weapon though, I had to use Oblivion. I got lucky because there's only two things you can do when Sephiroth uses Sin Harvest:

1. Use a Megalixir right before he uses Sin Harvest, so that it heals you right after the attack hits but before you get killed by his teleport slash.

2. (The method I used) When you use Arc Arcanum (or whatever it's called) you're briefly invulnerable for a split second. So you have to use the attack RIGHT when Sin Harvest hits, and it won't affect you. The timing is rough on this one, but to me it's a bit easier than the timing on the first hint.

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Postby Tommy » Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:58 pm

Really, whenever he lit up red and said "Sin Harvest" I just glided over to him and attacked which cancled it. Its almost impossible not to make it in time if you try.
Can we continue this conversation inb my Kingdom Hearts thread?
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:38 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:Really, whenever he lit up red and said "Sin Harvest" I just glided over to him and attacked which cancled it. Its almost impossible not to make it in time if you try.
Can we continue this conversation inb my Kingdom Hearts thread?

The best way (that worked for me) is to dodge roll. You move pretty fast and 99% of the time you should make it to him in time.

Ashley, if you care about music then you will find old school FFs REALLY annoying.
FF8 beat the others in the music competition in every category besides World Map.

Dude.... you just dissed three of my favorite video game soundtracks ever. And I speaking of FFIV through FFVI. Concerning FF6...... this game has the one of the best soundtracks in the series for my money. Heck, the music was one of the major factors in prompting me to play VI, the first one I ever tounched in the series. There are so many good tracks I couldn't even list them all. The Final Battle theme is easily the best FB in the series.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:27 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:The most annoying music in any video game came from FF6. Figaro castle.....horrible. Tell me some gold music besides Atma Weapon.
FF8 had the best music in the series, hands down. The battle music ruled every FF game but the Boss music didn`t really match the situation.

WHAT? FF6 has the praise of the best OST that Nobou has ever created! Figaro is so well orchestrally made! And Cyans theme... and EVERYSONG I LOVE!

CDLviking wrote:I think you are alone in the ease with which you beat KH Sephiroth. The key to defeating FFVII Sephiroth is preparedness for battle. Equiping your characters specifically to fight Sephiroth.

whats hard about kefka is that you have to face 3 other bosses in a row before fighting kefka, but if your party of 4 character die, you have a 3 more sets of characters to fight, so its like your team goes all out
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Postby Tommy » Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:56 pm

FF6 is like the hardest one in the series.
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Postby Nate » Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:20 pm

I agree completely that FFVI definitely has the best soundtrack of all the FF games. Forever Rachel TOTALLY rocks. In fact, Forever Rachel is almost as good as Schala's theme from Chrono Trigger. Almost. I actually thoroughly enjoyed Figaro Castle's music, as well as the boss fight music, the opera, Celes, Gau, Cyan, and Shadow's theme musics, and so many other wonderful tracks that I can't remember.

FF6 is like the hardest one in the series.

Ah, you haven't played FF1, have you? The fact that there are NO save points outside of towns, you only have 9 MP max for mages (for each spell level). Oh, did I mention that white mages can't cast Life or Life 2 in battle? And Stone can't be cured in battle either. Also, if memory serves me correctly, there were no Phoenix Downs or Ethers. And potions were the highest level of healing item available (besides Tents and Sleeping Bags, but they can only be used on the world map).

If you level up a lot, the game actually does get slightly easier, and once you get the spellcasting items like the Gloves and the Heal Staff, wizards can conserve a lot of their MP...but until then, FF1 is a nightmare.

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:57 pm

Don't forget that the first real dungeon in FF1 is a treacherous maze in with which virtually every enemy can poison you..... of course, you only have a few chances to heal, and no save points. Yeah, it's a nightmare. Still a good game though.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:55 am

FF1 was very hard but... was dawn of souls easier?
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Postby Tommy » Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:59 am

Yep I`ve played FF1 and I meant FF6 is like the hardest of the series aside from FF1.

Dawn Of Souls is so much easier than the original its ridicolous.
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Postby Nate » Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:02 am

Tom Dincht wrote:Dawn Of Souls is so much easier than the original its ridicolous.

Yeah, Ryan, they made Dawn of Souls easier. They cut out the spell level system and went to the MP system of later titles. Well, they didn't cut out spell levels COMPLETELY, they simply cut out the MP for separate levels. For example, Cure is still a level 1 spell, but it costs 5 MP to cast. So wizards can blast enemies a lot more than in the original. I think it takes less XP to level up as well, and items seem a bit cheaper too. You allowed to save absolutely anywhere as well. Furthermore, Life and Life 2 can be cast in battle, as well as Gold Needles being able to be used in battle. There are now Phoenix Down items, as well as Hi-Potions. They also tweaked the stats of the classes a bit, so thieves are no longer the weaklings they were in the original. They're almost on par with the Fighter.

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Postby Tommy » Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:26 pm

Actually they made the Dungeons in Dawn Of Sould harder and they raised the HP to every boss so they made it harder in some yet very few categories.

And by Ryan were you refering to Mr. Smartypants?
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:17 pm

Forget Dawn of Souls. I just got my Famicom cartridge with both the original versions of FF1 and FF2. Brand new. With a strategy guide. :thumb:

All I'm missing now is the Famicom.... which I ordered seperately and hasn't arrived yet. :stressed:
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Postby Tommy » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:03 pm

Dawn Of Souls appeared more fun to me actually. The bonus dungeons have Ultros and Chupon.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:21 am

every play FF4 hard? That thing was so much harder than FF6... ff6 wasn't that hard
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:12 am

FF4 was difficult a lot in the sense that every new character you got was at very low levels. If you level them up properly though, it's not that bad. Again, I stick to my guns that FF6 wasn't that difficult.
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Postby Nate » Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:19 am

Azier the Swordsman wrote:FF4 was difficult a lot in the sense that every new character you got was at very low levels. If you level them up properly though, it's not that bad. Again, I stick to my guns that FF6 wasn't that difficult.

Yeah, if you levelled up a lot in FF4, it wasn't that hard (even the Hard version on PS1). However, some parts were rough no matter how high levels you are, like the fight with the Plague on the Moon (where he casts Doom on your entire party at the start of the fight). Or the fight with Evil Wall or Mind in the Core. And Edge always seemed to die easier than anyone else...I don't know why though.

FF6 really wasn't that hard. In fact, I can't think of a single really difficult part, aside from the monsters in the Dinosaur Forest. But the Vanish/Doom trick worked really well on them if you were fast enough. And the Arena was only difficult because you couldn't control your character.

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Postby Tommy » Fri Apr 29, 2005 2:51 pm bout the difficult part I`m stuck on that goes by the name of I forget but you fight him after Ultros/Chupon.
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Postby CDLviking » Fri Apr 29, 2005 11:14 pm

Is that the Empire's war plane?
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