Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Oct 24, 2003 11:26 pm
I commend him on what he did, and also at wanting to help people stay pure, but strongly disagree that courting is somehow more "spiritual" or biblical than dating... It's not... There is no courting in the bible, only a form of arrange marriage by the bridegroom and the bride's father. I had written up a long explanation of my stance and it got erased when I accidentally hit the back button... GRR...
Ok... I did not read his book, so I can't comment on what HE actually said. What has turned me off to it, however, has been the following he has created.
I will be dating... In fact, if a girl I like decides that dating is wrong, well... We probably won't be getting married. The first issue I have had with his "followers" has been one of semantics...
What is Dating?? Well, the way I describe it is doing fun things with someone you are interested in. This is an act that many who follow his book claim they will never do. I don't believe that there is anything wrong or dangerous in any way about dating by this definition. I will
Others, who follow the "no dating" thing, say that Dating is the casual nature of going from person to person. I believe that is the primary thing that Josh Harris' book was warning against, or at least that's the idea I got from the little I actually did read. First off, I don't ever consider the search for a mate "casual" but I also know that since there is going to be ONE person I'll marry, that means that most of the girls I like are NOT going to be my mate... He talks of a dream going to the altar where this girl has all these guys she had "given her heart to" and this is a valid point. When people give their heart away a lot, it damages them... However, the casual dating and the first definition I gave aren't any more condusive to giving your heart away than courting. Furthermore, courting isn't guaranteed to be stable... Things happen, people break up even if they aren't "together" in their own terms that doesn't stop them from giving their hearts away to each other and, I'd venture to say that females even more than males (though I'm one of the male exceptions to this, as I gave my heart away quite easily) are more likely to give their heart away than their boyfriends, leaving an imbalance, and in the end, a lot of pain.
Now, what is courting? This seems to be even more ambiguous, as no one seems to have a solid answer on this... Is it "only friendship" until you get married? Is it constant parental supervision? Is it only seeing them at their house?
Well, by my mother's definition, courting is going to the person's house and being with their family... Now, this is fine and dandy. Nothing wrong with it... However, there is this vilification of "dating" that says it creates false images about the person... Not only is this a broad generalization, it also fails to take into account the same thing happens with courting... I mean, when I go to hang out with mary-sue's father, shotgun sam, I am going to be trying REALLY hard to hide the negative aspects of my personality... Much harder than I would around mary-sue (sorry, milly, this is the only name that came to mind...) and therefore, mary-sue will be getting a worse false image from my visits to her house than she would if we went to the carnival. At her house in front of her father I may be very polite and help clean up dishes and not speak my mind and be very quiet... Because fathers can be quite protective, I'm much more likely to be fake around papa than I am around just her.
The worst thing is when I hear, and I heard this all the time in northern california from both males and females, "Dating isn't biblical" but, as I mentioned before, neither is courting... Of course, some people don't want to listen to that. They think I'm just being argumentative or just being selfish, but that is a plain fact. Dating isn't ungodly either. Having fun and seeing movies or going to sporting events or skating or going to a restaurant or walking alone on the beach at sunset... These things aren't evil or wrong.
As for intimacy, intimacy isn't binary (AKA on or off) it's very much an analog thing... Ok, what I mean by that is that I get intimate with my friends all the time (for those of you put off by that statement, you have a distorted definition of that word)... More intimate than I do with people I don't know, that's for sure. Also, a man and wife become intimate... Well, by that I mean they get more intimate... In between that, in our society where the biblical example of arranged marriage isn't possible, I think it's necissary for there to be intimacy between two people that think they are going to be married... The marriage is formed based on personality now, not on security, so the requirements are different. There MUST be a deeper intimacy there than there is at just a friendship level. At the same time, there must NOT be the level intimacy there that husband and wife share... So do they get that intimacy from being monitored full time? I don't believe they do.
A comment I've heard is that if two people want to be alone, they should be able to do in public what they want to do in private... That's just not the case... I mean, even platonic relationships that are deep (like two good friends of the same gender) often require "alone time" to really learn something, and it is essential that a marriage, since we can't have the arranged marriage anymoer, be based on friendship. And a deep friendship you can't get when sharing it with everyone... Now as for it being dangerous to be alone, well you do set up guards and such, but to get to know the person to decide if you really want to spend the rest of your life with them (once again, deciding only because the culture eliminated arranged marriage) you need time to talk only to that person...
I think when you are considering a mate, you should spend a lot of time with them, then you should also spend a lot of time away... The first to find out what they're like, the second to find out what you're like. It shouldn't be just at their house with their parents, because then you only get a small picture... True, you will never get the complete picture, but you should get a bigger picture than just courting has to offer (though this logic could extend into sexual areas, clearly out of bounds and that's NOT what I'm talking about)
All of this "you should" and "you must" things are really not the right way for me to say this... I'll leave them with this, though... What I meant by all of that (but it's too long for me to say over and over) is that those things are normally important... If God has layed it on your heart to abandon this, then fine... But not if "Josh" has layed it on your heart. Take his advice and warnings about staying pure and not giving your heart away and not having baggage, but it's not "biblical" to abandon dating, it is just a tactic that worked for one person so he shared it. And please don't take this post as an attack on him... I have no way to do that as I haven't read all of his book, and what I did, I found very positive. I just found very negative the responses I would get from people who treat his book like it's the bible itself...
Please forgive my numerous grammer, spelling, and other errors... My brain has not been working right the last few days or so... I know the style and presentation of this is horrible and some of the points I wanted to make aren't here, some are repeated, and some are presented incorrectly... Halloween time has always been really bad for me (depression and other such problems) and I'm not the most put together around that time...
Well, I can't really argue for or against not dating because I'll just talk myself in circles... It's up to the people who chose it. However, the fault lies in the [spoiler="this word is the best one to use but it may offend some even if it is the best word to use"]damning[/spoiler] of the practice of dating... There's nothing wrong with going out on dates, please don't take this book as scripture, it's just what he chose to keep himself pure... If that's what you choose, then good, but don't feel you have to. Along those lines, there is another book called "I gave dating a chance" and you may be interested in that... Both books agree that we need to do whatever we can to stay sexually pure, but I just don't think that it's dating that's making us unpure... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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