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Postby Tommy » Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:27 pm

I can answer i question that has been asked by many Aeris fans that have`nt specifically been on this thread, but on numerous others. And couldn`t he have just added this to another Final Fantasy thread. Don`t we have enough?. Everyone asked how come they *crosses fingers, Spolier tags, please work*

[/*spoiler didn`t use a Pheonix Down on Aeris when she dies. The reason is that Pheonix Downs revive people from being knocked out, not dead]

Ok, I hope that worked.

Also, I need help in FF6 when you fight Ultros and Chupon on the airship on the way to the floating continent. After I beat them, i fall off and i have to fight this robot craft thingy with missles. Its really hard. My party is:


The only reason i have Strago in there is because he can weild the Healing Rod which is VERY helpful to me.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:29 pm

Ah man, the tag didn`t work. Ugh....someone help me....! All your hints on how to use tags ahven`t been specific enough....or maybe they were and i`m just slow.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:50 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:Ah man, the tag didn`t work. Ugh....someone help me....! All your hints on how to use tags ahven`t been specific enough....or maybe they were and i`m just slow.

It's [spoiler ] before the block of text you want to hide and [/spoiler] at the end. *note* The first spoiler tag I put has a space in it to prevent it from being active. Without spaces, it will show up like [spoiler]test[/spoiler]
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Postby Kanrad » Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:38 pm

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Postby Tommy » Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:49 pm

Good point Kanrad.....?
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Postby Kanrad » Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:58 pm

Actually, somebody else happened to make a post without logging me out first.
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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:20 am

This is just too funny for me to pass up. I *SO* 0wn your limited FF knowledge. LOL. Prolly LA does too. :lol: I just couldn't resist.

As for the Areis question, try playing it in Japanese. It makes more sense, and

[spoiler]you can get her back![/spoiler]
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Postby Nate » Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:41 am

oldphilosopher wrote:As for the Areis question, try playing it in Japanese. It makes more sense, and

[spoiler]you can get her back![/spoiler]

Apparently oldphil rolled a one for his FF Knowledge Check. ]http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/final_fantasy_vii_changes.txt[/url]

...to sum it up quickly it says basically, "you can't bring her back!". Hope that's clear =) Of course you can bring her back with a gameshark but that's as pointless as using a code to put Sephiroth in your party.

To quote Chris MacDonald, the writer of the FAQ mentioned above:

Even if you decide that the rumor is true, there's no way to revive
Aeris in the final versions of either the Japanese or US versions of
the game, and sticking her back in your party with a GameShark has
shown that there are no other sequences with her/ways that she is
involved with your party, aside from 'general character' quotes. That
doesn't mean that Square didn't originally _consider_ the idea of
having Aerith being brought back to life, but even if they did, it
was obviously discarded/decided against and never developed any
further than that.

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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:19 am

OK. It's possible I was duped, but I watched a play with her once. He swears he did NOT use the shark, but he may have just been lying to me. He DID have access to a lot of stuff I didn't (beta crap), and I couldn't read the Japanese at that time, so I really can't say.


I don't know. But yeah, I have seen the rumor mill 'debunked' threads around, I just choose to believe this guy wasn't lying to me. Though if he was.... :banned:

Thanks for the followup, kammerite! :thumb:
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Postby Eskaflowne » Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:37 am

Tom Dincht wrote:I can answer i question that has been asked by many Aeris fans that have`nt specifically been on this thread, but on numerous others. And couldn`t he have just added this to another Final Fantasy thread. Don`t we have enough?. Everyone asked how come they *crosses fingers, Spolier tags, please work*

[/*spoiler didn`t use a Pheonix Down on Aeris when she dies. The reason is that Pheonix Downs revive people from being knocked out, not dead]

Ok, I hope that worked.

Also, I need help in FF6 when you fight Ultros and Chupon on the airship on the way to the floating continent. After I beat them, i fall off and i have to fight this robot craft thingy with missles. Its really hard. My party is:


The only reason i have Strago in there is because he can weild the Healing Rod which is VERY helpful to me.

IMPORTANT=all parts of this boss are weak against Thunder and Water.

Strago is a person that you will want on your party. His technique (Aqua Rake) will be extremely helpful. While all 3 parts are still in the battle use multi-target attacks to defeat them. When only Air Force is left use strong attacks that target a single opponent. Watch out though because the Air force will launch a Speck. These things absorb magic attacks. Also when they are launched a countdown will start and at the end it will launch the WaveCannon attack. So beat the Speck and Airforce as quick as possible. Take out the Speck first so you can deal more damage with your Thunder and Water abilities.

If you need more help or have a question just ask.

Kaemmerite: Thanks for your assistance
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Postby Tommy » Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:06 pm

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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:35 pm

If the town of Mysidia (FFIV) is populated by mages, why doesn't their item shop carry ether? By that same token, if the town of Wutai (FFVII) has no Materia, why does their shop bother keeping ether in stock?
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Postby Tommy » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:31 am

Here`s a good question.

If they make an FF8-2 will Rinoa decide she`ll be the main character and form a group with Quistis and Selphie. Will they then become the next Japanese Charlie`s Angels?
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Postby Eskaflowne » Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:26 am

If the town of Mysidia (FFIV) is populated by mages, why doesn't their item shop carry ether? By that same token, if the town of Wutai (FFVII) has no Materia, why does their shop bother keeping ether in stock?

SpoonyBard: The only answer I can give is-->Maybe the Mages in Mysidia (FFIV) don't need ether to recharge their magic powers. As for Wutai (FFVII) they probably want to make a profit off of visitors.I support this by what Yuffie after you beat her and answer a question wrong !!!!STEAL MONEY!!!!

If they make an FF8-2 will Rinoa decide she`ll be the main character and form a group with Quistis and Selphie. Will they then become the next Japanese Charlie`s Angels?

Tom Dincht Why do you make fun of FF X-2 I thought that it was a rather good game.
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Postby desperado » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:28 am

i didnt like ff x-2 myself, it felt forced and a rip off of all girl spy shows. i seriously needed to go listen to rock music and drive very fast after playing it considering how frustrating the plot was, the lack of character recruitment or a solid story, or the sheer overwhelming fanservice/girlishness of it (no offence but it w as all girl power and such)
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Postby Eskaflowne » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:34 am

desperado wrote:i didnt like ff x-2 myself, it felt forced and a rip off of all girl spy shows. i seriously needed to go listen to rock music and drive very fast after playing it considering how frustrating the plot was, the lack of character recruitment or a solid story, or the sheer overwhelming fanservice/girlishness of it (no offence but it w as all girl power and such)

Although it did have a girly vibe to it I did like the multitude of character classes and abilities. I give a big thumbs up for the Ultimates classes for the Girls. Those designs were awesome! :rant:

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Postby desperado » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:37 am

there designs may have been awesome but that cannot excuse the lack of character recruitment, shallow plot, stupidness of some of the scenes <heares "YRP" and shudders> blatant ripoffs of spy shows, AND THE LEAST NUMBER OF CHARACTERS OF ANY FF EVER you cant stinking recruit anybody you even start the game with them, ff x-2 just doesnt feal like a ff, infact i really should say i truly didnt like that game due to its flaws.
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Postby Nate » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:40 am

Eskaflowne wrote:Although it did have a girly vibe to it I did like the multitude of character classes and abilities.

Hey, if you like multitudes of character classes and abilities, you should play Final Fantasy Tactics! It's like X-2, only, y'know, GOOD. :D

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Postby Eskaflowne » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:45 am

desperado wrote:there designs may have been awesome but that cannot excuse the lack of character recruitment, shallow plot, stupidness of some of the scenes <heares "YRP" and shudders> blatant ripoffs of spy shows, AND THE LEAST NUMBER OF CHARACTERS OF ANY FF EVER you cant stinking recruit anybody you even start the game with them, ff x-2 just doesnt feal like a ff, infact i really should say i truly didnt like that game due to its flaws.

I respect your opinion, but there was no need for other characters when you have so many classes for the characters that you have. You could have 1,000 different teams with all those classes (I'm Exaggerating a little).

[Quote=kaemmerite]Hey, if you like multitudes of character classes and abilities, you should play Final Fantasy Tactics! It's like X-2, only, y'know, GOOD. :D[/Quote]

I have already played Tactics and beaten it. It was a great Game.
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Postby skynes » Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:21 am

<obnoxiousness> strategies to beat the tetra master ghosts in the crystal world/memoria? of FFIX?</obnoxiousness>

Tell me what level your characters are and what items they have equipped and I will tell you the best strategy that I can with that information about your game.

I would like to point out that you do NOT fight the Tetra Master ghosts, so his levels and items mean nothing. You play against the ghosts in... well... Tetra Master, you know the card game in FF9?
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Postby Debitt » Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:35 am

:lol: Thank-you skyness, I was going to say "o.o; your equipment matters in a card game?"

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Postby Eskaflowne » Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:26 am

skynes wrote:I would like to point out that you do NOT fight the Tetra Master ghosts, so his levels and items mean nothing. You play against the ghosts in... well... Tetra Master, you know the card game in FF9?

Sorry I was thinking of the Final Fights in FFIX don't ask me why. I've had a bad week.

[Quote=Kokoro Daisuke]Thank-you skyness, I was going to say "o.o]

There is no true pattern to beat them. For Example, I had to do battle with them a couple of times before I found a pattern that let me make a strategy against them. Not to mention I had many very powerful cards which made it much easier.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Apr 23, 2005 4:16 pm

I have a question FF Guru. Why did Square call the movie FF: The Spirits Within. Why not just The Spirits Within. Does it have Chocobos?

How far am i through FF6, still stuck on boss.
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Postby mastersquirrel » Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:39 am

kaji wrote:*Honest Question*
FFVII: Does a final piece exist to complete the Midgar puzzle in Shinra Tower?

[Spoiler]Do you remember the part of the game where Reno blows up the pillar and destroys the sector? That missing piece of the puzzle represents that sector.[/Spoiler]My friend knew the answer, I haven't played any FF game other than FF9 and I haven't even finished that one.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:36 pm

What`s the recommended HP for where i am? My highest Hp is 775 owned by Cyan. Where`s the best place to train. Oh and I just started to play FF5. How long until i meet ExDeath. I`m at the ghost ship right now, but i`ve only been playing for 45 min.
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Postby Tommy » Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:48 pm

mastersquirrel wrote:[Spoiler]Do you remember the part of the game where Reno blows up the pillar and destroys the sector? That missing piece of the puzzle represents that sector.[/Spoiler]My friend knew the answer, I haven't played any FF game other than FF9 and I haven't even finished that one.

Play 7,8, and 10. Then try 6 if you don`t mind 2d graphics. They all good plays.
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Postby Eskaflowne » Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:59 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:Play 7,8, and 10. Then try 6 if you don`t mind 2d graphics. They all good plays.

Yes they are Square is just excellent at making games
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Postby Eskaflowne » Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:12 pm

swordsman4God wrote:FF guru, huh? Okay, tell me: Where do you get the CLoudy Mirror and activate it? I'm a FF 7 to X-2 guru too.

I doubt that you can match my Final Fantasy Knowledge
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Postby Eskaflowne » Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:55 am

Yeshua-Knight wrote:actually, i already knew about the emerald and ruby weapons, as well as the ultimate weapon that flies around in the sky, i was talking about one that specifically lives in the watery area where the midgar zolom lives as well, the marshy area by that cave that's not far from the chocobo farm on the world map

As far as I can remember there is not a weapon in the marsh.

Zell Dincht wrote:I have a question FF Guru. Why did Square call the movie FF: The Spirits Within. Why not just The Spirits Within. Does it have Chocobos?

I believe that was more like an experiment on graphics rather than a movie, so even I cannot answer that one. They probably did it just because it would hook all the FF Fans. Other than that I am not sure.
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Postby Tommy » Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:36 pm

Shatterheart already warned you not to make numerous consecutive posts in this thread. I am sure everyone would appreciate it if you took his advice.

Do you know if the FF7 game "Crisis Core" is a remake or a game of its own? I`m only saying that because "Before Crisis: is a prequel to FF7 and FF7 is the "Crisis" so I`m assumming the core of the crisis would be FF7.

And why is it called "Advent Children?"
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