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Postby soul alive » Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:12 am

since i would like some seperate comments on this drawing, i'm re-posting it outside of my album, since the galleries are down :sniffle: :waah!:

this is a very rough character design sketch for one of the characters in the manga i am planning to do. 'he' is a warrior angel, named 'Sorek' which means 'noble vine' in Hebrew. 'his' design is based on Ancient Egyptian culture, using very old pictures in my Bible dictionary as a reference. it's rough, so i was lazy on the hands and feet and wings.

i would really appreciate critiques, and really, any comments at all.



A Cruce Salus, a webmanga. --- Status: Undergoing rewrites, currently offline

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Postby sonichiro » Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:13 pm

i really love this design, i think 'his' chin might be a little too far foward and 'his' eyes might be a bit low. i think you did an amazing job though! ^__^
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Postby soul alive » Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:25 am

thanks sonichiro.

yeah, i have a few problems on the drawing, but they can be fixed on a second draft... with color :evil: if only i had the time...


A Cruce Salus, a webmanga. --- Status: Undergoing rewrites, currently offline

"People say I'm strange, does it make me a stranger / That my best friend was born in a manger?" 'Jesus Freak' - dc Talk
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