Wallpaper attachments not working

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Wallpaper attachments not working

Postby Hephzibah » Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:04 pm

Sorry if there is a thread or precedure I'm meant to write in/do for this situation, but I've checked out all the threads I can think of that might have a solution to this problem.
I have recently made a wallpaper, and when I tried to submit it (non-contest, just normal) the attachment window came up, but it wouldn't upload the selected file.

Is this a problem with CAA, or is my computer just stupid? (i'm inclined to think the latter)
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Postby Jasdero » Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:58 pm

CAA is killing all attachments excluding PNG image files. So, you could upload it to http://imageshack.us/ and host it there.
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Postby Hephzibah » Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:10 pm

Aaah thanks matie :grin: Rightyo!

Btw, do you know how long until the attachments are working again?
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Postby Jasdero » Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:07 am

Probably whenever zee all-knowing and powerful oldphil manages to figure out how to fix it. :3
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Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:23 pm

Well, the best thing to do when you have a glitch like this Talame is to either A- pm Oldphil or B- make a detailed post about it in the comment box. Which is where this is moving.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:21 am

Talame wrote:Aaah thanks matie :grin: Rightyo!

Btw, do you know how long until the attachments are working again?

imageshack.us keeps the images up for a year if nobody ever views the picture

long time eh?
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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:07 am

Attachments are working again.

I think. >.<
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Postby Hephzibah » Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:15 pm

Sorry matie... but I tried submitting a wallpaper again, but it still didnt work. (btw, both were JPEGs)
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Postby Mithrandir » Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:16 am

Yes.... I'm discovering a significant lack of post-ability here. Let me see if I can figure this out.
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Postby Mithrandir » Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:53 am

OK. In the event that a user is subscribed to one of these threads (and hasn't read the announcement) the attachments are working again.

- Oldphilosopher
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