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Postby MillyFan » Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:04 pm

LOL, I saw him: username and a pic of a Troll doll. Do they think we're completely brainless? :lol:

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby Stephen » Tue Oct 21, 2003 9:21 pm

User Bouncer banned.
2.Troll actions on numerious threads and posts
3. Lashing the CAA staff...
4. Read the thread where Ash and I spoke to him for more evidence.

CAA has not in the past nor will we ever fear trolls or the repercussion of banning trolls. To those that might be on this site with plans of a large attack you will be banned. The Lord has brought this site through too much to have it be taken by a bunch of nerd kids that have nothing better to do then troll on a Christian anime site. *kicks soap box over*
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Postby MillyFan » Wed Oct 22, 2003 12:28 am

I was looking through the member list when I saw this username. I think it's a troll.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Oct 22, 2003 5:16 am

They haven't done anything, though. Unless that name means something horrible I just don't know about.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:13 am

This is OVER from like....ages ago DELETE PLEASE.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:23 am

YES THIS one too...MODS delete PLEASE.
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Postby DanekJovax » Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:51 am

LilDude, if you have any reason to stay here, then I'm sure you can talk things over with one of the moderators, whom I know to be as fair and as kind as any I've met in my 17 years of being online.

If you're already convinced that this site is already past redemption in your eyes, then leave and go enjoy yourself elsewhere.

Posting flames like the one you just did is not serving anything but, as you term it, 'the worst in you', and definitely is not keeping with the Spirit that we all are called to follow.

Anyways, you're in my prayers, in wherever you decide to go. :2)
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Postby Gypsy » Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:52 am



(I didn't even need to switch threads!)
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Postby DanekJovax » Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:53 am

Looks like I was too late... he's banned already.
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Postby MillyFan » Wed Oct 22, 2003 12:03 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:They haven't done anything, though. Unless that name means something horrible I just don't know about.

I listed the user "Coprophilia" as a potential troll because of exactly that. I happen to know what his name means, and I'll just leave it at this so I don't get in any trouble. :sweat:

The prefix "copro-" means "excretion," "fecal matter," or so on. (i.e. "coprolites" are fossils of animal droppings)

The suffix "-philia" means "obsession," and often is used to denote an "obsession with sexual overtones" (i.e. "pedophilia" refers to the mental disorder of sexual attraction to children)

You decide if that member's a troll or not. I think he is. :shake:

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Oct 22, 2003 12:58 pm

After looking over lildude's image, it may be worth it (in the future) to remove images as part of the banning process. That could get ugly.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Oct 22, 2003 1:17 pm

Ah, I see, in regard to that name. But I wouldn't suggest anything unless he/she does do something. There's a chance they randomly made a name and didn't know what it meant either.

As to lildude... Bouncer?
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Postby Gypsy » Wed Oct 22, 2003 2:12 pm

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Seriousness of the Subject

Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:57 pm

Out of all of the message boards i've been to (mostly toon zone and godcentric) you guys are the most strict on this troll policy... I don't mean to accuse or anything but what if you accidentally ban someone who didn't know their name was trollish...How long do poeple stay banned. On the other message boards it's aproximatly one week. after that it's two weeks, then one month, and then one year. I don't know after that.
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Postby Lightbringer » Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:05 pm

Volt wrote:Out of all of the message boards i've been to (mostly toon zone and godcentric) you guys are the most strict on this troll policy... I don't mean to accuse or anything but what if you accidentally ban someone who didn't know their name was trollish...How long do poeple stay banned. On the other message boards it's aproximatly one week. after that it's two weeks, then one month, and then one year. I don't know after that.

The people who get banned by their names have no excuses for themselves. i've seen some pretty nasty names. Most people are banned because of offences agenst the rules. the severaty of the banning depends on the offence. We have had quite a few permenent bans. but again it generally depends on the severety of the offence, and or repeated offence. Hope that answers your questions

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:16 pm

Lightbringer wrote: Most people are banned because of offences agenst the rules. the severaty of the banning depends on the offence.

Lightbringer // Aaron

It's Just that it seems like even the mods are scared of being banned... I'm just saing, not to wrongly accuse others and to forgive, that's why i got confused over the whole banning thing. I guess like a month is the max but going so far as it being permenant?. Isn't that a little over-obsessive. (Freind Erica is peaking at my screen asking the same question)
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Postby Ashley » Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:22 pm

Trust me, our policies are more than lenient and forgiving as compared to some other boards out there. For "usual" offences, i.e. spam posting or posting a bad link, we usually talk to the person privately and forgive them. If they continue to do it, another warning...then banning. So we do have a second chances thing here. However, when it comes to I guess what you'd call "Pre-Banning"..i.e. we see from their user profile or perhaps one or two posts that they will not be conductive to the Christian environment here---aka they don't want anything but trouble---then we're not going to just let them slip in. Those who truly want fellowship here (or those the Spirit wishes to learn from here) will usually be more than willing to repent if they slip up. And come on, you can't tell me someone with a bad name "didn't mean it". They're just testing the waters with what they can get away with.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 8:36 pm

"It's Just that it seems like even the mods are scared of being banned... I'm just saing, not to wrongly accuse others and to forgive, that's why i got confused over the whole banning thing. I guess like a month is the max but going so far as it being permenant?. Isn't that a little over-obsessive. (Freind Erica is peaking at my screen asking the same question)"

Nope, the mods are not scared of getting banned because as a staff we discuss bannings. If someone is banned for an offensive name, they don't come back...the only time bans are not for ever, is when a person is on a 3 strike thing...they get banned for a week after 2 warnings. Also...not a threat Volt...but right now with the amount of trolls on CAA...its not wise to come on with like 8 posts....and start debating about our banning policys....we already were threatened by an exmember that he would send others to troll wave....Just a kind warning, I see nothing you have said is trollish, I am just stating a fact...right now we are seemingly at war with pesky trolls.
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Don't get the wrong idea

Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Oct 22, 2003 9:05 pm

Oh no, Hey i was questioning as an informative purpose. Yes i am aware of what trolls can do to a board (such a cute creature used to describe such a nasty procedure)... they should call them DigitalDemons. Well i'm glad that you guys are taking the situation so seriously, i was just questioning becuase other message boards don't have even half the threats you guys get, I guess it has to do with us beleaving :( . I was just kind of sad that the Lesbian girl was kicked off, we could of really helped her. The Bouncer guy was rude but it seemed like he stuck to his not being a troll. Although using the avitar was quite unique, i'd say he isn't out to be a troll, I've delt with trolls.(first they would become an insider, then after about 1,000 posts they would pull the signature trick or the vary rare Avitar trick. I think he just needs attention :sniffle: and the lesbian girl wouldn't come over to a christian message board unless her soul was leading her here for cleansing... I Know i'm not a Moderator but i still think talking to Mods is a good way to set up a relationship between the law making mods and the civilians who live here.
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Postby Ashley » Wed Oct 22, 2003 9:15 pm

I'm not going to argue about whether or not we should have or should have not banned ex-members. At one point or another, they were rude to myself, my staff, or my God. Sometimes all of the above. They also had some rather rude behavior and refused to change. Or they threatened us. In any case, everyone banned was given a chance to turn around and change, but they chose not to. They have no one but themselves to hold responsible for their removal.

As for the "lesbian girl"...there's alot more to that story that you do not know of. Just trust me, I've had some hard lines to walk,and I've done so in prayer. I continually recieve confirmation from God on these actions, so I will continue to do as I have always done concerning these matters. But part of being a member here is trusting that the staff is doing God's will.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Oct 23, 2003 5:41 am

What she said. There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes in any banning that you don't know about, Volt. Our moderators generally talk to these people personally.
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Postby Mithrandir » Thu Oct 23, 2003 8:47 am

Attention: This might be a bit blunt, but I believe it will be helpful for certain people to see it as direct as possible.

Another thing you should be aware of, everyone is that this board is here for a very specific purpose. It is not like most boards where the userbase determines what it will do. It is not a democracy. It is a Theocracy. The mods direct the board as best they can based on what they belive God is telling them. "Debating Policy" is not going to get you any where. The fact that the board has not faded away into nothingness, but has continued to grow is evidence to the mods that they are doing the right thing. Confronting them with 'changing policy' equates (on a subtle level) to going against what God has told them to do.

Becoming a member of this comunity involves believing that. If you are uncomfortable with policies such as this, it will probably be an uncomfortable stay here. If you feel you can trust your moderators, then it becomes easier to contribute. That being said, I don't think there is a single person on this board (mods included) who wouldn't want to take back at least one post. I know I would. Remember, every Christian is human, and will make mistakes. Your job as a Christian is NOT to condem them for it. If you believe the mods have done something that is wrong, PM the one that was 'out of line' in your opinion, tell them why what you think they did was out of line, and LET IT GO AT THAT. It is their responsibility at that point to go to God and ask if that check was warrented or not.

(If it's not obvious from this, I stand behind the mods. They probably will make mistakes, but I can't say I've never made them - so I can't condem them. I started BBSing in the 80s, and ran my own board througout the 90s, so I know how hard it is to not let emotions get in the way of analisys of trollish behaviour. To their credit, they are open about it. I never bothered. [BOFH style])

Anyway, that's my $0.02.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Thu Oct 23, 2003 1:23 pm

oldphilosopher wrote: If you believe the mods have done something that is wrong, PM the one that was 'out of line' in your opinion, tell them why what you think they did was out of line, and LET IT GO AT THAT. [BOFH style])

Anyway, that's my $0.02.

Oh no, i am not saying you guys are doing anything wrong, the work you do as moderators is a very good job. I have yet to see or smell a troll. I didn't know the full story about these ex-members and so naturally i questioned. Also i was taught to be open and ask questions about policy as soon as you join a message board. That way misinterpretations of policy don't arrise. I'm positive you guys made the right decisions.

Also, yes everyone here does have a purpose or seeking to find one... That arrives me at my next question that i wanted to ask all the MODS or whichever one's take care of permission and rights. but i'm not sure if i should do it here. I would like to ask for permision but i want to ask every mod's opinion. Were do i post that at?
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Postby Michael » Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:16 pm

The mods aren't here to ban. They're here to keep the peace.
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Postby MillyFan » Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:20 pm

Michael wrote:The mods aren't here to ban. They're here to keep the peace.

Indeed. And by the way, off topic, here's a smiley for the mods in recognition of their work to keep CAA peaceful :thumb: :) I found it on a site I like. . .
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Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:20 pm

Just so everyone knows, I PMed Volt. We'll get things worked out that way so this thread doesn't get clogged by any more talk of the issue.
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Postby Michael » Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:22 pm

Haha! Millyfan! That's very satisfieing. :evil:
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Postby MillyFan » Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:27 pm


Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby Heaven's Cloud » Thu Oct 23, 2003 5:26 pm

MillyFan wrote:Indeed. And by the way, off topic, here's a smiley for the mods in recognition of their work to keep CAA peaceful :thumb: :) I found it on a site I like. . .

Do you still have the Mod Rod smiley from OB?
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Postby MillyFan » Thu Oct 23, 2003 5:38 pm

Heaven's Cloud wrote:Do you still have the Mod Rod smiley from OB?

Actually, I don't. I do have a few others though. . .
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Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

Guess which bishounen is my avatar.
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