The Final Fantasy Series

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The Final Fantasy Series

Postby Tommy » Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:49 pm

Sup? I`m a christian (duh) and i love Final Fantasy and I`m really ticked off because I can`t get my Profile Pic to show up(It`s a picture of Zell Dincht from FF8).

ANYWAYS: I want this place to be the center of release dates and information about any current Final Fantasy and/or Kingdom Hearts information.

Main Info Presently: Final Fantasy VII:Dirge Of Cerebus,Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children,Final Fantasy X-3,and Final Fantasy XII.

For Kingdom Hearts:Kingdom Hearts II (don`t bother with Chain Of Memories because I already beat it and the story line is kinda lame).

What We (or I ) know so far:

FF7:DOC-Takes place after FF7:AC and Vincent is the main character.There`s a rumor that it`sto be like Devil May Cry as far as the battle system.

FF7:AC-It`s a movie (NOOOOO!) that`s 70 min. (Wow! Way longer than FF7 (took 50 hours) ). It`ll be out around Spring 2005.

FFX-3: That it`s going to come out.......

FF12: Same as above....

KH2:Fall 2005,it`s going to be good.Got some huge battles,new hearless,random people,Mulan (YAY!There visisiting earth) and let`s hope for KH3 to have Sora traveling through FF worlds.Yeah,we got Auron from FFX on KH2 as well.

FF8-2 is a very small possiblilty and I`m desperate to see a 3-D Seifer and Garden.PRAY FOR SEIFER TO BE ON KH!!!!!

Ok........pray my pro pic works.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:09 pm

upload your picture on a place such as

get the direct url of the picture last url on the page (you'll understand what I mean) and paste that link into your avatar url slot thingy

and im more of an old school rpger ^^
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:55 pm

FF8-2 is a very small possiblilty and I`m desperate to see a 3-D Seifer and Garden.PRAY FOR SEIFER TO BE ON KH!!!!!

Hahahaha... that remindes me... last year my friend went to the Anime Expo as a character from "final fantasy VIII-2"... he was "Gun Slinger Zell"... it was great... I'll hafta see if I can find the pic....
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Sun Jan 16, 2005 4:24 am

Tom Dincht wrote:FF7:DOC-Takes place after FF7:AC and Vincent is the main character.There`s a rumor that it`sto be like Devil May Cry as far as the battle system.

FF8-2 is a very small possiblilty and I`m desperate to see a 3-D Seifer and Garden.PRAY FOR SEIFER TO BE ON KH!!!!!

Ok........pray my pro pic works.

I too eagerly anticipate Dirge of Cerberus.

Umm...just a note. FFVIII was in 3d, just grainy 3d. A remake, with voice actors and graphics that push the PS2's limits...that would indeed r0xx0r your proverbial b0xx0rz. As would a similar FFVII redux. ^_^

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Postby Tommy » Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:22 pm

Um.....the person before me is right.I meant Ps2 graphics (similar to FF10) but 3-D came out.Yeah so let me refase this:

FF8-2 is a very small possiblilty and I`m desperate to see a A PS2 Graphiced Seifer and Garden.PRAY FOR SEIFER TO BE ON KH!!!!!

There we go! Continue.
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Postby Jman » Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:08 pm

I've only played VII, overall it wasn't that impressive, but it was very time consuming, I'd give it a 8/10 if I had to rate

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Postby Tommy » Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:07 pm

FFVII was good but the graphics were do i put this........HORRRIBLE! Well in `97 it was breathtaking,but it`s not now.

FFVIII was alot better in graphics and plot,but i seriously do not like the fact enimies level up with you and u cant win money (gil) out of a battle.

FF9 had better graphics than FF8,but you couldnt tell because everyone was vertically challenged and the first person i engaged in conversation with was a hippo.......XP

FF10 was a GREAT game hands down.Summons could stay and help you fight.Dang,it was amazing and the first Square game to have voiceovers,AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Tidus and Rikku were made for each other,lol.

FF10-2: Can u say 'Charlie`s Angels' in Japan.Seriously,fun gameplay,good continuing plot........the only thing cornier than the way the Gullwings act in some cutscenes in corn itself.If unlocked the 'Additional Ending',well at least i think it was the additional ending.When you`re in the Farplane as Yuna (Alone after falling into the hole that you beat Ixion next to) Ixion,press X or O rapidly and you`ll see a shadow taht resembles Tidus that whistels.If u wanna know what the secret ending is,let me know in this forum.

FF11:I might get this game for the PS2 this weekend.Give me the 411 on it and tell me how much it cost.Herd it was around 100$......-gulp-
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Postby MasterDias » Sun Jan 16, 2005 6:48 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:FF11:I might get this game for the PS2 this weekend.Give me the 411 on it and tell me how much it cost.Herd it was around 100$......-gulp-

The PS2 version of FFXI, I believe, costs around $90 because it comes with a hard disk drive to play the game as it is an MMORPG, plus you have to pay a monthly fee of $12.95 or so.

Due note that the PC version is cheaper to buy as it doesn't need to come with a hard drive.

I've never played FFXI as I'm not really into MMORPGs.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:26 pm

as x-play once said. DoA extreme beach volleyball turned into a final fantasy rpg. You get X-2

im not gonna play no RPG with some weird sorcer girl who also happens to be some weird hip, teenager concert singer.
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Postby blkmage » Mon Jan 17, 2005 3:25 pm

FFX-2 was one of the worst decisions Square could have made. It's not looking too good from here either.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:32 pm

I saw a few avatar thingies that said C.R.A.P. Christians Rebelling Against Porn.I find it funny in a small way because of what CRAP spells.

Also,FF11 cose 28$ for the PS2 (without the HDD) and u pay 15$ for every character you create.I found this out today.

And Mr.Smartypants,X-Play is awesome.I saw that thing on it and yes X-2 was a fun game,but the plot and characters are horrible.
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Postby Tommy » Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:18 pm

Ah yes,no 1 has responded..........oh welll,I made a story or fanfiction called Final Fantasy:The Ultimate Quest.It`s about Cloud as he goes through the worlds of FF8 and 10 and is currently in progress.Here`s the link if ya wanna check it out.

If the link doesnt come out just go on Fanfiction.Net and look it up.
If you do decide to read it please send a review.Thanks!
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Postby Yojimbo » Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:21 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:I saw a few avatar thingies that said C.R.A.P. Christians Rebelling Against Porn.I find it funny in a small way because of what CRAP spells.

Also,FF11 cose 28$ for the PS2 (without the HDD) and u pay 15$ for every character you create.I found this out today.

And Mr.Smartypants,X-Play is awesome.I saw that thing on it and yes X-2 was a fun game,but the plot and characters are horrible.

Dude there's no way I played the thing when it first came out on PC and you pay $1 extra for each character.
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Postby Fireproof » Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:58 pm

Raiden no Kishi wrote:I too eagerly anticipate Dirge of Cerberus.

Umm...just a note. FFVIII was in 3d, just grainy 3d. A remake, with voice actors and graphics that push the PS2's limits...that would indeed r0xx0r your proverbial b0xx0rz. As would a similar FFVII redux. ^_^


Bah. Forget those. What we really need is a remake of VI. I will never be truly satisfied with video games until I see Locke and the moogles save Terra in full 3D glory.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Sat Jan 22, 2005 12:23 am

Tom Dincht wrote:FF7:AC-It`s a movie (NOOOOO!) that`s 70 min. (Wow! Way longer than FF7 (took 50 hours) ). It`ll be out around Spring 2005.

I need some info on FF7:AC. Is it really a game or a movie or both. I having the hardest time understanding what you call FF7:AC.

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Postby Yojimbo » Sat Jan 22, 2005 8:45 am

Wingzero22 wrote:I need some info on FF7:AC. Is it really a game or a movie or both. I having the hardest time understanding what you call FF7:AC.


It's a movie.
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Postby Tommy » Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:18 am

Yeah Yojimbo`s link is real helpful.I`m a member of that site and forum.
Also,someone please read and review my fanfiction!
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Postby Tommy » Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:09 pm

Ok this forum is for:

1.411 on new FF releases.
2.Telling what your favorite FF was and why.
3.What your favorite flavor of Jell-O is.
5.Making it so that I don`t send more Posts in my own forum than all the viewers.
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Postby AlBhedNikki » Sun Mar 13, 2005 4:33 am

411 on FF.: >_> I dunno...

The best Final Fantasy is a tie for me. X was a revolution in FF games. Better CG, characters and voices. The plot was wonderful, and a twist of an ending. I can honestly say I fell inlove with each character's own story, even Kimahri. (I dislike that ronso...>_>';)
Then there's Final Fantasy IX. That was the first FF I owned, and have spent many of hours on it. I love all the characters, and I also fell inlove with the romance between Garnet and Zidane. I also am a fan of the Amarant x Freya coupling. ^_^

The best Jell-O is Cherry. Hands down.

I'm too lazy to explain the steps for getting the picture. >_<

Last one... I dont know. o_o

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Postby Fireproof » Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:11 pm

blkmage wrote:It's not looking too good from here either.

What are you talking about? FFXII looks amazing!
Oh, and VIII doesn't need a remake as much as VI does. Full-out 3D, voice actors, the whole nine yards. *Won't give up on this until he sees a 3D Terra in Magitek armor*
EDIT: *Notices that he plugged for a remake of VI twice in the same thread* Oh well.
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Postby AlBhedNikki » Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:13 pm

Fireproof wrote:What are you talking about? FFXII looks amazing!
Oh, and VIII doesn't need a remake as much as VI does. Full-out 3D, voice actors, the whole nine yards. *Won't give up on this until he sees a 3D Terra in Magitek armor*
EDIT: *Notices that he plugged for a remake of VI twice in the same thread* Oh well.

I never got a chance to play FFVI, and FFVIII was my least favorite FF game. I'd love to see a FFVI movie ^_^

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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:26 pm

omg Square CAN NOT make anymore FF(put number here)-2's. FFX-2 was FANSERVICE and while it was fun, it wasn't near as good as an original game.... lets just say I was really looking forward to it and it let me down...
so... happy.... *gags* and the "power of music" theme seriously bugged me *shudder* Oh how they ruined the world of Spira.

On a nicer note, I can't wait for AC and FFXII and KH2 *squeal* I'm all for a FF7 remake, but in my mind Square shouldn't be like disney and keep going off all their projects. I want originals! While I love Vincent, DoC looks like yet another attempt of Square to pump FF7 for all its worth. A money-maker above an entertaining new game. But I can't wait for 12! *is so excited* NEW NORMAL FINAL FANTASY!!!!! *squeals*

Oh and look at the list of Jap voice actors for FFVII:AC I saw some of the people and was nearly bouncing off walls. Sephiroth's voice will be absolutely PERFECT. So will Aeris' even though I don't care much for her.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:13 am

Kawaiikneko wrote:omg Square CAN NOT make anymore FF(put number here)-2's. FFX-2 was FANSERVICE and while it was fun, it wasn't near as good as an original game.... lets just say I was really looking forward to it and it let me down...
so... happy.... *gags* and the "power of music" theme seriously bugged me *shudder* Oh how they ruined the world of Spira.

On a nicer note, I can't wait for AC and FFXII and KH2 *squeal* I'm all for a FF7 remake, but in my mind Square shouldn't be like disney and keep going off all their projects. I want originals! While I love Vincent, DoC looks like yet another attempt of Square to pump FF7 for all its worth. A money-maker above an entertaining new game. But I can't wait for 12! *is so excited* NEW NORMAL FINAL FANTASY!!!!! *squeals*

Oh and look at the list of Jap voice actors for FFVII:AC I saw some of the people and was nearly bouncing off walls. Sephiroth's voice will be absolutely PERFECT. So will Aeris' even though I don't care much for her.

Ah come on, an FF8-2 and 6-2 would be great. (Still hasn`t beaten VI, but still) I think FF8 had the best stoyline of all and most challenging gameplay. I would love to see what happens after the end.

They can`t make an FF sequel lower than 6. I mean, 1-2, 2-2, 3-2 ,4-2, 5-2.
That would be VERY pathetic.
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Postby CDLviking » Wed Mar 23, 2005 3:11 pm

I would agree that VIII was the most challenging. It was the first time I ever had trouble with a final boss. VII remains my favorite, and I'm almost done with VI, but I doubt it will replace VII.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:45 pm

I never played 8, but I remain firm in my resolve that FF's should stay the way they were and do a new thing per game... none of this sequel/prequel money-making stuff. I think they can sum the story up fine in one game. Plus, sometimes its better just to leave one little thing (not extremely important to the storyline) hanging. Makes for good speculation among fans, which means good fanfics! :lol: I LOVED how Tidus came back in FFX-2 (i'm not putting that in spoilers... everyone knows that), but in some ways it would have been better just to leave FFX be.

However, with Advent Children I am QUITE excited, because technically 7 wasn't finished >.> I. can't. Wait!!! The graphics are so pretty~ I think a movie was a better idea than a whole new game. I'm not so happy with this sudden explosion of new FF7 stuff coming out from square... Do we really need DoC? Sure I'll probably get it b/c Vincent is in it (providing it gets good reviews) but really! I want FF12!!

in honor of FF7:Advent Children, I give you the translation to Trailer 003 on square's official site here: (translation done by ACnet and SHS) ~ indicates scene change.

Tifa: He's not here anymore.
Marlene: Cloud.. Where is he?
Rufus: We are investigating Sephiroth's influence on this world.
What do you think we'll find?
Marlene: It's the same as Denzel's...
Does this mean that Cloud's sick too?
Tifa: He plans to fight alone.
Marlene: Fight?
Tifa: No...He's not going to put up a fight at all.
Rufus: Kadaj and his gang are young and fierce.
Thus, they are extremely dangerous.
Cloud: Kadaj...
Rufus: Only you can do this.
Please, ex-SOLDIER Cloud.
Loz: Where's Mother.
Yazoo: You've hidden her from us, haven't you, Brother?
Kadaj: We need Mother's power.
We need it for the Reunion, no matter what.
Marlene: Cloud!
Tifa: Run!
Vincent: "Geostigma" occurs when your body had overworked itself purging the unpure, evil substances within.
Something that flows within our bodies resembles the lifestream,
which fights the evil substances that intrude within.
Kadaj: But the planet wants to stop us.
It's trying to halt our growth!
And that's why our bodies are racked in pain,
and our minds are raped!
However, I can save you all.
So let us all go to Mother!
Fight with us and Mother together as a family to bring this whole planet down to its g**d***ed knees!
Cloud: I don't think I can save anyone...
No one
Zach: Hey Cloud, what do you plan to do when we get to Midgar?
We're friends, right?
Tifa: Were we overcome by our memories?
Kadaj: I knew you'd come!
Cloud: I'm just here to get the kids...
Kadaj: This person here, I'm telling you... He's actually our brother!
But then...
He betrayed us.
Aeris: So you've come, huh?
Even though by doing so you'll be torn apart...?
Vincent: The one delivered from the skies, an abomination like no other, Jenova.
Depending on its whim, a second Sephiroth can be created.
Barret: Marelene's okay, right?
Yuffie: All right, who's been messin' with my Materia?
Yazoo(I think..): Hey this is so much fun, isn't it?
Reno: Fun, my a** (though the Japanese sounds to me like it says "not at all" or something... but hey, whatever)
Kadaj: Mother!
Tifa: Those strong feelings we had two years ago during the final battle...
It seems as if they have dulled somewhat, two years down the road.
But now, it seems as if they've been resurrected in Cloud.
Sephiroth: I... won't be just a memory.

... I just found this today... please excuse me as I go scream and jump around like the fangirl I am.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:32 pm

Cool. When`s that movie coming out?

VIII in my opinion has the most enjoyable and least confusing storyline. It also relates more to real life than the rest.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:44 am

date... to be determined I think... ~.~

they've changed it so many times, but I think its this summer in Japan
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Postby Tommy » Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:23 am

Summer in Japan?! Try Summer in AMERICA! I can`t believe all these delays. 2004 and 2005 have ben the most agrivating years of my life as far as video game releases go. ( Outside of video games, its a good life right now). FF12 and KH2 being moved to Christmas 2005?! I thought KH was due in August. How come KH decided to make their first game in America and then decided to release the rest in Japan. I wish RPGs were like all those Spyro games and you found out the sequel was coming out in three weeks the first time you hear it. Spyro used to rock but the 4th game was their downfall. Actually, Spyro: A hero`s tale looks pretty good but Ratchet and Clank dominates.

Anyways, I saw in that FF12 and KH were expeted to come out in December. Grrrrrrrr........!
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:24 am

well... I thought it was summer japan...

and ff12 and KH2 have been scheduled for a late fall 2005 release for awhile ^^;
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Postby CDLviking » Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:37 am

FF games are usually released in late fall. I can't remember any that haven't been.
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