Mr. SmartyPants wrote:The pharisees said "thou shall not kill" Jesus said "don't even be ANGRY at people"
maybe when society says "don't be angry and say bad words" maybe we should consider "don't say taboo words at all?"
The Law of Moses said "Thou shalt not kill" - Jesus was simply explaining the meaning of that law.
The F-word is considered vulgar because it comes from (IIRC) Dutch, which was "lower" than the aristocratic tongue (not "The King's English"). Same reason you have a sheep when it's alive, but once it's dead, it's mutton (
mouton) - sheep is English,
mouton is French. (France at one time ruled England, so the French got to rename a bunch of foods.) There's nothing wrong with sheep, but if you brought sheep (meat) to the table, you were uncouth and vulgar - people of any class ate mutton/
There's a big difference between cussing and cursing.
Cussing is simply the use of certain words. From my studies of the Bible, I have no reason to believe that God F*ing cares about cussing. I've found that many people hear the "don't cuss" bit and think "well so much for me, I'm outta here." It actually shocks some people to find out that I'm a Christian who isn't phased by their language. (Seriously, Jesus came as a man to
build common ground - not to make artificial separations and call random things impure. To say that the words that I use could
ever make me impure would be an insult and an affront to the purity that I have in Christ.)
Cursing is what God doesn't like. He went to the effort of getting rid of the curse, and now you're throwing around new ones? Saying seriously to someone "You're an idiot." is a curse, even though it's perfectly "clean" language. Saying "You're quite an odd f***er." isn't.
As far as vulgarity goes, the word vulgar come from Latin. It simply means common - as in, of the masses. I myself don't tend to cuss a lot - but not because there's anything wrong with cussing - simply because I tend to be around a lot of people who don't tend to swear. Common language creates a bond - you can usually get close to a spaniard a lot faster speaking Spanish, or to a german speaking German. If you are talking to a white, high-society socialite from New England, addressing them as "dawg" would create confusion. On the streets of LA, however, it could create rapport. (well, depends on who you're talking to/to whom you are speaking.)
And because it's related:
famous IRC quote repository wrote:*** Now talking in #christian
-Word_of_God- Welcome Abstruse to #christian I am a Bible Bot. For more info type: /msg Word_of_God !info
<Abstruse> !kjv numbers 22:21
<Word_of_God> Numbers 22:21 -- And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ***, and went with the princes of Moab. - (KJV)
*** SageRider sets mode: +b
*!**** Word_of_God was kicked from #christian by SageRider (Please dont Swear)
<Abstruse> I know I'm never going to be able to come back in this channel again after this, but d**n was it worth it to see that...