i remember pogs - i collected them and never played with them because i didn't want to lose them to other people, i still have them at my family's house. i remember one kid beating another up with his slammer
. third graders, sheesh.
my little sister had a furby, which instantly removed any desire i had to have one, having something that will start screaming in nonsense at any hour of the day wasn't too appealing...
i had a nano-pet, a dog i think, i actually managed to keep it alive for quite a while, but got bored with it.
my little sister had one of those dog robot things that does tricks and has a bone... robo-dog, or something like that
does anyone remember the skip-it thing that slipped over one ankle and counted how many times you spun it around and jumped over it with your other foot?
and how about the slap bracelets? when i was little, we weren't allowed to have them in school because kids were running around hitting each other with them...
and those 'secret diaries' that you could send messages to friends who had the same thing with, and record memos and phone numbers, and there was a dog creature you could raise and train...