Tsubasa/XXX holic

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Tsubasa/XXX holic

Postby Sparrowhawk » Mon Mar 14, 2005 3:08 pm

Alright a little explanation before my question. Umm, i finally have gotten into a... i guess you could say "real" manga. The only manga i have ever read before was "megatokyo" which is okay, but its a daily web comic that also has a continuing story. Anyaways back to the main topic. I have really become interested in Tsubasa and its counterpart xxx holic (i like tsubasa more, but since the two are intertwined i'm reading both of them). However, i don't know how many of either one of them are currently out and when the others are coming out. I know there are at least two of each, i'm currently reading xxx holic 2 and have read the first two of tsubasa (they're great, in my opinion anyways). So anyone know how many of these there are or when others are scheduled to come out? And also, if i enjoy this kind of story, are there any others out there similar that others would recomend? Thanks!
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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Mon Mar 14, 2005 3:21 pm

There's four of each, and the fifth XXXHolic might be coming out soon, I hope. If you like those two, you should check out some of the other CLAMP works. (For more info on those, come visit us in the Sakura/CLAMP fanclub! :thumb: )

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Postby CloudStrife918 » Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:23 pm

I'm so gald you enjoy reading this type of manga, too! CLAMP is one of my old favorites when it comes to manga authors! Although i've never read xxxHolic, Tsubasa is definitely a favorite! Cardcaptor Sakura is good, too! If you like this style of art, you'll most likely enjoy titles such as DN Angel as well! Happy reading!
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Postby Namelessknight » Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:58 am

to add another question-

Just how intertwined are xxxHolic and Tsubasa? Could I read one series without the other or not? and if not, are they continously linked? or just a novel or 2 crossover? thanks...
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Postby Mangafanatic » Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:42 am

Namelessknight wrote:to add another question-

Just how intertwined are xxxHolic and Tsubasa? Could I read one series without the other or not? and if not, are they continously linked? or just a novel or 2 crossover? thanks...

Tsubasa and xxxHolic can be enjoyed indepent of one another. The tie between the two is just a few events or conversation which are featured in both.
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Postby kazekami » Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:38 am

I love Tsubasa. I have all the volumes out in English so far. I can't wait for the next one to come out. Its intresting to see all the different charachters appear that were in other CLAMP manga. I noticed that not all the crossover stuff is noted in the notes in the back either. I only noticed since I've read so much of their work. Its a great series. =)
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