Kat Walker wrote:This is interesting, if nothing else:
No word on if it'll be a nationwide release, or just an intarweb rant-fest. Judging from the "we're just learning Abode AfterAffects" quality trailer...this'll be nothing to write home about. A poor man's Da Vinci Code.
Here's some gems from christianpost.com:
"The way you pull the teeth of a false argument is bring up the argument first and show that it's frivolous and fallacious," he said. "Of course it's frivolous. The original apostles wouldn't have gone to their death for Jesus if they didn't believe he was real."
"There is a small group of teenagers who will see ['The Beast'] who will be convinced it is the truth. … It will have an impact on a susceptible few."
Although I say this with a postmillenialist orthodox preterist bias, I wouldn't be so hasty in assuming every major crisis is a premonition that we are living in the end times. Many have made that mistake, and have ended up wrong and fodder for books like The Day and the Hour http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0915815370/qid=1110429042/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/002-0998413-8823256?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 (evidently originally intended to be only an article, but the author found far too much data to pull that off).Impact Alberto wrote:Ha, I could care less. Christianity is so heavily under attack because it is the one true 'religion'. This just means we're getting closer & closer until the end.
Yes, it did alarm me that they acted this way merely for following the Gospel texts, with obvious implications, though the mainstream press never posed the question of whether by implication they were saying the Gospels are anti-semetic.Sh..crap, look at The Passion. See the huge uproar over it supposedly being anti-semetic. (I don't want to talk about this movie, though).
Or perhaps more accurately, Christian uproar is ignored, unless it makes the Christian community look foolish to enough people.If you make a movie against any religion, other than Christianity, you'll always get a huge uproar.
GhostontheNet wrote:Although I say this with a postmillenialist orthodox preterist bias, I wouldn't be so hasty in assuming every major crisis is a premonition that we are living in the end times.
Wingzero22 wrote:>Directed by former fundamentalist Christian, Brian Flemming
Hmmm, looks like someone had one too many cups of coffee spil on him and he came bitter after having too many bad days, nyo!
Impact Alberto wrote:I'll be interested to see if the facts are Moore-style skewed.
Kind of answered my own question.
shooraijin wrote:That's exactly what I'll be doing. Negative publicity is still publicity.
uc pseudonym wrote:An official notice: please refrain from politically motivated commentary in this thread. The epitome of a bad response would be the Body of Christ becoming divided over something insignificant.
A curious redefinition in my opinion, though I will keep discussion of that out of this thread. Ah well, at least we aren't being accused of incest and baby eating like the early Christians were.uc pseudonym wrote:While in one sense I agree with you, I would also adopt a different definition of "living in the end times." By my reading of the Bible we are living in the end times... and have been so since the first century. I stand firmly against naming the day and the hour as well as other sensationalist efforts at the end times, but strictly speaking there have been signs of the end times since Nero. This distinction may be basically academic.
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