Homosexuality in Games

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Postby _Sin_ » Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:16 pm

Sorry to resurrect this thread; I stumbled upon it through the Similar Threads feature of this board. I'm not sure if the user's opinions changed on that article posted on the first post here so if they did, ignore this post.

I read only the blog Volt posted so I'll comment on that and not on the site he linked to.
The reason I'm posting is that I got struck by how people didn't understand that the blog was not meant to be taken seriously (Note Yog's post) and even when they understood that it was not serious, they went ahead with generalizations. Generalizations are always a bad bad thing and it's the same here.
Since we are not allowed to talk about your and this sites stance on homosexuality, I won't do so either. But I will comment on how some of you did this through generalizations.

Sorry, Volt, but I'll take your post as an example so please forigive me :sweat:

Volt wrote:Which is the reason my face changed 12 shades red'er and steam came out of my ears. Becuase they are trying to show the promotion of something that isn't there.

Some dumb Fruit doesn't understand the concept of brotherly love. Obviously becuase they're sexuality is all screwed up and so now they think every well dressed, well built guy is gay. When the majority of gay guys are either overly skinny or overwieght.

The whole article has so many things wrong with it.

Why are so heated about that blog? It wasn't meant to be serious and that's why The whole article has so many things wrong with it. It is meant to be like that, even the author admits that he will be enormously biased and will build his assumptions on thin air. It's as if I'd say that the Smurfs are gay because they are blue. Both of us know that I'm not serious so there is no reason to get all heated up about it :P

But let's assume the article was meant to be serious, then you are free to voice your opinion (Note that I'm not criticizing the fact that you voiced your opinion on gays but the fact on why you did that). Were you so much blinded with hate against gays that you didn't get the message of the blog? Where were we...? Ah, yes: Let's assume the article was actually meant to be serious, shall we? So, even if it was meant to be serious, I had problems digesting this sentence:

Volt wrote: And it's no wonder the gay community is so hated. Becuae they're so incredibly ignorant, and forcefull of their opinions.

They? Who are they? The gay community? No. Definitely not. The term you were searching for was 'he' as in the author - an individual from the gay community (if he even outed himself) and not the gay community. I don't remember the gay community choosing this author as representative of them. So if you want to bash the whole gay community you have to come up with more than just a simple generalization.

But don't worry, you are not the only one I have told this. I told this the Christian hater as well after they read this. You see, both sides can play the game ;)

As for the rest: You are obviously entitled to your opinion. I don't agree with it - especially not on how derogatory people can become when discussing stuff related to homosexuality - but this not the board to discuss that fact as I already got a side blow by Ashley for being too tolerant at times :sweat: .

"Ignorance and naivety are a pretty bad combination, so beware!" ~ Some wise person :D (a.k.a. me)
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:50 pm

... lol ...
*sigh* you've never been to a Gay Message Board have you?

Speaking from the fact that I was gay up until 17, have gay freinds, have gay people IM me every once in a while trying to get me to beleive something along the lines of "you're still gay, you're just hiding it so people will accept you"...

From all of my experience, I've learned Gay people are very very dominating, trying to claim a lot of things, everything from Jeans, to Disco, Raves, to Glowsticks they think they invented it all, They also FORCE the idea that the love between 2 same gendered poeple is "beautiful"... (pardon me while I vomit)... *clears throut*... ok i'm back.

And not only that but if you Say ANYTHING against homosexuals they will undoubtedly raise the dead in their attempt to proove you wrong and even go as far as trying to convert you.

Do you have any idea how many times Gay people try to get me to think I'm still gay. For once I'd like them to SHUT UP, and go lisp and switch cheeks somewhere else.

I have 2 male roommates who walk around in boxers all day, I go to a college that is 99% Male (it's the game development course) and I'm in class everyday with 90+ MEN, every single day. In fact I haven't talked face to face with a FEMALE IN 6 months, and I just noticed this NOW, for the first time In my classes there is 1 female asian girl, (and she's so cute too, i wanted to run up and poke her and run back to my seat :lol: ROFL ), So what have I showed everyone here, that I volt am around guys 100% of the time all day every day. and NOT once have i been Tempted to go back, or thought about going back, or even considered the idea of going back to being gay. Is it some sort of impossible feat to accomplish what I've done? Why the #*(@&$# doens't anyone beleive me... well-> straight people beleive me, but every gay person I've talked to tries to claim me as being "one of them". :shady: Arrogant, annoying fruits, Leave me Alone, go back to your gay parade :shady:

*turns microphone off, gets down off of soap box, and says "In Yo Face" to all the gay people reading this right now, about to IM and E-Mail me with Hate-Mail like they usually do anyway*

sorry, I just get really ... how you say ->emotionally ****<- when it comes to topics about homosexuality. Maybe I should start saving my IMs and showing you guys the ignorance and aggravation I go through, *sigh* I'm off to study for Calc/Trig, later.

oh ea, _Sin_ this was in no way directed towards you, I don't even remember what i was responding to...? ... ??? ... oh yea, no i forgot.
I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:03 pm

my school is an all boys school, its scary
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Postby Gypsy » Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:45 pm

Ok, stepping in. Gravedigging isn't encouraged, nor is it productive in this case. I'm sorry to be such a spoilsport, but this is going to sink back to the archives where it belongs. I do thank everyone for being polite and respectful. That's a good thing. ^^

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