soul alive wrote:...when the library staff doesn't have to ask your name when you go to check out the books
soul alive wrote:...when your latest reading books are the first things you pack when you go somewhere
...when you get characters/plots/settings in books confused with reality
...when the library staff doesn't have to ask your name when you go to check out the books
...when you start making requests about which books the library should get
jeezus_fureek wrote:FIRE HEARTS! NOT GUNS!
(i am guilty as charged for most of these things, except for the 20/20 thing. my glasses are not magnified monster glasses. Q_Q)
... you go to bed at 12pm and read to 3pm (yes I'm guilty, more than once).
... you find books more interesting than people find at night that you haven't eaten all day, you've just been reading the new "Harry Potter" book.
..when your latest reading books are the first things you pack when you go somewhere re-read the same books over and over so much that the cover falls off because you are waiting for a new order of books to come in.
-you actually recommend books to your friends, though you know they're not gonna
-you read starting early in the morning, and then find your previously sunlight room, dark, because it's late evening (had a lot squinty-eyed nights! <_>)
Namelessknight wrote:you know you read to much when you can discuss the lives of the characters of the current book you are reading more accurately and in greater detail than you can of your rl friends....
greyscale42 wrote:.... when you read an entire 800 page book in a day and dont eat or move for the entire time.
.... when you begin to wonder how characters in books would react to other characters from other books
.... when you daydream about being in a particular book
What? Those were fiction I hope, as though I've read giant books by N.T. Wright, I definately don't think I could read them one in a day no matter what.LostChild wrote::lol: i am guilty of all of the above. will anyone press charges?
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