Need Recommendations on Manga

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Need Recommendations on Manga

Postby SonicRose » Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:22 pm

Ok people, don't let me down!

I'm interested in finding a relatively short series or stand alone Manga to collect and read. My fav animes are as follows...

Rurouni Kenshin, Inu Yasha, Tenchi Muyo/Universe, Ranma 1/2, Vampire Hunter D, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, A little Snow Fairy Sugar...

At the very limits of my taste are Miyazaki's Mononoke Hime, Blood the last Vampire, and Saiyuki.... excessive bleeding, bad language, homosexual innuendos and/or atheistic or pagan symbols and references are the reasons for my disdain for them.

My Prefered Genre is Comedy, Fantasy, and I also love a good romance. I'd like to find something clean and fun. Medeival or Feudal Japan interest me... so I need some info and imput...

I've heard of Love Hina, but relatively avoided it, dunno why.
And Fruits Baskets. AzumangaDaiyoh also has been recommended to me so I need a little feedback on those.

So I know of a few comedies I need feedback on, more would be appreciated, especially for some romance.

Sorry for inconsistant rambling. ^^;
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Postby Ashley » Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:43 pm

I would recommend Angelic Layer. It's a realtively short series (5 volumes, all of which are released) BUT that doesn't make it anything short of fantastic. It's by CLAMP, so the art is phenominal. No language, no nudity, no cussing, and perhaps one or two innunedos to panties. Seriously, it's squeaky clean, and got lots of action as well as some comedy and romance.

I also liked the Cowboy Bebop mangas, although they are a little bloody, and drop a few curse words. Gundam Wing was another great action title, with no blood (none that I can remember, if any), no nudity, and no sexual overtones (DESPITE what the rabid fangirls would tell you).
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:29 pm

Click the third picture in Ashley's signature; that's a fun, clean and really short manga. :grin: *Ash boots MelMak out of the thread*

Seriously, besides that, the two best ones I know are Psychoteers and Steelblood. Both are worth checking out. :thumb:
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Postby Arnobius » Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:59 pm

If you like short (like one-shot) comedies, there's Short Program by Mitsunu Adachi. Since you mentioned Inu Yasha and Ranma, Rumiko Takahashi has several, like Rumic World, One or Double. Urusei Yatsura is a long series but made up of short (one or 2 chapter) stories.
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Postby MasterDias » Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:07 pm

Most of what you listed as your favorites(Kenshin, Inuyasha, Tenchi, Ranma, FMA, and Trigun) are lengthy/very popular shonen action and/or romantic comedy titles.
Based on those, the titles I would first think of would be pretty long.

As such, I'm not totally sure what to recommend.
How short a manga are you looking for? 1 Volume? 5 Volumes? 10 Volumes?

You might like Magic Knights Rayearth. It's only six or so volumes and it's in the fantasy/romance genre.

...and I'm very certain someone will be along fairly quickly to tell you all about Fruits Basket as it's a very popular title on the boards. I haven't seen/read it however...although I wouldn't really consider it a short series since it is already 15 volumes and still ongoing.
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Postby Ashley » Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:32 am

Click the third picture in Ashley's signature; that's a fun, clean and really short manga.

Wow, a plug I did not instigate...this must mean I have fans, or melmak wants something. :lol:
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Postby Mangafanatic » Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:40 am

Yeah, fruits Basket is awesome, but its not really short by any stretch of the imagination (currently 15 volumes, but it's still running in Japan.) If you still want information on it, I wrote my most comprehensive review of that series in another thread and I can re-post it here if you want.

So, I'll suggest Asumanga Daioh. It's really funny, and it's only 4 volumes. As fas a comtent to be wary of: There are quite a few anatomical jokes (A few of the young ladies have abnormally large busts and this is a point that is discussed amongst themselves on more than one occasion.) There is some cussing in the manga, but I don't remember it ever being excessing. Lastly, one of male teachers is a bit of a pervert and stares at the afforementioned anomolous figures of some of the girls. This is played for laughs. (I didn't think it was fun. :eyebrow: )

Also, because of the mangas you mentioned liking, I'll throw in Wolf's Rain. It's only two volumes and it's pretty clean. The things you have to worry about it:

There was only one really voilent instance in this manga. A certain characters is bitten on the throat by and wolf and then-- we'll you know what happens "then." There's blood every where. That's the only violence that struck me as excessive of really gross.

There is some language. Mainly, D**n and H*ll.

ON the sexuality score, there were only two things that struck me as provacative at all. First, Cheza's (one of the few female characters) wears an outfit that I would liken to an Evangelion plug suit. It's form fitting, but, luckily, Sheza's figure isn't exaggerate. There is a diamond cut out at her belly button and at her bust. I had read half way through it before I really even noticed, though, so that tells you that it wasn't very obvious.

There's my picks. I'll come and add somemore later as they come to me.
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Postby Yamato145 » Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:47 am

its not short but may i suggest DNAngel
its really good
also Kazan is a good adventure that clocks in at 7 volumes
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Postby SonicRose » Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:17 pm

5-10 vollumes sounds short to me... so I think I'll nibble on ANgelic Layer, dine on Azumanga Daioh, and have MKR for dessert. I like to take things one at a time so maybe I'll get around to these all at some point thankies !^_^
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Postby Pepper Kittie » Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:03 pm

I haven't read very many mangas so I'm not the best to give advice on it... (I just asked the same question myself XD I don't know what to read either...) But a new little manga has come out called "More Starlight To Your Heart" that I think is a really sweet, cute story. From what I've heard it's supposed to be only 3 books long so it's a pretty short story. Only the first book is out now and that's all that I've read of it but I look forward to the second book coming out in a month or so ^_^

The story itself is about a girl named Akane who was once a princess in this big palace in Japan, but because of her crush on the boy she grew up with, who she can't even see as a princess since he works outside the walls of the palace, she decides to step down from her possition and become a servant to be able to be with him. It's basically a romance/comedy manga... I love the drawing style and her cute cat, Hikoboshi ^^ It's rated all ages and I haven't found anything bad in the series yet... though one of the servants tries to trap Akane's crush, Aogi, and try to make him kiss her... but that's the only thing that was wierd to me XD
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