Unngghhh I really haven't put much thought into this, but now I have. I really like to draw anime characters and even make my own anime-style comic. I know how bad and unnessecary fanservice is, but I'm ashamed to admit I put an instance of fanservice in my own comic!! It's pretty mild compared to some of the other stuff out there, but it's still there. There's one scene in which my male protagonist unwittingly save one of my female characters from a barrage of machine gun fire. Basically, she says that she's very grateful and owes him her life. My other male character(not the one who saved her.) Gets all excited and starts to have a fantasy. In it, she is wearing a leotard(pretty much like a one-piece swimsuit) and she comes in and tells him that his pizza is ready(no sexual referance, as I said earlier, it's pretty mild) he throws his wrench on the ground and when she bends over to pick it up, he looks down her outfit.Then the fantasy ends and he gets slapped on the head. I put a lot of effort into this scene. I just guess I put it there because I knew that some of my friends would get a kick out of it. But I think that maybe I should get rid of it. I would hate it if my parents wanted to read it and I would be all like, "ummm... ugghhh "
The big difference between an anime and my comic is that an anime reflects the directirs while my comic reflects me. If this was in an anime, it probably wouldn't bother me or my parents( mom at least) because we realize that I'm old enough to take some of that. But in a comic it's coming straight from me. It's reflecting my personality and I would hate for my parents to think that anime has had a negative influence on me. I guess I should take out of my comic, but would I have to throw it away? I mean I put a lot of effort into the artwork and I kinda' don't wanna just waste it. It's not like looking at it gives me lustful thoughts or anything like that, but still... If I should throw it away then that is that. I 'spose I shouldn't have too much trouble of getting rid of somethin if it displeases the Lord. Please give your thoughts on this.