My first import game: Seiken Densetsu 2

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My first import game: Seiken Densetsu 2

Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:54 am

Better known to you gaijin as "Secret of Mana" in the US... I'm so excited! My first import game that I legitimately OWN now. Of course, I didn't know at the time I could have gotten it on ebay for half the price, but ebay is never a certainty.

I hear you have to cut or file down the cartridge holder on your SNES to play the Super Famicom games... I haven't quite tried it... hold on... Well, it seems to fit... Hmm... Ok, going to hook it in...

Oh my! It works! Oh! Joy!

Now I just need a controller... This should be a bit of incentive to study my Japanese and my kanji...

You may be wondering why I got 2, which I can play in english, and not 3, which is Japan only... I plan on getting them BOTH as well as umihara kawase... It's just that this was available to me to buy. I got it from Hollywood video's game store... Someone tried to trade it in for a game there, so the guy bought it but they weren't allowed to have it in the store, since it was Japanese, so he offered it to me as a private sale for 30 bucks. Ignore my horrible grammer... I'm excited, darn it...

I am, however, wondering about the validity of this now... First off, the cover is not the same as the US cover, which is understandable, but it is so dull it seems strange... Also, while the title is in Kanji, the intro (explaining the mana sword) is in English, though different from the American intro... That seems a bit suspcious... I need to buy a controller to actually PLAY it, though... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Jan 13, 2005 5:52 pm

im pretty sure it's legit. Many import games have some english in it

yay! you are officially part of the I-own-an-import-game club! Which (to my knowledge) is Me and Estoeric, i wonder if any others have imports too
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:05 pm

Seiken Densetsu 2 is good because I can play through it for the most part without having to read the script. I know that game pretty darn well. If I got 3, that would be a bit harder. I would have to play through the "Hawkeye, Angela, Riezu" game to know where I was going, as that's the only one I came close to beating.

In writing this, I just realized I NEVER BEAT SD3... I got to the beginning of the legendary beasts, I think. The elemental monsters. I never beat the dark one, though... Or was it the moon one...

That's one I'll REALLY try to study my Japanese for... One of my top five favorite games of all time. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby cbwing0 » Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:25 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:yay! you are officially part of the I-own-an-import-game club! Which (to my knowledge) is Me and Estoeric, i wonder if any others have imports too

I have an imported copy of Phantasy Star Online Ver.2 for the Dreamcast, but that is the only imported game that I own.

The cover art is different from the American version, and the basic layout is also slightly different (an orange side strip as opposed to a black one, for instance). Strangely, the default text setting is English, and you can choose from a number of languages in the game's options.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:13 am

I don't have a controller... I went back to game crazy to get it, and they were out of SNES controllers... I was so mad... I wish I knew what I did with my controller, but it was likely lost in Apple Valley...

If I get any more imports (I'm not sure I will, now... I really should save my money) I may get Umihara Kawase before I get SD3... SD3 is really going to be hard to play without being able to read the dialogue (and monologues and narration, if you wanna get "fastidious" about it) Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:04 am

yay cbwing is part of our highly-unorganized unofficial importers club!
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Postby Chichiri » Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:46 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:Better known to you gaijin as "Secret of Mana" in the US... I'm so excited! My first import game that I legitimately OWN now. Of course, I didn't know at the time I could have gotten it on ebay for half the price, but ebay is never a certainty.

I hear you have to cut or file down the cartridge holder on your SNES to play the Super Famicom games... I haven't quite tried it... hold on... Well, it seems to fit... Hmm... Ok, going to hook it in...

Oh my! It works! Oh! Joy!

Now I just need a controller... This should be a bit of incentive to study my Japanese and my kanji...

You may be wondering why I got 2, which I can play in english, and not 3, which is Japan only... I plan on getting them BOTH as well as umihara kawase... It's just that this was available to me to buy. I got it from Hollywood video's game store... Someone tried to trade it in for a game there, so the guy bought it but they weren't allowed to have it in the store, since it was Japanese, so he offered it to me as a private sale for 30 bucks. Ignore my horrible grammer... I'm excited, darn it...

I am, however, wondering about the validity of this now... First off, the cover is not the same as the US cover, which is understandable, but it is so dull it seems strange... Also, while the title is in Kanji, the intro (explaining the mana sword) is in English, though different from the American intro... That seems a bit suspcious... I need to buy a controller to actually PLAY it, though...

Congrats man. Here are my two cents:

1.) Importing SD2 over SD3 is a GOOD IDEA. Why? Have you ever played Japanese SD3? The text is fairly hard to read because the kanji is often squished together and fairly unclear. In some cases, you just have to guess what it says based on the rest of the sentence. On a big screen TV, it might not be *AS* bad, but it still looks harder to read.

SD2's text is as crystal clear as you could want. Which is good.

2.) I've played through at least 1/2 of the Japanese version and...
As far as the text goes... the box art is a picture of the tree with the 3 heroes looking at it. The text SHOULD be in Kanji. In game, I didn't see much english/romanji. I know the intro where they explain the history of the mana tree (history repeats like a river, blah blah) is completely in Japanese.

So... i dunno why that is.
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