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Postby Yamato145 » Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:38 am

This book is pretty far out there ...
but if your open minded check it out

its called Choke by Chuck Pahliunhuk

im not even gonna tell what its about ... might get me banned!!!
The loving, caring, and slightly bad-influencing father of 1balloonpopper and khakibluesocks!!!
Also I'm not sure how -_-' but somehow I am the Master and Father of Spectro-King according to his signature ... but hey I'm up for having a minion ... so jump stupid ... I'll have him keeeeel you
:evil: Evil child of Fantasy Dreamer and Dark Disturbed Grandchild of Cephas VII
On a quest to adopt Cephas
:dance: WACKY BANANA!!! :rock: ROCKER!!! :hug: glomp of DOOM!!!
Ive noticed something interesting, when a place is really amazing people say it must be seen to believed ... but the most amazing place ever must be believed to be seen.
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Postby BrokenWingz » Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:45 am

That book is great really great
There are hundreds of angels, and all are willing to lend their help in the fight against chaos. However, these are the angels who were chosen by the gods to join with a human host. Already very popular with the mortals, the angels have always been the protectors of the human race
Image Image
Thus I am the speaker of truth and a true angel of god, just with brokenWingz..
:angel: Constantly in a fight between good and evil :evil:

"Meaningless heroism is nothing but a facade of how you truly feel inside" By: Glenn Robinson
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