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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:39 pm

Good man, kaemmerite. I know what you mean on the loss of all hope thing. I don't have any hope for tomorrow either. Most people would call you pessimistic, but I like to call you realistic to the worst extreme. I'm always being labeled pessimistic, instead of ultra-bad-realistic. I assume murphy's law in everything(If anyone doesn't know about murphy's law, you are an idiot). Nice to know ya better man.
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Postby Nate » Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:06 pm

Wow...I leave the site for a few hours, and all this. *Shrugs* Well, I guess I had better get to work then, eh?

Nikki_fallingup wrote:What was your fav subject in school? Lest fav?

Do you draw? Paint? anything creative (other than writing?)

Uh.... Which do you prefer, chocolate or vanilla?

Let's favorite subject in school...probably science. I like science, and I like math too. Even though math is hard...I still like it. My least favorite? Well, this should be apparent...gym. :grin: I've never been physically strong, and to this day can't do a single pull-up...actually, my weight has nothing to do with it. I couldn't do a pull-up when I weighed 115 pounds. If you want to talk actual subjects, my least favorite would probably be history. I have no interest in history, I fail to see how what happened to the people of East India in 4000 B.C. affects me as a person in the modern world. It's too much rote memorization of dates and names, which isn't real learning. Tied with that would be music/art classes. You can whine about how they make you a better person or whatnot, but unless you plan to be a musician/artist, I don't really think they help prepare you for the real world. That's why I was glad to get into middle/high school where those classes were electives rather than requirements. I mean, you didn't even get GRADES in those classes.

Second, I can't draw. Never have been able to. I never took the time to learn an instrument, either. So aside from writing (which, as I stated, I haven't been able to do for a couple of years) I really don't have any other creative talents. Well, obviously, that's not true, I do have SOME sort of creative talent, but it isn't writing/drawing/playing an instrument. Not unless I take it upon myself to learn an instrument, but I have too much anime and video games for that kind of commitment. :sweat:

Finally, I prefer vanilla. I don't know why. When I was a kid I loved chocolate. Maybe I got sick of it, I dunno. This could also be perceived as a trick question, as chocolate CONTAINS vanilla in it. Most chocolate, anyway. Check it out sometime.

Okay, that's one part out of the way...

Volt. Ah, Volt's post. No one worry about it, I take no offense at his post. He speaks only the truth, and the truth is the truth whether you like it or not.

Trust me, I know I'm not the most pathetic person on the planet. I know I'm not even near the top of the list. Yes, people in third world countries have it far worse than I do. I realize that. In fact, I recently read the book "When God Weeps" and one of the quotes in there was from a little boy in Africa (I think). I don't remember the exact quote, but it went something along the lines of, "You Americans are the ones we don't understand. You have been blessed with so much, you are so wealthy, yet so many of your people are angry or depressed."

You know, I think we can all learn something from that. Anyway, I wasn't raised in a third world country. I had a very good family life growing up. So, I can only see my life as referenced by the experiences I've had, and as such they are (in my opinion) not very good experiences. Obviously, they don't compare to those people that you posted, or even people on this site or even the guy down the street from me.

In my defense, I feel a LITTLE bit better about myself, and I don't cry myself to sleep anymore (barring what happened a month ago, but that's to be expected considering the circumstances).

Finally, Nikki, I will have to slightly disagree with your opinion. But, keep in mind, we simply have different opinions. There is no "right" answer on this subject.

I think it is important to date people (not necessarily a lot of people) before you pick a person. Now, you may be lucky like a friend of mine and find the right woman right off the bat. However, this isn't always going to be the case. The first person you date may not be right for you. However, by dating you can find out a lot more about yourself. You may find out things you didn't know about yourself, which you can then change (or strengthen) depending on how they would affect a relationship.

To be honest, I'm a bit frightened of the thought that I may be alone all my life. I know what Paul says, and I admire people who actually can remain single their entire lives, but I don't think I could actually do it. Even in my life now, I feel a need to have people constantly remind me that they care about me.

I always feel very lonely. I see people of faith that claim that God always comforts them, that He is there for them. In the Bible, on this site, in my church...but although I have felt His love to be sure, I am more often than not extremely lonely and feel empty inside. I'm not sure what this means...perhaps I am not as spiritually mature as others? This is the only explanation I can come up with.

I'll be honest, a couple of times I felt like leaving this site. I feel a need to be reminded that people care about me every so often, and if I don't get that reminder then I start to think that no one cares about me. This isn't true, of course, and my brain realizes that, but somehow I can't get my logic to prevail over my emotions (I see this as a weakness, though I know it really isn't). I felt I would be too much of a burden to people on this site as such, as no one should have to constantly remind me that I am loved. I feel that it would be a "chore" to them. Once again, a false statement, but one that my heart rather than my head believes.

Now, the real question is, how do I close this post? Hmm... :stressed:

The tone isn't right for a dancing banana, unless I can change the tone somehow...

Oh, today I went with my mom to a grief counselor. I didn't want to go, but it was a little ways away from our house and I decided to go with her so she wouldn't be alone. I figured I'd get called into the room at some point during the counseling (I was), and I realized something.

Counseling really isn't made for people like me. Everything the woman said, I already knew...and she repeated things four or five times. I suppose this is for people who are more emotional, to drive a point home, but to me it gives the impression that the person really doesn't have anything relevant to say, they just repeat themselves (with different words) to give the impression that they do.

I'm not knocking it, though. It seems to have really helped my mom, and that's what it was really for in the first place, anyway.

This didn't change the tone, I just thought I'd throw it out there and go completely off the subject. At any rate, this seems to be a good place to close, I guess. I'm thinking about getting a page on livejournal or something like that...I have a dial-up and 56K so I really don't want to get into anything too involved or graphics-heavy (like a xanga) so livejournal seems to me to be the way to go. Any suggestions about this, PM me so that this thread doesn't get too cluttered. Thank you.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:13 pm

kaemmerite wrote:Volt. Ah, Volt's post. No one worry about it, I take no offense at his post.

On an administrative note, no one else has a right to take offense at the post either. Just so we don't get bogged down in arguments.

kaemmerite wrote:I don't remember the exact quote, but it went something along the lines of, "You Americans are the ones we don't understand. You have been blessed with so much, you are so wealthy, yet so many of your people are angry or depressed."

I agree, there is a great deal we should all take from that. I have several quotes very similar that I carry in my heart.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:46 pm

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I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:26 am

Volt wrote:lol...

My thoughts are so unorganized no wonder I get so misunderstood.
I don't even know why I added the 3rd world kids, I was on google and saw them, so I was like "awww, that's so sad," so i shoved them along with the post.

But then again it doesn't fit... because I was defining that in a sense we are all losers, but then I switched the meaning of a loser with "someone who has lost a lot"(like the 3rd world kids)

So... yea... I can't think right. I've been eating fruit loops 24/7, I think I'm high or something, I don't feel right.
*be back tomorrow, maybe*

I think you are more cohesive than you think you are. I have found that often when I am in a strange mood like the one you described I never like what I write but it generally doesn't turn out that bad.
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:16 am

kaemmerite wrote: I have no interest in history, I fail to see how what happened to the people of East India in 4000 B.C. affects me as a person in the modern world. It's too much rote memorization of dates and names, which isn't real learning. Tied with that would be music/art classes. You can whine about how they make you a better person or whatnot, but unless you plan to be a musician/artist, I don't really think they help prepare you for the real world. That's why I was glad to get into middle/high school where those classes were electives rather than requirements. I mean, you didn't even get GRADES in those classes.

Finally, Nikki, I will have to slightly disagree with your opinion. But, keep in mind, we simply have different opinions. There is no "right" answer on this subject.

I think it is important to date people (not necessarily a lot of people) before you pick a person. Now, you may be lucky like a friend of mine and find the right woman right off the bat. However, this isn't always going to be the case. The first person you date may not be right for you. However, by dating you can find out a lot more about yourself. You may find out things you didn't know about yourself, which you can then change (or strengthen) depending on how they would affect a relationship.

To be honest, I'm a bit frightened of the thought that I may be alone all my life. I know what Paul says, and I admire people who actually can remain single their entire lives, but I don't think I could actually do it. Even in my life now, I feel a need to have people constantly remind me that they care about me.

I always feel very lonely. I see people of faith that claim that God always comforts them, that He is there for them. In the Bible, on this site, in my church...but although I have felt His love to be sure, I am more often than not extremely lonely and feel empty inside. I'm not sure what this means...perhaps I am not as spiritually mature as others? This is the only explanation I can come up with.

Oh, today I went with my mom to a grief counselor. I didn't want to go, but it was a little ways away from our house and I decided to go with her so she wouldn't be alone. I figured I'd get called into the room at some point during the counseling (I was), and I realized something.

Counseling really isn't made for people like me. Everything the woman said, I already knew...and she repeated things four or five times. I suppose this is for people who are more emotional, to drive a point home, but to me it gives the impression that the person really doesn't have anything relevant to say, they just repeat themselves (with different words) to give the impression that they do.

I'm not knocking it, though. It seems to have really helped my mom, and that's what it was really for in the first place, anyway.

What!! You don't like History!!! *faints* Okay so I agree that the dates aren't all that important in our daily lives, but come on! The details are interesting! I think I lean more toward the US history and the Midevil period when it comes to being interested in the subject. *shrugs shoulders* We all have an opinion though.... No music/arts either huh.... well that's understandable, it's not interesting for those who aren't going into that field. As for me... well that's where I'm headed. No worries though Kaemmerite... I understand your dislike for them... everyone in my family thinks I'm weird for liking them.

I guess my thought on wishing to be single has been highly influenced by all the pain i've endure from relationships in the past... >.< I hate the memories of them. Yes, we all do have our different views, that's what makes us who we are!

Props to you for going with your mom.... counseling is simply for some people and not for others. I spent a year in counseling.... it helped some, but I was so not for it. I got tired of hearing, "We are all wonderfully made." That seemed to be the theme song for the counselor I went to. ZZZzzzzz..... I was so glad when I didn't have to go anymore.

I hope you never leave.... then I'll feel all alone! I like talking to you.... not that I don't like talking to anyone else... I love you guys!!! :hug:

Well, ummm... I don't have any questions right now... but I'll think of some as the day goes on.....

Love yas!!! :angel:
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Tue Nov 02, 2004 3:02 pm

Got a question... What time do you normally get on???
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:23 am

Ho Hummm......

Do you go to any other forums? If so what?
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Postby Nate » Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:15 am

I answered the question on PM, but I'll put it here for the world to see.

I usually get on around 5 or 6 at night. My mom wakes up at 3:30 to go open the local YMCA, and works until ten (so she doesn't get back here until about 10:30. Then she takes a nap, so I usually don't bother her during that time. I usually stay on for most of the evening, and the early morning too (that's when most people seem to go to Shiroi's chat room).


*Ahem* Anyway, as for what other sites I frequent, I am also known as kaemmerite on the Guild of Redeemed Gamers. Look at the top of CAA. But, you can't get to it from the index, which is pretty weird. You have to go to another part of the site besides the index to click on it.

Also, I have recently created a blog for whatever reason. Should anyone wish to see it, the address is...

*Thinks he might put it in his signature*

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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:24 am

Shiroi's Chat room.... hmm... sounds like fun!

BTW cool blog!! hehe... thanks for explaining it to me!

Oh new question.

So you multi-task?
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Postby Nate » Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:59 am

My apologies, Nikki, for taking so long to answer this question.

But, I'm not sure how to answer. :sweat:

My computer's too slow to multitask. Dialup and 56K, you know.

In real life am I able to do two things at once? Hardly. In fact, I'm barely able to do even one thing well. :hits_self


This thread has served its purpose. It is a bio of information about my life up until this point, and there is no need to post in it further. If anyone comes searching for information about me (ESPECIALLY if it's a cute girl), they have this thread for my past, and as for my present, I would urge you to go to my livejournal page, as it is updated more frequently than my blog. Even though it's in my signature, I'll put the link here too. You can find it at:

Please post all questions/comments about me there. Thank you.

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Postby Jaltus-bot » Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:18 am

I like Steak. Have you ever been to Outback Steakhouse? What is the best place, besides besides my home when my dad cooks steak, to get steak?
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Postby Nate » Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:25 pm


Okay, well, I only have expertise in the Norfolk area of steak. First off, let me say that I DESPISE Outback. I have eaten at a couple of Outback restaurants, and the steak was not good every time I've eaten there.

Now, the best place I found for steak was a place called "The Magnolia Steak." It was kind of a classy restaurant, and I always went in wearing jeans and a t-shirt because, hey, that's ALL I ever wear. I ONCE wore a nice outfit for my grandparents' fiftieth wedding anniversary, but that was only because my family made me.

The second best place was called "The Grate Steak." It was voted Norfolk's best steak restaurant twenty-two years in a row (I think they might've won it this year too). I prefer Magnolia, but it's all a matter of taste, really.

The best chain restaurant...Lone Star. Sounds weird but it's true. Their steak is excellent. I also love their jalapeno poppers, as they have CHEDDAR cheese and bacon, instead of cream cheese.

My friend told me about a steakhouse in Crystal City, VA. He said that a guy there got kicked out for asking for steak sauce.

Sounds like my kind of steakhouse. :)

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Postby Godly Paladin » Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:32 pm

You got a Genesis, eh? What are your favorite games on the greatest system of all?

*feels glares of Nintendo and Sony fans*

*draws out glittering sword and prepares to defend the Genesis*
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Postby Nate » Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:45 pm

Um, to be honest, Genesis wasn't really my favorite system... :sweat:

My brother liked it though.

But, I enjoyed all four Sonic games, as well as Ecco the Dolphin. Ecco 2 was OKAY, but certainly nowhere near as good as the first one (or as hard...YEESH! I STILL have trouble with the Machine and the evil Asterite...the thingy that looks like DNA).

Xmen was also a good game, though VERY hard. I bought Dynamite Headdy at a flea market a couple of years ago, but have yet to play it...

And that's all I can remember. If there were other games for Genesis I liked, they were so unimpressive that I can't remember them.

I was more into RPGs than anything else, so it's not surprising that I didn't like Genesis. It didn't have too many of them. Not as many as Super Nintendo. Yes, I've played Phantasy Star, and I hated it. Sorry. I bought the Phantasy Star Collection for GBA and sold it about three days later.

Not that I'm bashing Genesis, mind you. I enjoyed it, but just not as much as my Super Nintendo.

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Postby Godly Paladin » Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:03 pm


Yeah, Dynamite Headdy is a great game! (And a rare find!)

Ecco the Dolphin was cool, as well. Super hard though.

As to the Genesis not having RPGs, I won't argue with anyone about it. (I've done it too many times. :sweat: )

I'll just say this: the Genesis has over 40 quality RPGs.

Chrono Trigger, eh? I'll have to play it sometime. Is it really that good?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:59 am

Godly Paladin wrote:Chrono Trigger, eh? I'll have to play it sometime. Is it really that good?

In my mind, yes. It has a quality storyline, a good set of battle mechanics, seamless combat/adventuring (you only enter random battles when you touch the roving enemies... unless they attack you) and is just generally fun. Depending on what type of games you like, you may or may not consider it the greatest 32 bit class rpg ever made. It is certainly on the same level as FFVI and Seiken Densetsu 3.
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Postby Godly Paladin » Wed Nov 10, 2004 2:03 pm

Thankee kindly!

So...Kaemmerite. I infer from one of your older avatars that you like Mystery Science Theater 3000. Your favorite episode is...?
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Postby Nate » Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:18 pm

Uh...I agree with uc. I liked Chrono Trigger better than FFVI, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Seiken Densetsu 2.


Seiken Densetsu? What's that, you ask?

Seiken Densetsu was released in America as Secret of Mana. BUT, the Secret of Mana for Super Nintendo was actually Seiken Densetsu 2! So where's Seiken Densetsu 1, you may ask? Yes, it was brought to America under the title...

Final Fantasy Adventure for the Game Boy. I guess Squaresoft thought if they slapped the Final Fantasy name on it, it would sell better. Anyway, Seiken Densetsu has been rereleased since then on GBA as Sword of Mana. Seiken Densetsu 3 has yet to receive an American release, but ROMs are available, and translation patches are relatively easy to find.

My favorite episode of MST3K, eh? Ooh, that's a HARD one. REALLY hard. I can't pick a "best" episode, so I'll just throw down ones that I thoroughly enjoyed and are all "best" in some way:

Manos: The Hands of Fate
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

All of these episodes are available on DVD for your viewing pleasure.

Oh, and as for the Genesis having 40 RPGs...they certainly didn't advertise them well! The only ones I remember are Phantasy Star (which I didn't care for) and Shining Force...which has been released on GBA.

Speaking of which, for anyone here who has played the original Shining Force as well as the GBA release, is it just me, or is the GBA version easier than the original Genesis version?

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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:09 am

Chrono Trigger is, I believe, the best of the three. SD3 is fun to play because of the open combat system, but overall not as enjoyable or in-depth as Chrono Trigger.

I need to watch Mystery Science Theater, from all that I have heard about it. But I'm not the type to watch things.
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Postby Sam*ron » Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:21 am

What is that?
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Postby Nate » Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:16 am

What is Mystery Science Theater 3000, you ask? Where should I begin? How about the beginning.

There was a guy named Joel who worked at a company called Gizmonic Institute. His boss, a rogue mad scientist named Dr. Forrester, shot him into space on a ship called the Satellite of Love. His boss is trying to take over the world, and he figures the best way to do that is find the worst movie of all time. Joel is a test subject. Whatever movie makes Joel snap, is the one Dr. Forrester will unleash on the general public, thus breaking people's wills.

To keep from going insane, Joel created four robot friends. One of them keeps up the maintenance on the Satellite, one of them is the camera that films the show, and the other two are the ones who go watch the movie with him.

Later on, Joel was able to escape, and Dr. Forrester sent up a replacement, a temp worker they had hired named Mike.

The show is basically a really bad movie, and Joel/Mike, Tom Servo, and Crow making hilarious comments throughout.

I thoroughly enjoy this show. :thumb: My current avatar is Joel. I may change it to Mike sometime in the near future.

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Postby Sam*ron » Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:31 pm

Ahh... :brow:
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:17 am

I feel a strange urge to post here.
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Postby dragonshimmer » Mon Dec 27, 2004 1:18 pm

I also don't like answering the phone, because it's NEVER for me. But, in the rare even that it was for me, I wouldn't mind.

Heh. You can't ever say that again. :dance:

I have a question. Where would you LOVE to see yourself in five years, and what would you like to be doing, assuming you reach the stars like we all know you are capable of doing?
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Postby Mave » Tue Dec 28, 2004 7:20 am

Hm....thought I'll just drop by and see what's going on.

I try not to say much since I'll be merely repeating what others have said. I hope you're not expecting us to completely understand or agree with you since we have our own lives and ways of seeing things. I'm truly sorry to hear about tragedies/less than comfortable occurrences in your life. Yeah, "it could be better", but then again, "it could be worse." Sometimes, I'm reminded to be grateful since God can easily take away what I've taken for granted. I reckon the most important thing at the moment is how how we respond to circumstances and seek God's support in them, taking God-given great things and responsibilities in life in consideration. If I sound like I'm lecturing or something, at least I'm doing it because I care to a certain extent.

Anyway, a few random responses:

1) Hey, Chinese dragons aren't that bad! lol oh well.....there are so many Chinese dragon designs so I'm not sure which ones you are talking about

2) I'm not particularly fond of wine too...especially red wine. >_< But I can't stand beer even more! How did you get yourself drunk then?

3) I'm more of a Sailor Pluto fan but in generally, I like the Outer Senshis. My old name on CAA was MichiruT for reasons you can guess.

Nice to have you here, Kaem. Perhaps some ppl disagree with what is said here but really, ultimately, you are who you agree with God to be, not what other ppl think of you.
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Postby Nate » Tue Dec 28, 2004 9:20 pm think a thread has died...

Okay, so...

shimmer wrote:Where would you LOVE to see yourself in five years, and what would you like to be doing, assuming you reach the stars like we all know you are capable of doing?

Where would I love to see myself in five years? Uh...I don't know...hopefully out of college, and with a decent job at a power plant. Marital status...reply hazy. Try again later.

What I'd LIKE to be doing is a different story however. I'd LIKE to be a lottery winner who does nothing but play games and watch anime all day, but I don't think that's going to happen. ^^]1) Hey, Chinese dragons aren't that bad! lol oh well.....there are so many Chinese dragon designs so I'm not sure which ones you are talking about[/QUOTE]
In general, Chinese dragons have long bodies with no wings (or tiny ones) and little bitty feet. And beards, sometimes, or flowing hair of some sort. European dragons are more...dinosaur-like, for lack of a better term, with huge wingspans and no hair whatsoever.

Mave wrote:2) I'm not particularly fond of wine too...especially red wine. >_< But I can't stand beer even more! How did you get yourself drunk then?

I don't like wine or beer, honestly. I hate the taste of 'em both. I got myself drunk through liquor. It tastes better...but it's more expensive, which is why I'm glad I've given up drinking, it's cheaper. ]3) I'm more of a Sailor Pluto fan but in generally, I like the Outer Senshis. My old name on CAA was MichiruT for reasons you can guess.[/QUOTE]
Outer Senshi!!! :3

Not only do they have better henshin music, but they're kewler too!

Haruka and Michiru... :3

Yeah, yeah...I know, I'm Christian, and I shouldn't support their lifestyle, but they DO look so absolutely adorable together... :3

Thank you for the words of encouragement too, Mave. They mean a lot to me. :hug:

*Walks away happy*

Ezekiel 23:20
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:43 am

*glomps Kae*
I haven't been in here in a while. I thought it died!!!! *gasp*

1. Do you mind me asking some more questions?
2. Why or why not?
3. Do you have a better reason?
4. I can deal with that. So what did you get for xmas?
5. What was the thing you got that was your fav?
6. DO you even have a fav?
7. Tired of my questions yet?
8. Why or why not?
9. Do you have a better reason?
10. Do you want to strangle me yet?
11. Why or why not?
12. Do you have a better reason?
13. Ready to give up?
14. Why or why not?
15. Do you have a better reason?
16. Are you sure?

Okay I'll leave you alone now ^_^ *runs off*
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Postby Nate » Wed Dec 29, 2004 8:49 pm

Nikki_fallingup wrote:1. Do you mind me asking some more questions?
2. Why or why not?
3. Do you have a better reason?
4. I can deal with that. So what did you get for xmas?
5. What was the thing you got that was your fav?
6. DO you even have a fav?
7. Tired of my questions yet?
8. Why or why not?
9. Do you have a better reason?
10. Do you want to strangle me yet?
11. Why or why not?
12. Do you have a better reason?
13. Ready to give up?
14. Why or why not?
15. Do you have a better reason?
16. Are you sure?

1. Not at all.
2. Because unlike in real life, I don't tire as easily online of people.
3. Probably not.
4. A few shirts, a talking Simpsons wall clock, some spicy stuff (peanuts, cheese straws, salsa, etc.), and a giant beef log.
5. The clock, definitely.
6. Yes (see previous question).
7. Not really.
8. The answers are fairly simple to type, and the questions are easy.
9. Not really, I don't think.
10. No.
11. Because I like you.
12. Maybe... :D
13. Not at all.
14. I don't give up very easily.
15. Yes, of course.
16. Now that I think about it...not really. <.<

Ezekiel 23:20
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:38 pm

So I got bored!

1. Who could blame me?
2. What time is it?
3. Did you have fun at Winterfest?
4. What was the coolest thing that I missed out on?
5. Did you miss me? (You don't have to answer that one)
6. What are you doing now other than answering my insane questions?
7. Do you really thing my questions are insane?
8. Why or why not?
9. Got a better reason?
10. You sure? Alright then in that case, What would you do if I said I'm going to make 50 questions?
11. Really now, that's interesting, so do you think I should?
12. Why or why not?
13. Do you have a better reason?
14. How many times have you updated your live journal in the past month?
15. Is that so?
16. Play any cool games lately?
17. What were they?
18. Beat any?
19. Want to blow any of them up?
20. Do your fingers hurt yet?
21. Do you want me to keep going until they do?
22. Why or why not?
23. Have a better reason?
24. Alright then, what was the last movie you saw?
25. Was it any good?
26. What is the scene you remember first?
27. Was it funny?
28. Do you think I'm funny? or a smarty pants for doing this again?
29. Why or why not?
30. You sure?
31. Alright, do you think I'm going nuts?
32. Ready for me to stop?
33. Are you sure?
34. Why or why not?
35. Got a better reason?
36. *evil laugh* What if I keep going?
37. Do you think I need to get help?
38. Why or why not?
39. Have a better reason?
40. You sure?
41. Are you being nice?
42. Do you think you should be?
43. Why or why not?
44. Are you sure?
45. Very well then, 5 more to go… are you glad?
46. Why or why not?
47. Do you have a better reason?
48. Are you sure?
49. Second to last question… do you have anything you’d like to say to me?
50. Now what time is it?
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