Does anyone believe demons can talk to them?

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Does anyone believe demons can talk to them?

Postby SailorX » Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:25 pm

I kind of knew it could happen, but not to me, I'm a very strong Christian and I knew that Christians are surrounded by demons, but I thought they knew better. After I talked to Jesus about my Magna ministry all of a sudden to voices were talking to me. I thought it was my imagination and me just being bored from being alone in my house, but I don't remember much so OI'm going to post the conversation My mother and I had on Yahoo right after it happened....

sailor_x_cherie: mom, I'm looney!
sailor_x_cherie: serioualy
sailor_x_cherie: you there?
loonyalaskans: yah
sailor_x_cherie: help! I'm looney!
loonyalaskans: Hi sweetheart
sailor_x_cherie: Ok, I was ta;lking to Jeseus, whi gave me great Bible versus and adivise, but after he left, these two voices showed up
loonyalaskans: I can only talk a few minutes we are expecting a phone call from that guy with the house
sailor_x_cherie: they really bugged me, I didn't want them, but as clear as day they were having a conversation with me!
sailor_x_cherie: They even have names! Matt and toby! but they imformed me of 3 others in the room
loonyalaskans: what the hell is going on
sailor_x_cherie: But they accendently revealed themselves as being demons, but they aren't creepy! they sound like teenage guys!
sailor_x_cherie: I dunno!
loonyalaskans: and why do you sound like Grandma(note) my grand mother is visited by demons, but she thinks it's a secret government agencey)
sailor_x_cherie: They even asked to be in my magna!!
loonyalaskans: Cherie you are scaring me
sailor_x_cherie: I'm not scared actually
sailor_x_cherie: Some christians like aunt patty (my aunt Patty has accurences too)and I ... these things do happen
sailor_x_cherie: people just don't take it seriously
loonyalaskans: The only way to get red og them, and if they are demons, tell them in the name of jesus christ get out
sailor_x_cherie: i did, the said ouch, but that's it, I know if I ask Jesus for help they'll go away... but They are whining! very annoying
sailor_x_cherie: they sound like teenage guys
sailor_x_cherie: one said he had blonde hair
loonyalaskans: they have to leave if you mean it and say it like you mean it.

ack! i didn't record the rest, but asentially they did sound like teenage guys. They convinced me that they weren't in my mind, that they were with me. I asked them what they were and they said, "Something different". I jjust thought I was bored, why not. so I let these voice talk. It was creeping me out and asked them to leave. they said they couldn't cause I invited them. They begged for me to let them stay around and thinking it was fake said, go ahead, I'm bored. I asked them how long theyt've been around and they said, "a while" This was getting to real, finally, "matt" as he called himself accidently revealed that they wer demons. I was freaked out and told them to go away. "You invited us!" Then I said "In the name of Jesus Christ leave!" Like I said, they just whined. I was cleaning up my room and I came acrossed my sketch of Lucifer for my magna. One of them said,

"That's a pretty good picture of out Master, but not exactly". I yelled at them to get out, then I asked," How many of you are here?" He said five. Then they added the thing I dreaded to hear, which drew the last straw,

"Oh, we like your husband, Cliff, he's cool!"

I started to go hysterical. If you didn't know, Cliff my husband considers himself a Christian, but all he does is play EverWinter Nights online and some of the music he listens to I can't stand, and he gets mad if I try to get him to do a Bible study, he roles his eyes and gets annoyed. We stopped going to church because he began to "not feel like it". Then I had actual demons tell me that He was cool!!! I then came to a relization that I know me and my Daughter are protected, but as long as my husband doesn't truely except Christ, they'll keep coming. The fact that we had actual demons in our house freaked me out. I then truely started to talk about Jesus and asking Him to come. The demons were whining. Then , I didn't know this would get them, was I turned on my Christian music... "Fireproof" from Pillar (LOL). That made them mad, but then My Hero came. I'm not kidding, I felt Jesus hug and comfort me and the demons left. I was shaky but Jesus told me I was okay. Then I told him.

"I'm scared to sleep!"
Then he said,
"Don't be! Sleep soundfully, I'm here!"

And what do you know? I had a great nights rest!

But Jesus and I had a good conversation about my ministry and magna. But when it comes to the demons, I wondered why all the time, The Holy Spirit naggs at me to read the Bible and work on my magna, which from what I'm told If Star and I really start to work on it, it will be great! This has been exausting. I have to tell Cliff what happened, but will he belive me?

Does anyone belive me?
I'm very freaked out! Am I crazey? was itall in my head, or...I'm condfussed. Doubt is trying to come over me...Too cover up their track do you think?

What do I do?
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Postby Mr. Rogers » Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:58 pm

i believe what your saying and don't think your crazy at all. demons are always trying to mess with me. i heard one talk before and have had one hiss at me. yea, they could be using doubt to try to trick u into thinking it never happened. did you do anything that could have invited them? it doesn't sound like you have.
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Postby Master Kenzo » Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:11 pm

Maybe they meant your husband invited them ... either by playing his "music," maybe on purpose...but you're definately not crazy.

It's a little thing called spiritual warfare. Dunno why "war" is in there, the war is already over before it started. You know who won (God, of course), and definately pray for your husband.
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Postby RefractedAhav » Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:16 pm

>Does anyone belive me?
I'm very freaked out! Am I crazey? was itall in my head, or...I'm condfussed. Doubt is trying to come over me...Too cover up their track do you think?

What do I do?

I don't know much about this, but I do know that both angels and demons are real. From what you posted it sounds like any one would think they loosing their mind if they went through that. I don't belive that you are crazy, Ibelive that the encounter was real and like always that Jesus was there to help you when you asked.

From what I have been taught, satan and his menions can not lay a finger on God's people with out His permition. (wich God gave in the book of Job to prove that no matter what, Job would not abondon his faith in God) So you should just trust God to protect you from harm and you shouldn't worry about the taunting of the prince of darkness. The evil one is Just tring to scare you away from God and destroy your faith. Just trust in God and try not to let ha-satan get to you.
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Postby Rashiir » Sat Sep 27, 2003 11:20 pm

I believe it, but if I heard a voice coming out of nowhere, I definitely would find out what it was before I agreed to let it stay. ;)
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Postby Whitephoenix » Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:14 am

Wow.... I've never had such an experience (not sure if I want to), but I think someone I know has seen "something" before. She's very lucid, and not prone to lying, so I believe every word of it.
She told me that she walked into her parents' room while the rest of her family was situated at the other end of the house. As she walked in, she saw a tall dark figure with blazing red eyes. Naturally, she ran out immediately.
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Postby otaku » Sun Sep 28, 2003 8:35 am

yes i believe this you are not crazy. we are stuck in the middle of a battle between good and evil or rather a war as master kenzo says we know the end of the war the thing is will we or you etc. succumb to the demons? stay strong! pray! have others pray for you i shall pray for you, and your husband you should pray for him also. now.
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Postby Nefla » Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:45 am

I've had demons talk to me before, when I was on the verge of some spiritual breakthroughs a few years back, I kept hearing these voices in the back of my head that weren't mine. They kept saying things like "i hope the school bus(that I was on) tips over and kills everone" and "I hope get hit by a car and paralized" I mean, I kept having to beat these thoughts away, those were definately not things I wanted. After my mom and I prayed together about it, it never happened again. *does dance*
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Postby Spiritsword » Sun Sep 28, 2003 12:27 pm

I'm not sure how to respond to this--this is a difficult issue for me to resolve personally let alone advise someone else on. If you don't know, I am a psychologist--I don't deal with a lot of serious psychological disorders in my specific line of work, but of course I have had training regarding those areas. That being said, I'm certainly not saying what you have is definitely a psychological problem, nor am I saying it is necessarily demon visitation.

As I said, this is a difficult issue for me to resolve. I've been trained to look for psychological causes of "voices", but Christian experience has taught me that there may be other causes. I DO believe that demons can visit us, wage warfare on our souls, and influence us. The difficulty I have is whether they actually converse with us or just appeal to our sinful nature and basic psychological/personality makeup and use it against us.

I think it is likely some of both. I believe that Satan knows our nature all too well, and knows us pretty well too (not as well as God, obviously, but Satan does know us). He will try to use that knowledge against us. Whether by little voices in the back of our mind or negative thoughts or leanings, Satan will attack us where we are most vulnerable and try to break through God's armor. But the comforting thing is, if we truly have Jesus Christ as our Savior and the Holy Spirit within us, then these attacks will NEVER succeed. We might be drawn away temporarily, but God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear and will always take back a truly repentant heart with open arms.

So in terms of believing you, Cherie, yes, I believe that you were under spiritual attack. A couple years ago, I would've said that the voices were just your own fears being used against you, and your expectations of what demons would say (were they talking to you) creating these thoughts. But now, as I have had some interesting spiritual experiences in recent months, I'm not so sure about that explanation. I believe that demons are capable of talking to us, maybe not in corporeal form or in actual auditory voices, but in our minds. So I support you, but just be careful how you interpret things like this--turn to God for the final answer. I don't feel I am qualified, either as a psychologist or a Christian, to give you a definitive answer, but God most certainly is. So talk to Him about it, and if His Spirit is in you and you are saved, with His armor on you, you have no reason to fear these demons.

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Postby shooraijin » Sun Sep 28, 2003 1:21 pm

Very interesting to hear from a PsyD (is that your title, Spiritsword?) -- obviously in medical school we're trained in nearly the same way. Clinically it's hard to judge ... and certainly not something the secular world, let alone the secular medical and allied health world, believes is an actual phenomenon.
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Postby SailorX » Sun Sep 28, 2003 2:32 pm

Thank you all for your support and advice I told Cliff, he beleives it, but he finds it funny that the demons thought he was cool. But then something desturbed me. He brought home the new Anthrax album. Their Logo on the CD Booklet is the "A" of their name being one of the points of a upside down pentgram. He sneered at the look on my face. I kept quite, then he told me about this cool t-shirt he got. it is made by "JNCO" So I didn't think much of it. It was a skull in big deal... Until I saw it. on top of that skull was a humanid golden skull with horns wearing a golden crown. I was speechless. He was all excited and I just stared at hit. he took it out of my hands as I was just staring into space. Those demons...No wonder...
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Sep 28, 2003 3:23 pm

Whoa. Demonic situation regardless, prayer is definitely necessary. I will do this as soon as possible, and add you to the master list. Please tell us any other developments.

A word on demons. If it has gotten to this point, then something untoward is going on. While demonic involvement is not necessarily out of the question in any situation, it has become my belief that they are generally more subtle than that. If they don't think direct involvement would do any good, they don't.

I say we prayer mob the situation.
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Postby Spiritsword » Sun Sep 28, 2003 3:33 pm

Shooraijin, I'm a SSP (Specialist in School Psychology). I never got my Doctorate, as I knew I was going into school psychology and a Doctorate really isn't necessary in that field. The Specialist degree is like a Master's + 30. Most of my training in clinical psych/psych disorders was at the undergrad level. My graduate training consisted more of assessment and intervention in a school setting, of educational diagnoses such as LD, EBD, MI, or OHI. We can educationally diagnose ADHD or Austistic Spectrum Disorders, but that's about it as far as official psychiatric diagnoses go. It would be interesting to hear from my cousin, though. She's a psychiatrist and, as far as I know, a Christian as well.

As for your spiritual battle, Cherie, I agree with others that prayer is needed. I will pray for you and your husband.
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Postby Mimichan » Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:53 pm

While I have never heard the audible voice of a demon, I have had my own experiences with them. I used to see things as a child that went far beyond the typical 'shadow of the treebranch outside looking like a claw' or the proverbial monster in the closet. There was that...but I use to see actual manifestations as a child. I haven't had such an experience in many years, thank God. But I suffered from intense demonic attack as a child. So when I read posts like this I generally have no problem believing it. All I can say is ditto to everything else that's been said already and agree that your situation definitely calls for prayer!...Remember that as a child of God YOU have authority over the Devil and his demons..Greater is He that is in YOU than he that is in the world!

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Postby Mave » Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:15 pm

I've never heard audible voices or experience evil spirits' presence. Voices in my head yes, but never up to the point of "Kill yourself". Horror movies freak me out since I was a kid (still do now!). While I am thankful that I never encountered such experiences, it greatly bothers me when I hear something like this. I don't really know whether it's just your imagination...but I'll trust that it's the real thing, just in case.

Listen, we alone cannot handle this, but if the Holy Spirit lives within us, they can't touch us. They're acting all smug and self confident when they know they've lost and are powerless. Be strong and remember the war is already won. I pray that the blood of Jesus protect both Seireisamano Se and her husband. Holy Spirit, pls guide them as to what they should do, let it be pleasing to God and let your love and peace comfort their hearts. If there are any areas in their lives that reflect their weaknesses (that the evil ones are attacking), Jesus, pls defend them and be their strength.

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Postby Benu » Mon Sep 29, 2003 4:28 pm

Well Seireisamano Se, That was a really odd visitation by demons. Well I do belive in demons and all that. But I always get visted by angels and not demons but those demons do come around from time to time. But I have never had demons talk too me, there was only one time I remember when I was Little (some christians I've told this story too don't belive me and that's sad) I was really into ghostbusters and I had like every toy and what not, but the toys at night would talk to me and tell me to kill myself. My parents said they could hear them from my room too, so they took all the toys and threw them out after that the voices stopped. I get mad when some christians today don't belive in that stuff anymore they say that "that kinda stuff doesn't happen anymore". But i was always scared and nervous all the time when I was A kid and now that I'm 18 I still have times when I get like that but I found out that it's that God has made me more open too whats going on in the spirtual realm. There are times when I look at someone and I feel sick or I just walk into a place and I feel sick or I watch somthing or play a game and I feel sick. I've always wondered why I get like that too and it's just demons that I sense from things. People think that I'm crazy but I think it's the way God allows me to sense spirits. But I always see angels from time too time and if I don't see them I can feel them, I've felt there wings before too. One demon that trys to bother me all the time is the demon of fear, it trys to tell me all the time that I'm not saved and that I'm not gonna make it in the rapture. But I always rebuke it and it still comes from time too time but it hasn't lately. I thank God for that. But I will pray for you and your husband and what your husband does and brings into the house can invite those demons in. But I recommend you start going back too church that's what can keep inviting those demons back in too.
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Postby valdrianth » Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:42 am

It does in fact sound very serious.
I've had demons before. They didn't infact sound human let alone look human either.

Never intimdate them! It's just an invitation for them to keep playing with your head.

I know a few things that can help. I don't know what denomination you are but Catholic Churches have crucifixes, holy water, rosaries and St. Benidict medals.

Believe me they do help. Satan hates Mary with a passion and a blessed rosary is a good thing to keep under your pillow. St. Bens are great too. Preferablely one with it on a crucifix. And of course Holy Water.

I have all of these things in my room and for the most part they keep the demons away.

Usually when they come it's because you have an old and deep wound in you that opens the door for them.

And above all prayer. Your prayer life helps with it. Believe me. Strengthen your prayer life. God Bless! You're in my prayers!
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Postby AyanamiRei » Mon Nov 10, 2003 11:34 pm

Actually if you want to get down to demons talking, then having them talk is quite common when getting them to manifest themselves. I have had years of experience, and have studied under my parents who have taken their demon exorcising practices from many different people. Problem is that too many people are trying to do quick fixes, or thinking they have ALL the answers, instead of just SOME. Btw all of that stuff just usually tends to stir up the minor weaker demons. It's a general rule for big head demons to send out some little minor imps, like privates in an unholy army if you will, to make a huge scene. Then after the little ones are exorcised out, the big ones stay nice and comfy, while the beliver of Jesus thinks that the person is "cured" of his demons. Don't let demons intimidate you, and don't fear them. Although be CAUTIOUS of them. They haven't lived THOUSANDS of years and tricked some of the best men of God for nothing. ALso just because your a Christian, or Catholic, doesn't mean that you can't have demons. Christians can get demons just like non-Christians can.
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Postby Aibou » Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:18 am

I know a few things that can help. I don't know what denomination you are but Catholic Churches have crucifixes, holy water, rosaries and St. Benidict medals.

Believe me they do help. Satan hates Mary with a passion and a blessed rosary is a good thing to keep under your pillow. St. Bens are great too. Preferablely one with it on a crucifix. And of course Holy Water.

valdrianth, isn't it the Word of God you must trust, and not finite objects? ex. Holding a wooden cross in front of you to scare a demon has no meaning. The cross is just a piece of wood. God is the only one you must trust.
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Postby Kagan » Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:49 am

I was having a deep discussion the other week with a friend I haven't seen in awhile. We talked to each other about things that we've never ever told anyone else. And my friend shared with me his most personal secret, that a female spiritual being talks to him and give him advice. Before you complain that i'm telling everyone someone else's secret that I should I keep to myself, I believe that the anonymity of the internet for me makes it alright.

Anyways, this being basically acts as a guide to help him fend off sexual thoughts that will cause him to sin. However, for me I find it troubling that at the time the "guardian angel" was talking to him, his belief in Christ was wavering. He questioned Christianity after being challenged by a muslim friend, and also started to believe in various non-biblical theories about the world. He's also had contact with someone he sincerely believes is a "vampire," which I think is someone who has deeply connected to the occult and is therefore in contact with demons. Although it might all seem unreal, I know that my friend truly believes in these things, and I think that his "guardian angel" might not be from God. I considered this from the fact that she apparently looks a lot like a character from a hentai series.

In the end I adviced him not to rely too much on the guardian angel to keep in touch with God, and instead try to go through Jesus more through prayer. I've forgotten my friend till I read this post, so I hope that he's going well... please help me pray for him, and any advice regarding how to figure wether this is a demon or not would be useful.
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Postby JosephShaydez » Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:58 am

I don't know if this has already been said, because I skimmed through the posts, because I am in a hurry. (Will read it intently later) I do beleive demons try to "talk" where you hear audibly. But as we all know, demonic forces talk to us all the time, always trying to tempt us and have us give up the faith, or prevent us from maturing in Christ. However I know they will try other methods to try to scare or attack. I can say, there are times I have heard voices, but it was brief. However, I do know they have other ways of attacking. Throughout my 22 years on this earth, I have seen a demon, and radomly throughout the years, I have had what I call night terrors. A night terror is usually a nightmare you litterally can't wake up from unless you you tell them to leave in the name of Jesus. It starts out where you normally see nothing but darkness, and you get held where you can't litterally speak, move or open your eyes. Some people call them waking dreams, but I know the true source. For the longest time, I thought I was the only one who experianced this problem, until I found out my mom had one, and that even my friends dad had one. I have also heard about them on an a radio show I no longer listen to called Coast To Coast AM. I beleive, that the voices, just like the night terror's and any other demonic activity can be taken care of. It is by calling on the name of Jesus. He has given us authority over them and they are nothing to be feared. Through the grace of God, I don't have night terrors any more, because I beleived on him. So if there is anyone going through voices or night terrors, then lay claim to the word of God and start qouting scripture and let the enemy know he is not welcome. I don't know if that was of any help to anyone, but I hope it was.
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Postby JosephShaydez » Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:18 am

Seireisamano Se wrote: I was freaked out and told them to go away. "You invited us!" Then I said "In the name of Jesus Christ leave!" Like I said, they just whined. I was cleaning up my room and I came acrossed my sketch of Lucifer for my magna. One of them said,

"That's a pretty good picture of out Master, but not exactly". I yelled at them to get out, then I asked," How many of you are here?" He said five.

Okay, I feel like the Holy Spirit just spoke to me. If you guys think I am cooky, then I apologize. But when you said the above qouted statement, I felt the need to get back on and tell you about "spiritual house cleaning" Demons can be invited into ones house, and even unknowingly by some people. Like you said, it could be some of your husbands music or other things. The best thing to do is plea the blood of Jesus over the house and remind the devil that all of their weapons are ineffective. I can't remember who wrote the book but there is this lady that has a book called Spiritual House cleaning, she has been on the 700 Club before. If I where you just type up Spiritual house cleaning
on the search engine and you should find something I hope. I hope I was some help to you. God bless and things will work out for you. You are in my prayers.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:29 am

Kagan wrote:And my friend shared with me his most personal secret, that a female spiritual being talks to him and give him advice. Before you complain that i'm telling everyone someone else's secret that I should I keep to myself, I believe that the anonymity of the internet for me makes it alright.

Anyways, this being basically acts as a guide to help him fend off sexual thoughts that will cause him to sin. However, for me I find it troubling that at the time the "guardian angel" was talking to him, his belief in Christ was wavering. He questioned Christianity after being challenged by a muslim friend, and also started to believe in various non-biblical theories about the world. He's also had contact with someone he sincerely believes is a "vampire," which I think is someone who has deeply connected to the occult and is therefore in contact with demons. Although it might all seem unreal, I know that my friend truly believes in these things, and I think that his "guardian angel" might not be from God. I considered this from the fact that she apparently looks a lot like a character from a hentai series.

In the end I adviced him not to rely too much on the guardian angel to keep in touch with God, and instead try to go through Jesus more through prayer. I've forgotten my friend till I read this post, so I hope that he's going well... please help me pray for him, and any advice regarding how to figure wether this is a demon or not would be useful.

In response to this, I'd advise the same as you have: extreme caution. If there are specific guardian angels, they have no reason whatsoever to specifically talk to people. Demons, on the other hand, could probably benefit out of it somewhere, if that honestly was a person's weak point (the supernatural, I mean, which your friend does appear to have an interest in). For that matter, they certainly aren't above using good to accomplish bad. The worst lies are the lies that are mostly truth.
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:56 am

> The worst lies are the lies that are mostly truth.

And Satan does like to disguise himself as an angel of light.
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Postby Kagan » Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:57 am

Thanks for that uc, i've been thinking of something along those lines, but I just couldn't say it straight out considering that this person was a friend of mine, and saying his guardian angel might be a demon just seemed harsh. Next time I meet him, I will remember to advice him to be even more cautious.

As for the spiritual house cleaning, if your talking about what I think your talking about (I haven't done a search yet, but i'm it's probably the same) my best friend actually had to do one of those last year or so, and it also involved being attacked by demons in his sleep. One of the portraits hanging in his room was a picture of an American Indian with some tribal religious laws written on it. He couldn't sleep and felt harrassed by spirits, and he finally found out that it came from the portrait after prayer. So he moved to another place in the house, and apparently, atferwards it ended up attacking his older brother. So he brought it to my place the next day (I had a brick barbeque area) and we burnt it there. I burnt some of my stuff as well just in case. I probably need to do one of those cleaning things again. Now that i've mentioned it and thought about it, I think i'm gonna be harrassed spirtually again (ack). I've suffered nightmares and attacks like my best friend and Joseph. Nightmares where a demon posing as my best friend has tried to choke me, (it came after my friend had the same sort of dream as well), and nightmares where calling out for Jesus is the only way out (man, I KNOW works). The main reason I choose to be placid in my faith recently is that I really hate being harrassed, and sadly, turning a blind eye to spiritual things has kinda stopped them overt attacks, as the demons are apparently more satisfied in me being a placid Christian. Right now, i'm gonna go get someone to pray with me and pray about my other friend as well. and then i'm of to bed. (BTW, having Christian music playing in your room helps as well...)
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:54 am

Regarding the very first post with Seiresamanno se (spelled wrong I know), I have to say God is in control. He is always in control. Every situtation, every moment, every thought, He is everywhere and knows all. Because of this, when we see demons or hear demons per se, because we think we've allowed them in or whatever the case might be, we need to look at how God handles Satan. If you read Job you'll see how it started at the beginning of that book and how it ultimately ended. Job was brought closer to God through it. All that God allows is for our benefit. He wants us to be close to Him. What no one has struck on and it surprises me somewhat, is that at the end of her confrontation she drew closer to her Lord. He came and hugged her heart and she knew He was present. I think all stirrings caused by Satan are always allowed only by God. He's the one in control.

I've had several encounters in my life, since I grew up in a home with drug dealers and satanists. I hate to admit my childhood; but, God brought me out of that - He had more wonderful plans for me. I laugh at how my life is so "normal" now compared to my childhood. Demons were always around.

Anyway, I will always know one thing for a Christian: if you're being bothered by Satan either you're doing something right for the kingdom or you need to rely on your Lord more. Either way, just as He planned, you'll get closer to Him. That's why Christ came - for us. He wants us to draw close to Him always, because He loves us. All glory to God.

Sorry for such a long post. :)

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:59 am

Talking to Demons,
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Postby Lufkin777 » Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:12 pm

Your watching the gound be turned. LIsten Something will have to die inorder to be restored. Your life and your husbands life are one. They will coniside in the things he invalves his soul in, and continue to tant you untill you chose. You can only make three choices my friend... wade this out and let the chips fall where they will...and with what i have seen in life may lead to bad bad things, two fight this untill the end pray and pray and pray for Gods revival in your husbands life, get in a new church and a body of belivers who can pray agenst this, or you can give in to them and alow them to contorl your life as they so would wish. Please fight. I know you can not demand that your husband go to church, but you must please not stop. Go with your kids if you can... sigh. I am praying for you. there is nothing we alown can do, that is what he wants us to think. I can do nothing but pray. And God will tare these walls down. I pray your husband will beable to see these problems... For you and his doughter.
May Gods blessings rain apon your house.
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