Final fantasy games

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Final fantasy games

Postby SorasOathkeeper » Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:52 am

This is somthing i wrote up after playing the fianl fantasy games, i think that this is where it should go, but if i'm wrong, i'm sorry, and i know some of you might not agree with me, but this is what i felt, and still do feal, and just think about this and what God wants us to put into our heads.

Please if anyone has questions, or anthing, please reply.

About the final fantasy games, about 2 years ago i bought the game kingdom hearts witch is made Disney & square-enix * back then it was called squaresoft. Any how i decided to check into the games final fantasy because it was made by squaresoft. So I rented FF 10 *or final fantasy X. and I liked it but the thing I didn’t notice at first was that 2 of the girls in it were using magic but it was black & white magic. Now you might not think that is not that bad i mean the black magic was attack spells *like fire, water & so on* and white magic was good spells, *like cure, protect, & so on.* but it is witchcraft, *just a note all final fantasy games have black & white magic* now kingdom hearts dose have magic, but because of Disney it is the good old magic like the old movies. In the game you fight these monsters, I can't remember what there called, but in the game these monsters are soles of people that dyed, in the game when a person dyes a summoner has to come and perform this thing so they can go to the far plains *I think that was what it was called* If the person doesn’t do the ritual the souls of the people turn into these monsters, in the game they show it happen, after an attack on this beach town they place these caskets in the water, and Yuna*the summoner* goes and WALKS ON THE WATER!!! And she performs the ritual. Also in the game you can summon creatures to help you and some of them i thought were cool looking, some i thought were ugly, but later in the game there is a evil man u haft to fight he is like the anti-christ of the final fantasy world, any how he summons a evil creature that when i saw it, it scared me, now i can be scared easily especially at night witch was when i was playing it, but it was to me so demonic looking when it did this one attack even at day i had to change the channel, or look away. But i did not care i liked it & i wanted to play more, so i rented FF-9 and i loved that one, and still to this day that one is my favorite. But that one had bad stuff in it. The main guy Zidane is a 16 year old thief who is a womanizer who in the end finds true love with the princes Dagger in the end. But in the begging whale there on there journey 1 part there going up a mountain and someone puts a spell on them & they fall asleep then Zidane wakes up & dukes it out with the bad dude And when he comes back to them they wake up & Dagger's gaird asks Zidane if he touched Dagger, if u know what i mean. Also there is a lot of weird stuff about the way the world was created & stuff like that. OK now FF 8 i didn't realy like it but i still bought it. It was bad it was all about sorceresses. <--*more then one.* Trust me it sucked, the one guy Zell is a foul mouth.*witch isn't to bad but still* There is other stuff i don't rembor. And now to the all time worst FF game FF 7. It has Gays, prostitutes, bestiality, murder, cussing, and other weird stuff. This game I didn't get too far into, but i read on the Internet about the stuff & allot of it is so weird it scared me. That’s all the FF games i played, and after a while i stared to get evil thoughts that came from Satan. when i realize it was from the games i talked to my parents, & the next day i sold them & immediately stared to feel better, now i still think of those evil things, but i ask God to help me i feel better. So that is why i think Final Fantasy games are bad, especially for Christians who are trying to stay on track.
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Postby Mithrandir » Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:04 pm

Hmm... Can't say I agree with you. I've played and *like* pretty much all the Final Fantasy games. I for one won't "slip" because I played a game with magic in it, but if you can't separate reality from fantasy, I would suggest not playing Final Fantasy. In fact, I would suggest staying away from ALL video games if that's the case. And movies. And, well, anime too.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I guess.

Now to nitpick:
FF8 didn't suck. It was cool.

FF7 might have been a little weird, but... BEASTIALITY??? Please explain that one further. If it's just something you heard though...

That’s all the FF games i played, and after a while i stared to get evil thoughts that came from Satan. when i realize it was from the games i talked to my parents, & the next day i sold them & immediately stared to feel better, now

Something about this just seems weird to me. I'll let you know if I can put my finger on whatever it is, though...
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Postby SorasOathkeeper » Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:17 pm

Well not everyone feal the same thing, and it might of been that i wasen't to strong in my faith, and i sliped, but i know thows games were at least part of the cause, and i don't judge people that play them or anthing, and i understand why, like i said i realy enjoyed FF9, but this was just somthing i felt, and i wanted to shaire it. and i'm sorry, i just didn't care for FF8 too mutch, i realy shouldn't of said that.
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Postby ZiP » Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:19 pm

Where to start...

Final Fantasy in my opinion is a fine series, regarding the magic, I have no trouble with shooting somebody up with fire, it's a game.

You are indeed entitled to your own opinion, but it seems to me like the purpose of this thread is only to bash the FF series for the use of magic, that just doesn't make any sense to me.
On the defensive side,

1. This is a fantasy game, you aren't actually performing any spells.

2. I myself have never had any urges to go raise one or two spirits from the dead after playing one of these games, because it's just not that hard to grip reality after playing them, they're only games.

But hey, you're entitled to your own opinion.
And if you do have toruble cause of those games, then playing them probably isn't best, but most people don't have trouble.
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Postby SorasOathkeeper » Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:20 pm

I know, i don't mean to sound like i'm bashing them, this is just what i felt.
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Postby ZiP » Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:22 pm

I can understand that, and I admit I'm not the judge of what bashes what.
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Postby Mithrandir » Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:52 pm

My appologies if my choice of wording was a bit blunt. I actually used the word "you" in the non-specific "one" sense. In any case, there are pleanty of Final Fantasy threads around, so we should probably just move this discussion into one of them.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:40 pm

remember. Black and White magic was present since the FIRST final fantasy. (i remember buying magic spells from a shop, lol)

Aye, They do tend to be a little weird, especially the new square-enix (squeenix) games. I'd recommend giving it a second shot. But don't play the new final fantasys. Play the old ones... and I mean final fantasy 1 through 6 (possibly 7)

well, ya can leave out like.... 2 and 3 i guess. But i DEFINATELY recommend 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7. As well as tactics
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Postby Nate » Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:53 pm

FF Tactics is a good game...I love that game...

Well, as far as magic goes, I agree with oldphil...pretty much any RPG in the world is going to have magic...or it'll have something remarkably similar to magic but called something else (psionics, or whatever). In fact, I can think of only one RPG with no magic.

Mega Man X Command Mission. And it was...okay, but not great.

Well, yeah, if you don't like magic, best to stay away from RPGs, then.

But I must ask, what, exactly, is the difference between the magic in Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy? They're the exact same spells (Cure, Fire, Blizzard, Bolt, Aero, Stop, Demi...sound familiar, FF fans?). So, how is the magic different? They're the same spells.

I'm not trying to insult you, I'm merely curious as to how the magic is different between KH and FF, as you say it is.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:20 pm

yes, labeling it "black" or "white" doesn't do much
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Postby Chichiri » Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:31 pm

As for the gay stuff in FF7, I found nothing wrong with it. It was pretty darn funny actually. If you don't like it, just don't go to the honey bee inn. I believe doing that part is completely optional.

As for FF8 - Cool story, just pulled off the gameplay elements kinda crappy. Turned most people off. But if you could follow the story, it was enjoyable.

And i'm not sure where you are getting these things from. If they really do offend, Ol' Philosopher's advice sounds good.
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Postby TroutNinja » Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:54 pm

Uhm... Kingdom Hearts had magic as well (from which your nick was taken). o.o
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Postby MasterDias » Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:04 pm

Black = attack magic
White = defensive, healing, and support magic

...and kaemmerite is right. Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts have the same spells. I fail to see a difference between Vivi casting Fire in Final Fantasy IX and Sora casting Fire in Kingdom Hearts.

FF7 might have been a little weird, but... BEASTIALITY??? Please explain that one further. If it's just something you heard though...

I echo Oldphilosopher. FF VII might have more mature content than most of the others. But...beastiality??? That's a new one.

Well, to each his own I guess.
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Postby Nate » Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:09 pm

MasterDias wrote:I echo Oldphilosopher. FF VII might have more mature content than most of the others. But...beastiality??? That's a new one.

There's only thing I can think of. Hmm...even though I'm pretty sure everyone's played FFVII, I'd better spoiler this.

[SPOILER]At the end of FFVII, you see Red XIII with some cubs, though earlier he was said to be the last of his species. If he was the last of his species, how did he procreate? Some (obviously sick) people have said that Red XIII reproduced with a human female, who gave birth to his cubs. However, there is NO evidence WHATSOEVER to support that theory. Red XIII was probably the last KNOWN member of his species, and there was obviously a female out there somewhere.[/SPOILER]

That's my thoughts on that. It's not in the game, it's just people's sick twisted minds that infer that.

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Postby Tommy » Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:03 pm

Ok GAYS and prostitutes arent in FF7! I`ve played through it like 5 times and there arent ANY OF THOSE! Listen,you really need to think things through before you say them because there is a huge diffrence between FF7 and American Pie.

Also,Zell is my favorite character (Sephiroth being my fave overall,after Zell is Cloud)and the worst cussing I ever heard out of a character in FF8 was Headmaster Cid saying witch with a b and sh.....

FF7 having Gays, prostitutes,AND bestiality is like saying care bears have smoking and alchohol references.Sorry,but you ovviously didnt play FF7 if thats your conclusion.

Also you`re not actually casting magic,you`re hitting enimies with fire it`s a GAME!
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Postby Doubleshadow » Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:25 pm

I'm going to jump in here and say I see what SorasOathKeeper means. When I was in high school I attempted suicide and fought with that for a long time despite my prayer walk and counseling. I then realized that playing FFX was dragging out the process of getting over it. Listening to Seymour and having all those words about death being a way out of pain and such run through my head was having an effect on me. Once I realized it was so great an effect I quit the game cold turkey and didn't play it for a year. It doesn't bother me now, but at the time I was very susceptible to that kind of thing and hearing and seeing it (the text) even though I was not consciously thinking about it or agreeing with it left me wide open for a spiritual attack. It was just a game, but the effect it was having on me was definitely not fake.
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Postby Tommy » Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:23 pm

I want to respond to the person before,even though this sint my thread.Yeah,Seymour sure did make death sound great,but im always with the good guys like Yuna saying:"That`s Not True",and Tidus with words of wisdom:You talk too much Seymour.

For those of you who have played FF10,Seymour was an odd dude.The second I saw him ,after playing FF7 this guy reminded me of Sephiroth for one thing he looked different and pure evil plus the music backround was evi as well as the way he looked at Yuna.

The game had quite a few positive messages,and remember,in a game like that,what a villian says usually is the opposite of what is true.

SorasOathKeeper made a reallly good point,but exaggerated the truth here.Listen,sometimes in forums i get mad at people who have different point of views and and think they`re right,but on this site everybobdy`s my friend so sorry SorasOath Keeper if it sounded like I came hard on you.l
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Postby CDLviking » Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:24 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:FF7 having Gays, prostitutes,AND bestiality is like saying care bears have smoking and alchohol references.Sorry,but you ovviously didnt play FF7 if thats your conclusion.

To be fair, FF7 does have one scene with gays and prostitutes during the part when you're trying to get into the Don's mansion.
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Postby Noodles » Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:37 pm

I do agree that there are some bad things in Final Fantasy but you could also find it in other games, movies, books, etc.. It is bad and all but if you believe in God and know what is right I don't think it should be too much of a problem.
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Postby CDLviking » Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:52 pm

Nothing created in by secular world will ever be completely devoid of immorality.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:01 pm

I am a somewhat new fan and I really enjoy the games and the anime(Unlimited).
I personally don't find much wrong with the whole magic system. My mom is a devout Christain and she watched me play a FF game and she said it was OK. But I totally respect your convictions and I think you made the right choice in getting rid of them. A couple years ago, I used to be the biggest Sonic the Hedgehog fan around. But just last year my mom told me she felt the Holy Spirit telling her to get rid of them. So she made me throw away all my games, comics,etc.(it was a lot). I was so mad at her for a while, but then I stopped to think that if I would get so bent out of shape for something so small, that I really needed to get my priorities straight. I still miss playing them, but I no longer regret havig to get rid of them. Anyway, you made the right choice and I respect you for that.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:04 pm

Ok I see where the Prostitutes are.It`s like Don picks one right?

And I know see where the beastily might be but Nanaki was the last known member of his race.From what ive heard,there was another female.

Also the Gays might be saying when Cloud dressed up as a girl to save Aeris and some guys fell for him,but they thought he was a girl.As we all know,when Cloud revealed to be a male they didnt say:Well,i still like you. They tried to KILL him,so it wasnt considered gay.

SorasOathKeeper-You are so right,but you should know that after you exit midgar the game is no longer centered on those secular themes and thay only focus on saving humanity.I hope you kept playing,because after you exit the Shinra tower the game becomes wicked good and better than FF9 in everyway.Unless,you`ve played and beated FF7 then I have nothing to say.
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Postby CDLviking » Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:57 pm

Actually, I'm refering to the Honeybee Inn.
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Postby Tommy » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:06 pm

FYI:My profile pic is a picture of Zell stuffing his face with hot dogs,but it`s showing up..and what is Onerok Online?
........anyway,maybe the bees are the prostitutes.......and if the gays are in FF7 i think you`re refering to are behind the hidden doors with the freaky music with the keyholes I might know what you`re talking about......if not,EXPLAIN!
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Postby CDLviking » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:47 pm

Onerock is the other message board that I am a member of.

Regarding the Honeybee Inn... [spoiler] yes, the bees are prostitutes. There is one point in the game where you are given the option of entering one of two rooms in the Inn. If you enter one of them (I think it's called the "Group Room"), a large group of men all dressed in speedos enters the room with Cloud. Nothing is overtly stated, but it is strongly implied. [/spoiler]
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Postby DragonSlayer » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:42 am

I have jsuta obut every ff Game, though I must admit, whenever I look at that stack of games I feel a small amount of guilt for having them, I debated whether to get FFX at all because I had played it before and the White and Black magic thing didnt bother anywhere near as much as the sending'ings did. In FF8 the sorereces didnt bother me, though I did feel an initial kind of this isnt exactly good kind of feeling I shruged it off. for me, the FF games led me into other Fantasy stuff, nothing really went well for a while, I geuss If your going to paly the FF games, Like I do, than know where to draw the line.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:46 am

My gosh...
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Postby Nate » Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:58 am

Volt wrote:FF7 did not have GAY parts, It's had Cross-Dressing parts, and that was to get inside the Don's Mansion.

Well...I still think the "Beautiful Bro" in the gym was probably gay...but it didn't go into much detail, it was just a guy who liked to dress like a woman. In fact, when Aeris mentions that Cloud needs a wig, the dress shop owner says to Cloud, "You'll find a lot of people like you at the gym."

Now, to me, if a guy likes dressing like a woman, he's PROBABLY gay. That's not always true, but it is a majority of the time. So, let's put that to rest, shall we? None of the FF games have shown a definable "gay" character.

Volt wrote:The idea of opening your hand and casting Fire or Ice out of it is nothing but FANTASY. NOT even Black Witches can do this in real life, it is FAKE, it is an idea that came from the Entertainment Industry. STOP thinking that MAGIC and Witchcraft are the same thing, they are not. [PERIOD]

THANK you, Volt. That is completely true. This is why magic in anime and games doesn't bother me at all. It's almost like science-fiction, in a way.

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Postby Dai-go » Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:26 pm

Pretty interesting discussion. And I'd have to say that alot of the fantasy games out there that have magic go along with this too.
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