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"I like swords."
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"I like swords."
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"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
John316 wrote:I believe Mormons actually do consider themselves Christian. Their faith is in fact based on the bible. The issue is that they have additional scripture. I've known quite a few mormons, some of which were very good friends of mine, and I've always had a very good impression of them, as they were all very nice people.
Arbre: I will pray for you as well.
Vyse wrote:They do consider themselves Christian but... they aren't, let me streamline a few reasons.
1. They belive that that God the father had sex with Mary(ir no virgin birth
2. They belive that God the father was a man on another planet who became a god because he followed the rules of mormonism on another planet.
3. They belive that men and women can become gods/goddessess if they followed the rules of mormonism(similar to the lie that satan tempted Adam and Eve with back in Gensis)
4. The temples, Jesus said that He has done nothing in secret, if the mormons follow the Bible why don't they allow non-mormons inside their temples?
Do I need to go on?
John316 wrote:I don't agree with what the mormons believe, and you obviously don't either. But I think we should be tolerant of other people's beliefs and accept that not everyone believe what we believe. Even if we're right and they're wrong, doesn't mean we have to treat them with anything less than respect.
Zar wrote:Praise God for all things awesome. Life ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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