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Postby Sam*ron » Sun Oct 03, 2004 7:14 pm

[QUOTe=Omega-san]Now, fast forward to several months ago.[/QUOTe]

What? Fast forward to the past??? :sweat: Okay, well I am going to ignore that Omega Amen had a type-O..

( BUt, don't change it! It's cute! :grin: :hug:
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:54 am

I may be out of line in responding to this, and if so I apologize. Omega Amen's use of "fast forward" makes sense given its complete context:

Omega Amen wrote:Before I became interested in anime, I really liked 2D fighting games such as Street Fighter and King of Fighters, and I really like their character designs. Then, when I became intereseted in anime, I noticed the similarity between 2D fighting game and anime character design. Now, fast forward to several months ago.

We may assume that his interest in fighting games and anime developed longer than several months ago. Hence, because the state "several months ago" is in the future compared to our position, it is rational to "fast forward" to it.
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Postby Sam*ron » Mon Oct 04, 2004 11:37 am

... :eh: You smart people confuse me.. :sweat: Well, your probably right. Cause I mean, your a lot smarter than me.. :sweat: lol. Okay well thanks for clearing that up, even though I still don't get it.. :)
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Postby Galant » Mon Oct 04, 2004 3:32 pm

Sam*ron wrote: Okay, well I am going to ignore that Omega Amen had a type-O..

:) I know this is being pedantic but I find it amusing/ironic that you said 'type-O'. I believe the correct spelling is simply 'typo' as it is short for typographical error.

Amusing because you made a typo in spelling 'typo.'

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Postby Sam*ron » Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:48 pm

Galant wrote::) I know this is being pedantic but I find it amusing/ironic that you said 'type-O'. I believe the correct spelling is simply 'typo' as it is short for typographical error.

Amusing because you made a typo in spelling 'typo.'


:sweat: ...... :shady: .... :waah!: .... :sweat: ..... :hits_self .... :shake:
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Postby Omega Amen » Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:09 pm

Sam*ron wrote:Ah, come on! Not even once!? Not even for a little second!!!?
If I did, I really do not remember it. It is just not in my character to do that.
Sam*ron wrote:You know, that is a sport. It's called Falconry, it's a sport were you go out in the wild catch your hawk of choice and then tame it and train it. If you would like to know more you can ask Kinkosami, she really wants a hawk and she realy wants to be a falconer. :)
Thank you for the information.
Sam*ron wrote:Okay.. Have you ever had a crush!? On a girl of course. And have you ever like acked weird and clumsy around her?
Crush? As in infatuation? No, I did not, and I think it was good that I did not feel that way for the ladies' sake back then. This is because I was not like the person I am now.
Sam*ron wrote:Do you have a liking of some one now? Or an intrest?
No, I do not have the time or energy to have a romantic interest. So I do not try to create one.
Sam*ron wrote:Whats the most pointless thing you own!?
Hmm, probably some collectible card game that I tried to play when I was kid with others. It never grew on me since I did not meet many people who could play with me on a consistent basis.
sheherazade wrote:Any chance you could share with us a website that has had positive impact on you or that you think is worthy of us reading (besides CAA of course)?
I am not sure if they had any impact on me now, but they might for someone else.

Here is Boundless, the webzine.
Here is Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Ravi Zacharias is a Christian apologist whose home is in Atlanta. His speeches can be downloaded in mp3 format for free. I just started checking this site out.
sheherazade wrote:Is your livejournal purely private?
No, some entries can be read by the public. It is just that I have not had the time to write worthy entries.
sheherazade wrote:What about something that isn't based on demographics of this site or the idea that I posted like I was not someone who looked up a lot? Like hair color?
My previous statement is really the fullest extent I will try in predicting someone's appearance. So I am afraid I have no recollection on presumptions for any other physical characteristics.
sheherazade wrote:What are your thoughts on dating?
I believe one should only date if there is intent in finding a spouse. In other words, I will not date a woman if I see no chance of her being my wife. I believe it is inappropriate to date for just amusement or to just "practice"/"gain experience"/"prepare" for marriage. My stance is based on social and practical reasons. I am not going to pretend that I see a biblical or theological mandate for my stance.

This has been a subject of debate on CAA before. To those who are reading this, if you do not agree with my stance, do not debate it in this thread. Frankly, I am not going to debate/defend my stance here or PM since I do not have the time or real interest to do it.
sheherazade wrote:Did you ever think of going into a different career area?
Yes, computer engineering was one of my last career choices that I considered.
sheherazade wrote:Have you aver read anything by Stephen King?
I do not know if I read a short story by him in middle school or not.
sheherazade wrote:Could you ever see me as any of the following:
*sips on some tea.*

I do not believe I have had enough time to gauge your ambition, desire, and interests. So I do not know how valuable this will be.
sheherazade wrote:A political aid?
I guess. I do not see why not.
sheherazade wrote:An Edgar Allen Poe meets Stephen King type of writer in Alaska?
If you can stand the climate and like to write in that genre, I think you can.
sheherazade wrote:A CIA analyst?
You will have to be one of the best to get in that agency. I think it is possible.
sheherazade wrote:Am environmental chemist?
sheherazade wrote:An English teacher in an island nation of the Carribbean?
Sure, just watch out for the hurricanes.
sheherazade wrote:Why or why not?
My life is a demonstration that a respectable occupation in any field can be achieved through pure discipline, determination, and hard work. Personally, I believe nearly everyone (except some of the disabled) is capable of being disciplined, determined, and doing hard work. Therefore, since I believe you can do that, I can see you in any of those occupations.

Sam*ron, uc pseudonym already explained my diction correctly for you. However, in retrospect, I believe I could have done better in my explanation.
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Postby Jasdero » Wed Oct 06, 2004 1:03 am

Wow... you know what? I like this thread. Omega Amen is always updating his bio, and answers all the questions people ask of him. That's admirable. And now, my questions....

Who is that on your avatar and signature? Sorry if other people have asked you this, but I couldn't [easily] find the answer. ";;;
When/How did you know you were a Christian?
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Postby Kinkosami » Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:32 pm

QUESTION: Have you ever been to an amusement park? If so, what kind of rides do you prefer? Things like roller coasters or the slower rides like the ferris wheel?

If no, why?
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Postby Little T-chan » Fri Oct 08, 2004 1:39 am

Um...what is "tough love" and what is "cuddly love"????
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Postby Solid Ronin » Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:55 am

Little T-chan wrote:Um...what is "tough love" and what is "cuddly love"????

Tough love is like busting your freinds knee caps so he cant drive to a party that he will ,undoubtingly, be doing something bad

Cuddly love is like this. To T-chan: :hug: I LOVE YOU T-CHAN!!!

Omega Amen the more I find out about you the more you fanciante me. (I pray I correctly spelled my words)
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Postby Little T-chan » Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:40 pm

Oh...I imagined tough love to be more of something like what my aunt told me when I was little. She told me that if a boy ever asked me out on a date, then I shouldn't accept immediately and tell the boy to wait for my answer. She called it being "hard-to-get".....^^;; haha I thought that's what Omega AMEN meant when he said that he was "a strong believer and practioner of 'tough' love" and that he wasn't good at the "cuddly" love...^^;; <3
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Postby Solid Ronin » Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:45 pm

yeah I cant see Omega with his personality begin "good" at cuddley love..but I can see him busting knee caps..
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Postby Golden_Griff » Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:16 pm

Kinkosami wrote:
QUESTION: Have you ever been to an amusement park? If so, what kind of rides do you prefer? Things like roller coasters or the slower rides like the ferris wheel?

If no, why?

*awaiting Omega's reply* :eyeroll:
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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:27 pm

I believe that the definition of "tough love" is subjective enough that we should perhaps await Omega Amen's response before going too far on this tangent.
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:35 pm

Wow, look at all the replies on this Who's who thread! O_O And, Omega answers them all. Wow, such a patient man. ^__^

Omega, I will await your reply on tough love. I am not an advocate of this, but I know many people are. However, fortunately, I have never met anyone who needed tough love - rather... only "love." ^____^

BTW, Ronin I think the knee cap breaking could be a bit overdoing the "tough" concept. LOL

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You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

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Postby Omega Amen » Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:39 pm

Sunako wrote:Who is that on your avatar and signature? Sorry if other people have asked you this, but I couldn't [easily] find the answer. "]Well, you can find some information on my first post on the first page of this thread under the heading "Online Identity."

He is Gato, a fighting game character from SNK's "Garou: Mark of the Wolves" originally released on the Sega Dreamcast. (However, he will be in the upcoming PS2 game King of Fighters 2003 but with not all of his special moves. Next year, SNK plans to re-release "Garou: Mark of the Wolves" on the PS2, meaning Gato should have all his special moves in that game.)
Sunako wrote:When/How did you know you were a Christian?
When I: asked Jesus Christ to save and cleanse me from my sins]QUESTION: Have you ever been to an amusement park? If so, what kind of rides do you prefer? Things like roller coasters or the slower rides like the ferris wheel?

If no, why?
Yes, I have been to many amusement parks since my home state is Florida, where parks like Busch Gardens, Disney World, and Universal Studios are located. I really like all the rides, and I have no real preference. Fast or slow, dry or wet.... They are all fun to me.
Little T-chan wrote:Um...what is "tough love" and what is "cuddly love"????
Well, let us first establish what is not "tough love."

This is not tough love.
Ronin of Kirai wrote:Tough love is like busting your freinds knee caps so he cant drive to a party that he will ,undoubtingly, be doing something bad
Ronin of Kirai is incorrect. What he just described is needless cruelty, not "tough love." I do not support such mislabeling to justify a cruel act, and I will not stand for it.

Tough love is taking the necessary (not cruel or unnecessary) means to ensure that a person develops in the proper manner or that the best happens to him, in spite of one's emotions at the time. This can be easily seen with disciplining a disobediant and unrepentant child/teenager. Some parents experience some emotional resistance in themselves and/or from their child in following through with their punishment for the child's wrongdoing, but they eventually follow through with it because if they do not, then the child will not develop properly, and that will not be the best for the child. That makes the punishment an act of love, while being tough. Hence, "tough love." If you are familiar with how C.S. Lewis defined love, I intend my definition of "tough love" to be related to his definition.

As for "cuddly love," Ronin of Kirai is closer to the truth.
Ronin of Kirai wrote:Cuddly love is like this. To T-chan: :hug: I LOVE YOU T-CHAN!!!
Basically, "cuddly love" is to ensure the best happens to a person with comforting. The comforting usually is emotionally reassuring and will sometimes solidify the person's confidence and faith. Therefore, a warm smile, generous hugs, providing a shoulder to cry on, and exclamations of joy in support are examples of "cuddly love." Or at least, that is how I define it.

Note, I do not have problems with "cuddly love," and I do exhibit some of it to my loved ones when needed. I just do not do that frequently, and I do not feel I am very good at it.

As for busting knee caps or any permanent crippling techniques, any responsible self-defense instructor will tell you that should only be used in the most extreme and life-threatening situations. So if my parents and I were chased by a thug who intends to brutally hurt us and can outrun us... and there is no one else that can defend in our place (like a police/security officer), I will bust his kneecaps to protect my family, to prevent the thug from harming anyone else, and to stop the thug from doing something that will be harmful to his character.
Ronin of Kirai wrote:Omega Amen the more I find out about you the more you fanciante me. (I pray I correctly spelled my words)

It is spelled, "fascinate," Ronin of Kirai.

EDIT P.S.: Ronin of Kirai has clarified to me that his previous comment on examples of tough love was meant to be taken as a joke. I would like to apologize for not taking it as such. Like I said in my first post in this thread, I have this tendency to nearly everything seriously. However, I will leave my explanation up because I have seen and heard of people trying to justify acts by mislabeling them as "tough love" when in reality it was an immoral exercise of taking pleasure in cruelty or just misjudgement.
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Postby Little T-chan » Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:22 am

Ohh......I get it. My parents are strong believers and practioners of "tough" love too then. ^^ I guess I'm more of a "cuddly" love person though...If anyone ever is in trouble or something---come to me! I will cheer you up!! I will hug you! I can dance and sing too!! ::determined:: ^________^ <3 <3 <3
[SIZE="6"][color="Pink"]♥ [font="Impact"]t-chan[/font]![/color][/SIZE]

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Postby dragonshimmer » Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:39 am

I just noticed that you go to Georgia Tech. That's really interesting....I'm from right outside of Savannah, Georgia. Also, before I even read your GPA, I knew you had high marks just because you were accepted to Georgia Tech. I am very impressed!

Due to my "dork" factor, I am extremely in impressed that your mother is Chinese. Simply amazing....please don't be offended. I am in love with most Asian culture characteristics and generally anyone who is or has been a part of it. It's ridiculous, really, but I wish that I were Japanese or Chinese.

That's also interesting that you play the piano. I work as a saleswoman in a local piano store. It's quite wonderful! What are some of your favorite works to perform?
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Postby dragonshimmer » Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:44 am

Omega Amen wrote:Video/Computer Games That I Own (or are arriving)
Sony PlayStation2
Guilty Gear X2
King of Fighters 2000
King of Fighters 2001
Capcom vs. SNK 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Soul Calibur II
Tekken 4
Tekken Tag Tournament
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution
Final Fantasy X
Kingdom Hearts
Suikoden III
Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille Zur Macht
Dark Cloud 2
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Devil May Cry
Twisted Metal: Black
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
SSX Tricky
NBA Street Vol. 2
Mega Man Anniversary Collection

Sony PlayStation
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Vagrant Story
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX

Nintendo Gamecube
The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Metroid Prime
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Sonic Mega Collection
F-Zero GX

PC Games
Quake II
Quake III Arena (with Team Arena Expansion Pack)
Unreal Tournament
Hexen II
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Far Cry
StarCraft (with Brood War Expansion Pack)

Huh. Fighting games, eh? I have many many video games, but not too many are combat based. I'm absolutely horrible at them, and I tend to get too involved in the games, resulting in my controller flying at the TV screen. It just jumps out of my hands. Honestly.

I do, however, own Kingdom Hearts, and I am having friends over when KHII comes out so that we can all play the game together :D I also own Devil May Cry.
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Postby Jasdero » Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:11 pm

Omega Amen wrote:
Sunako wrote:Who is that on your avatar and signature? Sorry if other people have asked you this, but I couldn't [easily] find the answer. "]
Well, you can find some information on my first post on the first page of this thread under the heading "Online Identity."

He is Gato, a fighting game character from SNK's "Garou: Mark of the Wolves" originally released on the Sega Dreamcast. (However, he will be in the upcoming PS2 game King of Fighters 2003 but with not all of his special moves. Next year, SNK plans to re-release "Garou: Mark of the Wolves" on the PS2, meaning Gato should have all his special moves in that game.)

I see, I see. Cool, and thank you for answering.
Omega Amen wrote:
Sunako wrote:When/How did you know you were a Christian?
When I: asked Jesus Christ to save and cleanse me from my sins]
Heh.. yeah... I kind of meant at what point did you become a Christian? Or rather, what brought you to ask "Jesus Christ to save and cleanse me from my sins?" My apologies.
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Postby Sam*ron » Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:54 am

Do ever goof around!? As in, laughing at everything, or just being happy and jolly, and telling jokes and stuff?

Have you ever had a laugh attack!? You, know like, you just laugh really hard and it's hard to stop, and when you do your eyes are all watery.. I do that at least like once a week. :grin:
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Postby Solid Ronin » Tue Oct 12, 2004 12:50 pm

Omega Amen wrote:EDIT P.S.: Ronin of Kirai has clarified to me that his previous comment on examples of tough love was meant to be taken as a joke. I would like to apologize for not taking it as such. Like I said in my first post in this thread, I have this tendency to nearly everything seriously. However, I will leave my explanation up because I have seen and heard of people trying to justify acts by mislabeling them as "tough love" when in reality it was an immoral exercise of taking pleasure in cruelty or just misjudgement.


So instead of telling me this via pm he post it on the thread to publicly apologize for a simple missunderstanding.....

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Postby Omega Amen » Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:12 pm

dragonshimmer wrote:I just noticed that you go to Georgia Tech. That's really interesting....I'm from right outside of Savannah, Georgia. Also, before I even read your GPA, I knew you had high marks just because you were accepted to Georgia Tech. I am very impressed!
Oh, thank you. Georgia Tech also has a remote program in Savannah. I have been in several classes where I saw a video feed showing students from Savannah watching, taking notes, and asking questions to the professor with the students in the classroom in Atlanta.
dragonshimmer wrote:Due to my "dork" factor, I am extremely in impressed that your mother is Chinese. Simply amazing....please don't be offended. I am in love with most Asian culture characteristics and generally anyone who is or has been a part of it. It's ridiculous, really, but I wish that I were Japanese or Chinese.
I am not offended at all. I just find your sentiment amusing, and I say that nicely. As someone who was raised under influences from Asian and Western cultures, I can honestly say that there are some aspects that are admirable about both cultures, and there are some aspects for both cultures that deserve some criticism. The exoticness that one can receive in viewing a foreign culture is really enticing and can help appreciate its ways, and I think that is wonderful to behold. At the same time, I also realize that the cultures that God has decided for us to be born in have aspects that we should remember to not forget or look over as we appreciate others.

For your information, my mother, being Chinese, loves the classical traditions of Western culture (not current pop culture) from its music, art, philosophy, political systems, etc. Furthermore, she will tell you that considers herself as an American, and that she would fight for this country without hesitation, even against the countries of her cultural heritage.

That being said, she would probably have a big cute grin on her face if you told her that you find her impressive for being Chinese.
dragonshimmer wrote:That's also interesting that you play the piano. I work as a saleswoman in a local piano store. It's quite wonderful! What are some of your favorite works to perform?
On my first post in this thread, I said the last time I played the piano was before I entered college. So it has been several years since I touched the piano. I am unsure if I will be able to return to playing the piano once I become employed as an engineer. I have stated my reasons on this subject earlier in this thread.

As for favorite works,... I liked playing works whose composers were from Russia, Germany, Austria, and France, especially during the Romantic period and early twentieth century. Of course, I also liked playing works by composers from different time periods and countries. Some composers whose works I remember enjoying playing were Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Beethoven, and J.S. Bach. I am sure I could add more composers on this list if I have the time to reminisce.
dragonshimmer wrote:Huh. Fighting games, eh?
Oh, yeah. You bet.

Also, your post on this subject has reminded me to update my video game list. My lists at the beginning of this thread are updated frequently.
dragonshimmer wrote:I have many many video games, but not too many are combat based. I'm absolutely horrible at them, and I tend to get too involved in the games, resulting in my controller flying at the TV screen. It just jumps out of my hands. Honestly.
I understand how one can get frustrated with fighting games since they require a good deal of training in order to become very good at them. I have never really felt frustrated enough to throw any of my gaming equipment around. I guess that is because I always know the possible financial cost of such actions.
dragonshimmer wrote:I do, however, own Kingdom Hearts, and I am having friends over when KHII comes out so that we can all play the game together :D I also own Devil May Cry.
Kingdom Hearts is a game that I have not had time to enjoy. In fact, I have not had the time to substantial a substantial number of those games. That is one of the costs of my computer engineering education. Devil May Cry is challenging and fun. I hope Devil May Cry 3 will return the series back to the gameplay style exhibited in the first game.
Sunako wrote:Heh.. yeah... I kind of meant at what point did you become a Christian? Or rather, what brought you to ask "Jesus Christ to save and cleanse me from my sins?" My apologies.
Well, I am raised in a Christian family. So I was always exposed to and followed the Christian religion to a certain extent. I think the true turning point for me happened in my early teens when I really understood the nature of the love that my parents have for each other. From there, I was able to establish personally that Christianity is the only true religion and that God is loving and just. No other current or future religion or contradicting philosophy/theory can account, explain, or recognize the love between my parents. From there, I understood the magnitude of God and His legitimacy, and I also understood that being a Christian would be the right thing to do.
Sam*ron wrote:Do ever goof around!? As in, laughing at everything, or just being happy and jolly, and telling jokes and stuff?
I guess momentarily with my parents. With that definition, I think I do not goof around often. Instead, I say I rarely goof off.
Sam*ron wrote:Have you ever had a laugh attack!? You, know like, you just laugh really hard and it's hard to stop, and when you do your eyes are all watery.. I do that at least like once a week. :grin:
I believe I had a few laugh attacks during my lifetime. They were rare. I do not have them as often as you do.
Ronin of Kirai wrote:*thinking*

So instead of telling me this via pm he post it on the thread to publicly apologize for a simple missunderstanding.....

I believe it was the right thing to do.
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Postby Sam*ron » Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:34 pm

Omega Amen wrote:.
I guess momentarily with my parents. With that definition, I think I do not goof around often. Instead, I say I rarely goof off.

Hmm, I guess you feel more confie around them.
I believe I had a few laugh attacks during my lifetime. They were rare.

I really can't imagine a creepy chinese guy having a laugh attack, no offence. :brow:

I do not have them as often as you do.

Most people don't :brow:

I believe it was the right thing to do.

That was sweet. :)

You get a hug for that! :hug:

QUESTION: For my birthday, will you post an emoticon. :grin:
And second. Will you not forget my B-day, cause it's like 2 days before Christmas, and you all might forget... or you just won't be there to wish me a happy birthday, so yeah.

I was just wondering...
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Postby Little T-chan » Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:28 pm

Haha Omega AMEN is creepy?? Hmm...^^;

And second. Will you not forget my B-day, cause it's like 2 days before Christmas, and you all might forget... or you just won't be there to wish me a happy birthday, so yeah.

My b-day is one day before Christmas!! Yay!! Our birthdays are close!! ^_^ .....But Omega AMEN doesn't have to remember my'll make me feel guilty because I forgot his...@.@;; But I think I know it now!! It's SEPTEMBER 16TH.....1981!!!!!!!!!!! =D.....I hope I'm right...<3
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Postby Jasdero » Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:42 am

[quote="Little T-chan"]My b-day is one day before Christmas!! Yay!! Our birthdays are close!! ^_^ .....But Omega AMEN doesn't have to remember my'll make me feel guilty because I forgot his...@.@]
.....You're right, his birthday is on September 16th.. and if you remember.. it's also the same day as someone else you know.. ::cough:: XD
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Postby Little T-chan » Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:28 pm

Omega Amen And Sunako's Birthdays Are On The Same Day!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_________^

See this phenomenon?? Up there? It was actually supposed to be in all capitals....=_=...But it isn't..Makes me kinda frustrated...this is almost violating my freedom of speech..!...Well, cuz it won't post the way I planned's okay...I can deal!!! ^^;;;;;
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Postby Jasdero » Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:50 am

Jah, jah, they are, they are. XD

Oi, T-chan, if you want it to be in caps, you just need to edit it right after you post it, and then put them in caps again. It stays after that. From my experience, at least.
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Postby Little T-chan » Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:30 pm

Ohhhh...but then they are violating my freedom of convience!!!....That's too selfish...@.@;; Thanks for the tip Sunako!!!
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Postby Omega Amen » Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:44 pm

Sam*ron wrote:Hmm, I guess you feel more confie around them.
"Confie?" What does that mean?
Sam*ron wrote:I really can't imagine a creepy chinese guy having a laugh attack, no offence. :brow:
Well, to clarify, my mother is Chinese, not me.

As for imagining creepy guys having laughing attacks.... Well, they do have them occasionally.
Sam*ron wrote:That was sweet. :)

You get a hug for that! :hug:
*is hugged.*
Sam*ron wrote:QUESTION: For my birthday, will you post an emoticon. :grin:
No, that gesture would seem insincere if it came from me.
Sam*ron wrote:And second. Will you not forget my B-day, cause it's like 2 days before Christmas, and you all might forget... or you just won't be there to wish me a happy birthday, so yeah.

I was just wondering...
Since it would be during my winter break between semesters, I am sure I will be able to wish you a happy birthday unless my Internet access goes down for that day.
[quote="Little T-chan"]Haha Omega AMEN is creepy?? Hmm...^^]That is actually not an uncommon comment made by young women about me. During my lifetime, some young women/girls have sometimes asked why I am a little creepy (or any other synonymous adjective). Honestly, I am not trying to be like that.
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