I wish to know anything and everything!

Post about anime's sister, manga in here. Manga reviews accepted in here as well.

I wish to know anything and everything!

Postby RoyalWing » Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:11 pm

....About making my own comic book story and posting it on a website! ("WebManga"?)

I would like to know everything necessary about what I should do. Even if you don't have your own, or you just know something about posting your own work and/or stories on the internet, I would please like your advice!

Thank You!
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:54 am

I would think there would be several very important things to keep in mind. Also, remember these are only my humble opinion, and some are nothing more than opinions:
1) Start off with at least an entire chapter. That is, don't create a blank website.
2) You'll need a scanner if you're drawing your images in a traditional fashion.
3) Get a free server if you don't have one already. Geocities is one simple option.
4) Whenever you upload the manga, have a good way to move from page to page.
5) Quality is better than quantity, but regularity can at times be more important.

I'm not sure that was helpful at all... if it was or wasn't, could you clarify for myself or others?
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Postby RoyalWing » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:04 pm

Don't worry, I want and need every advice possible. And yours did help!

Maybe I should add something to it, like you said:

When you read comic books, what do you appreciate more about them? (what should I concentrate on the most? Story and characters?) And especially, what don't you like about them! (bad jokes? how acceptable is amount of skin shown? corny romance/scenes?)

How should I present my work? What should I say on my website?

How do I react to good and bad comments?

... and anything else you want to add! I need all help possible!!

uc pseudonym wrote:4) Whenever you upload the manga, have a good way to move from page to page.
5) Quality is better than quantity, but regularity can at times be more important.

4) Do you suggest anything in specific?

5) I... I didn't understand it. I'm very very very sorry.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:11 pm

Check out most of the webmange people have created from CAA. They all use similar styles that you could use.

5) People want you to make new comics often. It is important to make them good, but sometimes it is more important to put up something new.

I'll handle only one other question: handling comments. By large, I would say ignore them. Consider each comment and if it has something worthwhile you should take from it. Sometimes people have things to say that will be helpful. But often people will be needlessly critical, and it's best to ignore these people. If you shrug it off, you'll be much healthier through the experience.
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Postby Mave » Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:14 pm

Oh wow...this is a lot to ask for in one post hehe.

OK, to make a webmanga you need to know how to:

1) Make manga digitally (art and story writing-wise)
2) Create/maintain a website

Forgive me for not going into the details (yet), pls tell me how much you already know. That would help me guide you in a more effective and efficient way. ^__^

Please answer the following:

1) How are you planning to create your manga?
2) Do you know HTML? Or have you ever designed a website before using a webpage editor program?

My website was created from raw HTML coding and I use frames. I could have gone for something fancier like flash, java etc. (I plan to learn those later). But I think it's more important to regularly maintain the website's contents, and to make sure that the website *works* and is easy to navigate.

I use geocities as my server for the index and text files but host my manga jpg files in my university server (since geocities had limited space and bandwidth). I am still working on getting my own hosting space.

Btw, UC, you've got very good advice there. ^^
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Postby RoyalWing » Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:38 pm

Thank you UC Pseudonym and Mave for your advice. *^-^*

Mave wrote:
Please answer the following:

1) How are you planning to create your manga?
2) Do you know HTML? Or have you ever designed a website before using a webpage editor program?

1) Euhh.. What do you mean? I'll try to answer as best I can:

First, I am drawing simple characters designs (how they look) and ideas for their different clothing that they will wear. I am almost finished. At the same time I am writing the story out in simply. This way I know what the important story will be but I have freedom to add in their speech, etc. , when I draw it out. After these two things will be done I will look over every design and the story to make sure everything works, to see what things I have to change. Then I will start sketching out in simple shapes what each page will look like. This is when the speech and chapter seperation will be decided. It's rough draft (?) of the whole comic. Finally of course, after looking over everything completely, time to draw final copy. Some of it will be shaded with my pen, but after all done, I will have to scan it and put finishing touches. It will be very hard, but it's my first one, and I really want to make my story work. Challenges can be fun! :jump:

2) I know HTML, I did websites before. I like graphic design. ^-^
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Postby Mave » Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:19 pm

Cool, RoyalWing, sounds like you've done a lot already. ^_^

RoyalWing wrote: have to change. Then I will start sketching out in simple shapes what each page will look like. This is when the speech and chapter seperation will be decided. It's rough draft (?) of the whole comic. Finally of course, after looking over everything completely, time to draw final copy. Some of it will be shaded with my pen, but after all done, I will have to scan it and put finishing touches. It will be very hard, but it's my first one, and I really want to make my story work. Challenges can be fun! :jump:

Gee, it sounds like you already have the mangakaing part pat down. So, what advice are you really looking for in this area? ^_^]
2) I know HTML, I did websites before. I like graphic design. ^-^[/QUOTE]
Cool, are you planning to use a free server? Keep in mind that some free servers have limited bandwidth (not a good idea if you have many manga page image files). What else would you like to know in creating a homepage then?


Now, I'll respond to some questions you posted earlier.

RoyalWing wrote:When you read comic books, what do you appreciate more about them? (what should I concentrate on the most? Story and characters?) And especially, what don't you like about them! (bad jokes? how acceptable is amount of skin shown? corny romance/scenes?)

In my case, I usually look at the characters and the artstyle of a manga. I generally tolerate weak storylines unless the story just doesn't make sense or has no direction. I think weak annoying characters really bother me (ex: whiny, loud, useless, lazy). I also do not like unnecessary violence and fanservice.

RoyalWing wrote:How should I present my work? What should I say on my website?

Erm...you don't really have to say much, I suppose. You can do a characters page if you wish. If you're drawing "Christian manga," I think it's important to let your visitors know that they ought to expect Christian messages in your comics. Also, make the pages easy to read (like UC said earlier), I describe them as "reader-friendly."

RoyalWing wrote: How do I react to good and bad comments?

Always say thanks and respectfully agree or disagree with them. I think it's terribly important to know what your visitors think and appreciate them. I use a tagboard in the main page to interact with them. But really, I haven't really had any super mean comments.

UC mentioned an important point: regularity. It's pretty important to regularly update your homepage coz your visitors can get pretty impatient/annoying if you don't do anything to your page for 1-3 months or more. I know it's not possible to kick out manga chapters every week/fortnight/month, depending on your schedule. But I think you need to at least inform your visitors of what's going on. Even if you have nothing to add, at least say " Hey, guys I'm sorry, I won't be able to kick out any chapter for _______. I've been busy, pls be patient. Thanks so much for coming back!"

Hope this helps for now. ^__^
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Postby RoyalWing » Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:38 am

Mave wrote:Do you need help with screentoning? Or something else?

Cool, are you planning to use a free server? Keep in mind that some free servers have limited bandwidth (not a good idea if you have many manga page image files). What else would you like to know in creating a homepage then?

Screentoning. the only ones I know, I want to use, are some in ms paint. :sweat: do you know any where that I can get some?

Free server. What should I do if I run out of space? Should I just make another account and continue from there?

Mave wrote:In my case, I usually look at the characters and the artstyle of a manga. I generally tolerate weak storylines unless the story just doesn't make sense or has no direction. I think weak annoying characters really bother me (ex: whiny, loud, useless, lazy). I also do not like unnecessary violence and fanservice.

Hmmm.. violence... ^-^]
Erm...you don't really have to say much, I suppose. You can do a characters page if you wish. If you're drawing "Christian manga," I think it's important to let your visitors know that they ought to expect Christian messages in your comics. Also, make the pages easy to read (like UC said earlier), I describe them as "reader-friendly." [/QUOTE]

I won't make a character page. I kind of want to do it as if it was a scanlation? So no character descriptions on the website, and only a small summary of the story.

For navigation, is something like Psycho Ann's webpage o.k.? I like that style.

Mave wrote:UC mentioned an important point: regularity. It's pretty important to regularly update your homepage coz your visitors can get pretty impatient/annoying if you don't do anything to your page for 1-3 months or more. I know it's not possible to kick out manga chapters every week/fortnight/month, depending on your schedule. But I think you need to at least inform your visitors of what's going on. Even if you have nothing to add, at least say " Hey, guys I'm sorry, I won't be able to kick out any chapter for _______. I've been busy, pls be patient. Thanks so much for coming back!"
Hope this helps for now. ^__^

Is this o.k.: I was thinking maybe, before I put the website up, that I at least have 3 chapters done. but when I post, I only put one up at a time. (two weeks maybe? three?) So I have chapters ready to give, while I draw some more. Do you understand? :sweat:

Thank you so much for all of your help!!
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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Oct 01, 2004 6:27 pm

As for servers: most of the time you can create two accounts and link them together. If you do this, I would urge you to link them in some intelligent way (ie all the manga on one account, everything else on the other).

I think your plan at the moment is a good one. Getting a head start can make your appearance as a web page much better. You will post a link here whenever you finish, won't you?

Regarding violence, I vary greatly. I've read through extremely violent series (Hunter x Hunter, Hellsing, etc) without being greatly bothered (though I found some parts pointless), but a single vaguely violent incident in a webcomic that will not be named made me frown. I would have to give you feedback based on what I see.
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Postby Mave » Sun Oct 03, 2004 7:09 am

RoyalWing wrote:Screentoning. the only ones I know, I want to use, are some in ms paint. :sweat: do you know any where that I can get some?

Here are some links in CAA with some useful screentones (courtesy of Inky ^_^ and other artists)



Free server. What should I do if I run out of space? Should I just make another account and continue from there?

hmm..this one is difficult. If you made a separate account for your manga and another for something else with a free server like Geocities, I bet you'll exceed the bandwidth for the manga files. Perhaps you could use the photobucket to host your pics? I started off using Geocities and my university account but most of the established webmanga artists buy their own webhosting solutions.

Hmmm.. violence... ^-^]
actually, let me rephrase what I said. I don't like guts and gore but I do tolerate violence if it's tastefully done and necessary for the story such as Blade of Immortal and Shin Angyo Onshi.

For navigation, is something like Psycho Ann's webpage o.k.? I like that style.

Sounds like you already know what you like. Yup, go ahead with that then. ^_^

Is this o.k.: I was thinking maybe, before I put the website up, that I at least have 3 chapters done. but when I post, I only put one up at a time. (two weeks maybe? three?) So I have chapters ready to give, while I draw some more.

When I started out, I only had one chapter done. But it's a good idea to think forward so yeah, RoyalWing, what you plan sounds fine. I usually kick something out once every month.

Good luck! XD
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Postby RoyalWing » Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:49 am

Thank You both for your wonderful help!!

uc pseudonym wrote:As for servers: most of the time you can create two accounts and link them together. If you do this, I would urge you to link them in some intelligent way (ie all the manga on one account, everything else on the other).

Mave wrote:hmm..this one is difficult. If you made a separate account for your manga and another for something else with a free server like Geocities, I bet you'll exceed the bandwidth for the manga files. Perhaps you could use the photobucket to host your pics? I started off using Geocities and my university account but most of the established webmanga artists buy their own webhosting solutions.

I think... I will do lots of geocities accounts. My story is getting to be a bit long.. ^-^]
You will post a link here whenever you finish, won't you?[/QUOTE]


May be. :sweat: But it will be a long time until it's finished, so you will forget. And I am so ashamed of my drawings. XD But maybe I will post it, if I get enough courage. ^v^

Thank you for the screentones! I liked the ones you gave me, and I found other good links too. But I want to make sure I don't use many. They are there just in case! I just want to draw mostly everything, because I think it's cheap when artists don't draw much! And use the tones!

Thank You for both the opinions on violence. Some people and events in the story are going to be disgusting, so I am trying to see how I will handle. I'm afraid some parts are going to be like a horror movie! O__O But I'll try my best!
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Postby Mave » Mon Oct 04, 2004 8:40 am

RoyalWing wrote:
I think... I will do lots of geocities accounts. My story is getting to be a bit long.. ^-^]

I appreciate geocities for providing hosting for my website and recommend them, despite the ads here and there. I'm kinda taking my time to buy my own webhosting since I will have hosting space at my university server until May next year. Yeah I'm a cheapskate amateur artist LOL


Awww come on, RoyalWing! How could you say you're ashamed of your drawings?? @_@;; Now, if you're nervous about posting it publicly here and receiving horrible comments :eyeroll: , you can send what you've got to me or members who are willing to help proofread it first (UC? *pokes* *pokes*) Yes, it was scary when I posted my very first manga chapter here but everyone here was very kind and helpful in providing advice and support. If it weren't for them and my decision to post my stuff despite my doubts, I wouldn't be where I am today. I look forward to seeing your works. ^_^

Thank you for the screentones! I liked the ones you gave me, and I found other good links too. But I want to make sure I don't use many. They are there just in case! I just want to draw mostly everything, because I think it's cheap when artists don't draw much! And use the tones!

LOL Funny, I always thought screentoning was a terrible load of work. It's more time-consuming than inking alone for me. I found this out when I could generate manga chapters of "Home" way faster than "KCome". -_-;;
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Postby RoyalWing » Tue Oct 05, 2004 6:09 am

Yeah I'm a cheapskate amateur artist LOL

:lol: I think everyone is. Just a bit.

Awww come on, RoyalWing! How could you say you're ashamed of your drawings?? @_@;; Now, if you're nervous about posting it publicly here and receiving horrible comments, you can send what you've got to me or members who are willing to help proofread it first (UC? *pokes* *pokes*) Yes, it was scary when I posted my very first manga chapter here but everyone here was very kind and helpful in providing advice and support. If it weren't for them and my decision to post my stuff despite my doubts, I wouldn't be where I am today. I look forward to seeing your works. ^_^

Wouldn't it be so irritating for you? (and UC Pseudonym even more because I irritate him already.) You both are very busy and most people on here are very busy too.

LOL Funny, I always thought screentoning was a terrible load of work. It's more time-consuming than inking alone for me. I found this out when I could generate manga chapters of "Home" way faster than "KCome". -_-;;

Maybe that will be me too, then! But there is one thing that I will be extremely cheap about. Buildings, the city, and the covers of the "books". :sweat: My buildings looks like mountains blocks of cheddar cheese. Do you understand? So I will probably use photographs to help me (I could trace the photographs into drawings). The covers will always have city night-life in them. Since the covers are color I will just apply affects to them so they melt with the drawings I will put into them.

I hope you understand. O__O Wow, I am really not good at explaining!
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Oct 05, 2004 6:26 am

I could proofread without a problem. However, I would need at least two days to get something back to you. You don't irritate me.
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Postby RoyalWing » Tue Oct 05, 2004 6:35 am

Oh.. ok. Well as long as it's alright for you! I'll wait very long! (And you know, I think I will need someone who is good in grammar.. (=_=);; )

Thank You!!



Wait a minute! I just thought! If someone proof-read's it they'll see it! And I would feel too guilty dumping this work on someone.. This is really something I should do myself! I'll check million times over if I have to!

And I just thought of another question. Is there anything I should know about copyrights? About art-stealers? (If anyone would want to steal my arts.. pff! :forehead: )
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Postby Pepper Kittie » Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:20 pm

Awww, RoyalWing, I used to feel the same way XD I probably should've been braver and asked the kind of questions you're asking now instead of just trying to do everything on my own. Truthfully, even though you may feel shy about it, having someone else proof read it for you is a very good idea. I've made a lot of grammer mistakes in my manga that I only realize when someone else comments on it. I know it's a little scarey to have others see your work, but if you're planning on having a site for it then they're gonna see it sooner or later, anyhoo ^_^

I hope this isn't off-topic to ask, but... what kind of a manga are you making, RoyalWing?
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Postby RoyalWing » Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:43 am

o.k... Well.. I'll think about it. (I have alot of time for that.)

What kind? I don't understand, sorry! The RoyalWing kind?

Thanks for you advice Pepper Kittie!!
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Postby soul alive » Thu Oct 07, 2004 9:43 am

good luck with doing your own web-manga. please do share with us all the finished/semi-finished product.

just as a thought - i do believe that http://www.keenspace.com is a free online comic host. you might check it out. having a site geared to host large image files, like those for comics/manga might be easier than multiple accounts elsewhere. here is a quote from the site:

"Welcome to Keenspace, an extension of Keenspot.com, where we hope to provide convenient and reliable web access for online comics much like we do for the members of Keenspot.com.
It has been around since June 2000 and now provides hosting for thousands of comic artists around the world. Keenspace artists get web accounts with unlimited webspace and bandwidth, plus access to the "Autokeen" scripts, which are utilities that can handle the updating and archiving of your comics automatically, similar to ones used by Keenspot artists. Keenspace also includes optional benefits, such as providing forums for the artists, as well as newsboxes and banner programs to help cross-promote. How much does it all cost? Exactly zero dollars and zero cents. But you do have to put an ad banner at the tops of your pages. That's it."


A Cruce Salus, a webmanga. --- Status: Undergoing rewrites, currently offline


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Postby Pepper Kittie » Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:00 pm

No problemo, RoyalWing ^^ By kind I meant what type it is, like Christian, action, fantasy, romance, ect... I'd like to know more about it. You sound really dedicated and prepared to making it, so I bet you must have a great story! Reading other webmangas is fun ^__^
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Postby RoyalWing » Sat Oct 09, 2004 7:36 am

Thank you for all your advices! ^o^

I'll think about it, soul alive! Thank you for the suggestion.

No problemo, RoyalWing ^^ By kind I meant what type it is, like Christian, action, fantasy, romance, ect... I'd like to know more about it. You sound really dedicated and prepared to making it, so I bet you must have a great story! Reading other webmangas is fun ^__^

No! The story is very bad and unoriginal! Plus, I am stuck at a big HOLE right now. A great big hole in the story! I hope I can get out of it.

I don't know what kind of story it is. (_ _);; I think there will be a little bit of everything in it. Except maybe romance? there might be a bit but not really. (because I don't know anything about that such a thing, so how am I going to write about it?) and I don't want it to be corny or anything... (_ _) It's about this girl, and... well anyway, it's very bad. :sweat:
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Postby Mave » Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:55 am

Wouldn't it be so irritating for you? (and UC Pseudonym even more because I irritate him already.) You both are very busy and most people on here are very busy too.

No, you will not irritate me with that. I'm used to proofreading/reviewing other people's works. I also bounce and discuss ideas with members such as wiggins, UC and Chloe. *cracks window* ;) <--private joke for UC/wiggins hehe

extremely cheap about. Buildings, the city, and the covers of the "books". My buildings looks like mountains blocks of cheddar cheese. Do you understand? So I will probably use photographs to help me (I could trace the photographs into drawings). The covers will always have city night-life in them. Since the covers are color I will just apply affects to them so they melt with the drawings I will put into them.

Buildings: Ah...this isn't my favourite subject to draw but yes, try practising by drawing out photographs or background examples from other manga. Sometimes I don't feel it's worthed it since readers don't really notice backgrounds (or do they?) but it's so much better than a blank background.

OT: Blocks of cheddar cheese?? Maybe you meant 'Swiss cheese,' they have holes in them. You're also talking to a food scientist here, you know haha

Wait a minute! I just thought! If someone proof-read's it they'll see it! And I would feel too guilty dumping this work on someone.. This is really something I should do myself! I'll check million times over if I have to!

Loch said this once, "You may know the whole story but don't assume your readers do." You need someone else to look at it because you might have missed something while working on it.

And I just thought of another question. Is there anything I should know about copyrights? About art-stealers? (If anyone would want to steal my arts.. pff! )

Erm....I don't really do much about this. I just placed "Copyright Mave 2004" at my website and that's it. I doubt anyone has stolen any of my works yet. haha I'll let God take care of that.

No! The story is very bad and unoriginal! Plus, I am stuck at a big HOLE right now. A great big hole in the story! I hope I can get out of it.

:lickbash: Let everyone else decide that, RWing. This sounds awkward but it's OK to be "not good enough." Stop beating yourself, telling yourself that you're not good. If you keep telling yourself that, you'll remain just that way and will never advance.

This reminds me of the pride I had when I first started. In response to a manga idea I bounced at my boyfriend, he commented that it's not original since he's seen it too often. Can you believe that I "cried" there and then? Boy, I was pretty sensitive and couldn't handle criticisms then. -_-;; On the plus side, his comments challenged me to think of something better and I still bounce manga ideas to him every now and then. XD XD I won't give up and neither should you!

RWing, I think everyone needs to accept that there's always room for improvement. But they should never hold back God from using themselves. One may not feel worthy or good enough but God can use anyone whose heart is willing. In God's eyes, everyone is 'good enough.' That makes God's love and mercy so awesome. ^_^
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Postby shooraijin » Sat Oct 09, 2004 9:09 am

Mave brings up a good point. In computer development, we call it 'creeping featurism' where you work on something, and think of some way it can be improved, and then think of something else to add, and something else to fix, and ...

By the time you do all this, it becomes an infinite cycle of improvement, but you never released anything!

You'll learn most of all how to improve your work with other's comments. Do the best you can, but don't forget that no one is perfect, and you'll have both compliments and comments to work with instead of slaving away in a void.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:55 pm

Mave wrote:*cracks window*

And so the chaos spreads. My, my...

Mave wrote:Sometimes I don't feel it's worthed it since readers don't really notice backgrounds (or do they?) but it's so much better than a blank background.

We do]Erm....I don't really do much about this. I just placed "Copyright Mave 2004" at my website and that's it. I doubt anyone has stolen any of my works yet. haha I'll let God take care of that.[/quote]

You get a certain amount of legal protection simply for saying that you copyright your material, as Mave did. A governmental trademark requires money and more work than you need to do. Also, you can always mail your own work to yourself in an unopened envelope so you have proof of your work.

Quoted because it bears repeating:

Mave wrote::lickbash: Let everyone else decide that, RWing. This sounds awkward but it's OK to be "not good enough." Stop beating yourself, telling yourself that you're not good. If you keep telling yourself that, you'll remain just that way and will never advance.


RWing, I think everyone needs to accept that there's always room for improvement. But they should never hold back God from using themselves. One may not feel worthy or good enough but God can use anyone whose heart is willing. In God's eyes, everyone is 'good enough.' That makes God's love and mercy so awesome. ^_^
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Postby RoyalWing » Sat Oct 09, 2004 2:47 pm

Thank you to everyone. ^v^ I'm very happy to receive this help. I think I will always look to this thread while I'm writing and drawing to make sure I'm using your advices.

I'll try my best! How about that! ^-^
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Postby b0redx3 » Sun Oct 10, 2004 3:00 pm

um since this is 'i wish to know everything..' topic i just wanted to know if u are doing a traditional style... how big should the paper be to draw on? the regular 8.5x11 or 4.5x7?
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Postby Pepper Kittie » Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:21 pm

You're awesome, Mave *glomps* And you bring up a really good point. Things always start out hard, Royal Wing... and it's easy to get discouraged. I'm glad that you're not going to just give up on it ^_^ Keep fighting, even if it starts out a little rocky. You'll get so much better in time, beleive me! And when you feel weak, pray about it.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
~John 10:10

~* Advocate Voice *~
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Pepper Kittie
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Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:28 pm
Location: I live in the US. I'm studying in South America.

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