Does anybody else believe in the First Volume Gnome?

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Does anybody else believe in the First Volume Gnome?

Postby SnowLeopard » Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:48 pm

You know he's out there. He's the little monster that lives in bookstores and comic shops. His job is to buy the first volume of every manga you want to start reading. He also goes in the back of the stores and hides all the extra copies so that the people who work there can't find them for you.

Do you believe in the First Volume Gnome?

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:57 pm

I believe! >___<
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:08 pm

I'm sure that he's lurking with the Library Purchase Gnome, which takes all the volumes to be purchased off the list except something like 8 or 13.
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Postby RoyalWing » Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:34 pm

He's on the internet too! He tells the people from one website that a book in a series has gone out of print, even if you just order it from another website moments later!

He steals the first volumes like you said SnowLeopard! And tells you a volume is not available even when it was released 6 months ago! X o X
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Postby Nate » Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:46 pm

I strongly believe. The same thing happened to me with Vol. 4-6 of Cardcaptor Sakura. I knew they were out, but Waldenbooks told me, "I'm sorry, sir, it's not in our computer system."

Those horrible gnomes!

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Postby AngelSakura » Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:51 pm

Mmm, I believe. Except I know him as the Next Volume Gnome. Once upon a time, AngelSakura was attempting to get a couple Mars manga. I got the first one alright, but the next time I went, the shelf had: 1, 3, 4.... Luckily, the nice Waldenbooks man found it in the back. The next time, the shelf had: 1, 2, 4....
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Postby panegryst » Tue Sep 14, 2004 2:40 pm

I know his antics well. I also am quite familiar (too familiar, really) with his distant cousin, the Target First and Last Disc Gnome, who is notorious for ensuring that Target never stocks anything but the first and last discs of a series. Which is a real let down, because Target has the best prices, like, anywhere.
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Postby mechana2015 » Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:15 pm

Having woked in a bookstore and gone into combat against said Gnome, I believe. Even worse is the little gnome that appeared in our store one evening and cleared various bits of information, such as special orders off of our computer.

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Postby Mangafanatic » Tue Sep 14, 2004 6:07 pm

He totally exists. I know-- because I AM THE FIRST VOLUME GNOBE!!! Oops, did I just say that out loud?
Every year in Uganda, innumerable children simply. . . disappear. These children all stolen under the cover of darkness from their homes and impressed into the guerilla armies of the LRA [Lord's Resistance Army]. In the deserts of Uganda, they are forced to witness the mindless slaughter of other children until they themselves can do nothing but kill. Kill. These children, generally ranging from ages 5-12, are brainwashed into murdering in the name of the resistance and into stealing other children from their beds to suffer the same fate.

Because of this genocide of innocence, hundred and hundreds of children live every night sleeping in public places miles from their homes, because they know that if the do not-- they will disappear. They will become just another number in this genocide to which the international community has chosen to turn a blind eye. They will become, in affect, invisible-- Invisible Children.

But there are those who are trying to fight against this slaughter of Uganda's children. They fight to protect these "invisible children." Please, help them help a country full of children who know nothing by fear. Help save the innocence. For more information concerning how you can help and how you can get an incredible video about this horrific reality, visit the Invisible Children home page.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Sep 15, 2004 6:18 am

That's a great way to get yourself lynched, dear. Even in la-la land.

Meanwhile, I may try to outwit the Library Purchase Gnome by using interlibrary loan. We'll see if it works for manga...
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Postby Kisa » Wed Sep 15, 2004 6:33 am

Its true! Its sooo mean of them to hoard all of those mangas to themselves! *cries*
I also believe in the next volume gnome as well angelsakura! Hes mean too . . .
We must stop their meaness!!!!!!!
(mangafanatic. . . how could you . . . I thought you were our nice little friend *tears well up in eyes . . .* )
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Postby Mangafanatic » Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:44 pm

KisaTohru wrote: I thought you were our nice little friend *tears well up in eyes . . .* )

I--um, that is to say-- well, about-- actually--- what I'm trying to say is *Mangafanatic screams off into the distance and her spokes person appears in her place* Mangfanatic would like to say that she was taking Anti-hystamine when she made the statement in question. For this reason, she would like to not be lynched. As evidence, she submits her the first statement of her signature, and signatures don't lie. Furthermore, she can neither confirm nor deny the existance of the first volume gnome. Thank you.
Every year in Uganda, innumerable children simply. . . disappear. These children all stolen under the cover of darkness from their homes and impressed into the guerilla armies of the LRA [Lord's Resistance Army]. In the deserts of Uganda, they are forced to witness the mindless slaughter of other children until they themselves can do nothing but kill. Kill. These children, generally ranging from ages 5-12, are brainwashed into murdering in the name of the resistance and into stealing other children from their beds to suffer the same fate.

Because of this genocide of innocence, hundred and hundreds of children live every night sleeping in public places miles from their homes, because they know that if the do not-- they will disappear. They will become just another number in this genocide to which the international community has chosen to turn a blind eye. They will become, in affect, invisible-- Invisible Children.

But there are those who are trying to fight against this slaughter of Uganda's children. They fight to protect these "invisible children." Please, help them help a country full of children who know nothing by fear. Help save the innocence. For more information concerning how you can help and how you can get an incredible video about this horrific reality, visit the Invisible Children home page.
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Postby Icarus » Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:48 pm

Forgeries, mayhap?

I believe.
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Postby SnowLeopard » Tue Sep 21, 2004 3:06 pm

I'd draw a picture of the infamous little blighter, but I have no art skills to speak of. It would since there's so many believers, we should make a club.

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Postby Kisa » Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:00 am

I was about to gfet mad at him yesterday at Walden's until I realized his cousin, the volume disorganizer gnome, had moved the first volume seprate from the second. LOL
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Postby Kura Ookami » Sun Sep 26, 2004 2:02 pm

The first volume gnome doesnt only steal away the first volumes of manga. He also steals away the first volume of anime as well or is that the first DVD gnome? I've been a victim of his brother the next volume gnome when, for the longest time the fourth DVD of Noir wasn't in the shop and i had the first three and every other dvd of Noir was there. Maybe what i encountered then was the next DVD gnome? Lol!
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Sep 26, 2004 2:31 pm

They're all related somehow.

My local gnome could well be fired fairly soon. He managed to miss both Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle #1 and Trigun #1.
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Postby MorwenLaicoriel » Sun Sep 26, 2004 2:59 pm

Oh! I think that Library Purchase Gnome explains why my library only has the first volumes of both the Trigun anime AND the manga.
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Postby Anna Mae » Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:14 pm

Our library definately has at least one gnome at work. They hardly ever have more than one issue of a manga, and it's usually something like issue #21 or something.
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Postby Kkun » Tue Sep 28, 2004 4:38 pm

My local First Volume Gnome pushed me over while I was walking down the street, took my first Marmalade Boy manga, and then he, the Lucky Charms Leprechaun, and Richard Nixon all proceeded to beat me up. It hurt. They took my Lucky Charms too.
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