not your typical anime lover checking in

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Postby Dark_angel » Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:27 pm

Welcome, desperado! ^^ CAA is awesome, we share everything. From anime and manga tips to our struggles with faith and interactions with other people. i kown you'll love it here...

Hey, i like your taste! ^^ I love Gundam Wing, but i've only seen s a bit of outlaw star. anyways, is there a general genre that you love? or is it just anything? If you would narrow it down for me a bit, I can give you a full list on it.

If you like mecha especially, the gundam universe is that and more.
if you like the old-time Japan era, I suggest Rurouni Kenshin, but if you like the bloody ones, Blade of the immortal might be interesting to you.
If you like fighting anime with a storyline, my personal favorite is Yu Yu Hakusho
If you prefer the fantasy ones, well, there's Inuyahsa, but there's also too many others to mention...-_- but alot of them are to cutesy for me...but Full metal Alchemist is good...
anything could try Full Metal Panic, or DNAngle.(i don't like it much, but my friend seems to...)
Or you could try the widely popular ones, like Naruto and such. I'd suggest Fruits Basket and FMS, but it depends entirely on your personality...

Sorry to give you such a huge list....but If you give me more info, I could narrow it down like I said.
Btw, do you only want Anime or do you want to read manga as well?
Well, like i said: Welcome! ^^
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Postby LightUpTheDark » Sun Sep 12, 2004 10:06 pm

Hey! Welcome!!! Have fun and post lots!!!
Um, about anime, some recommendations I'd make are Full Metal Panic, Scryed, Rurouni Kenshin, the second . Hack series, Kiddy Grade, Knight Hunters (Weiss Kreuz), Dai-guard, Ranma 1/2, GetBackers, Argentosoma... Honestly, something I'd recommend would be to get someone who's 18 or older to get an account with for you if you can. You get unlimited rentals for 20 buck a month ( you can only have 3 dvds in your possession at a time though), and just try renting some different anime series you think you might be interested in and screen them that way. Then, if you'd find a series you don't like, you can just send it back and you won't have wasted your money on buying the dvd or whatever. I subscribe to this service, and I think it's great. There's lots of different series I want to watch, but must of them I'd never really feel like watching again, so it saves me money since I'm not buying anime left and right anymore. I can spend it on Manga now, lol.

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Postby desperado » Mon Sep 13, 2004 1:48 pm

hey thanks for all the info ill probably go look those up
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Postby Dark_angel » Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:59 pm

no Problem, enjoy your stay! ^^
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Postby Omega Amen » Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:00 pm

Welcome, desperado.

I am glad you thought the Bishoujo Pic Thread is cool.

Enjoy your stay here.
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Postby desperado » Tue Sep 14, 2004 2:49 pm

yeah the idea intrigues me. if only i could find some elvaan....
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