New Manga

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New Manga

Postby Anison Twilight » Tue Aug 19, 2003 6:29 pm

I intend to work on this by myself mostly, but I can't think of names for any of the characters (which is rare for me who usually comes up with names at the drop of a hat). Also it isn't necessary, but if you have any good pictures from angles, other than normal, of face, arms, legs, or full body, would be greatly appreciated.

Anison Twilight

PS: I also don't have a name for the manga yet either. But that probably should wait until I get the names for the characters.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:04 pm

So are you just asking for character names? It'd help if I knew something about them. I like my names to fit the character.
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Postby Anison Twilight » Sun Aug 31, 2003 1:11 pm

Occuptation: Main Male Character
Religious Affiliation: Starts out none becomes Christian.
Character: Has good moral standards, intelligent, despirate to impress MFC, quiet yet outgoing.
Family Life: Bad family relationship, everyone in family alcoholic except him. Has older bother.
Year: Junior
Age: 17
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5' 11'
Weight: 160
Etc: Shallow like every other guy in that looks at looks first in girls until MFC comes along. Athlete and scholar. Falls for MFC for looks at first then gets to like her for who she is. After being denied because of not being a christian starts to wonder. In track/field in the events of hammer throw, javelin, diskus, male baton pass, and in shuttle race. Also plays basketball.

Occupation: Main Female Character
Religious Affiliation: Christian (more specifically baptist)
Character: Shy, quiet, has good morals, very intelligent, follows Bible and God first, easy to hurt emotionally (not physically).
Family Life: Good family relationship that loves each other, tightly knit. Eldest brother outside of knit.
Year: Junior
Age: 16
Haircolor: Light Brown
Eye Color: Sapphire
Height: 5'9''
Weight: Ummm... (it would be nice at ALL if I said this so...)
Etc: She's on the track/field team in the events; poll vault, 100 meter, and 400 meter relay. Wears glasses sometimes. Takes advanced classes. Passed a grade early. Has no friends at school, some at church. Always had a crush on MMC.

Sorry I couldn't post earlier technical difficulties.

Notes: MFC=Main Female Character
MMC=Main Male Character
Ummm...I hope that helps. And I'm not sure on the track/field events.
There is probably more, but I can't remember.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Aug 31, 2003 1:16 pm

Hmmm. For some reason I can't escape the feeling that MMC is a Christopher...
Other than that, random name ideas, assuming you want ordinary type names:

MMC: Steven (not Steve, Steven), James, Daniel (he could dislike the Biblical name, it'd make a great way to introduce the fact that he's not a Christian).

MFC: Rachel, Sheralynn (not nearly as good with female names)

On a side topic, how can someone be quiet and outgoing? Not to criticize, just wondering how you'll do that one.
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Postby Anison Twilight » Sun Aug 31, 2003 1:25 pm

Thanks for the names.
I don't care whether the names are normal or not.

Oh, and I'm quiet yet outgoing all the time. I don't talk much but when I do I tend to talk a lot. Or something like that. I don't know but it works... :dance: :lick:
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
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