G4's filter

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G4's filter

Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:17 pm

I think this is the first time I ever watched this... It's all about their voters voting for their favorites in certain topics in video games...

Man... This proves American is NOT my target for video games... I mean, some of the stuff they came up with was so rediculous...

Of course, I'm still angry at Heather not being mentioned once in any of these things, but... Check this out...

Best date location:

2. Halo... WTMLPOC? I just don't understand that... The guy they interviews about it said "Oh, yeah, I could bring my girl here, it's a big ring, and I could shoot things and protect her" Yeah, ok... Why don't you just take your girl to iraq? Veery romantic...

Guess what number 1 was? Out of all their voters, this was voted the "best date location"

1. Vice City... WTMLISPOCMSFH?!!!! G4 makes me ashamed to be american.

Oh, and then there's the fact the DOA girls won this poll for "most likely to date" character (yeah, the whole crew... No individuals... I guess this fits in with Gphoria and )

Their target audience is more (somethingrather) than romance... Man...

And duke nukem getting called anything close to romantic? Man... It's hard to say games aren't immature when the majority of the players are...
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Postby glitch1501 » Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:30 pm

i dont like filter, or g4

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Postby Lynx » Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:26 am

hahaha... give x-play a try. i love that show, and it's a lot better than filter. i think its on at 4-5 (2 episodes, EST) on g4-tech tv.
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Postby Link Antilles » Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:31 am

I want the good old days back! The good old days of Techtv rocked! But... it doesn't matter to me... All I watched in the first place was X-play and TSS. :sweat: I've been a TSS fan since they started..... :thumb:

As for G4.... it proves: Mainstream + Gaming = the down fall of true gaming.
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Postby cbwing0 » Thu Sep 02, 2004 8:43 am

Bobtheduck wrote:Man... This proves American is NOT my target for video games... I mean, some of the stuff they came up with was so rediculous...
Yes, have fun making train sims, restaurant sims, mosquito sims, and the like (not to mention other bizzare games like those from the cho aniki series). :eyeroll:
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Postby glitch1501 » Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:55 am

Link Antilles wrote:I want the good old days back! The good old days of Techtv rocked! But... it doesn't matter to me... All I watched in the first place was X-play and TSS. :sweat: I've been a TSS fan since they started..... :thumb:

As for G4.... it proves: Mainstream + Gaming = the down fall of true gaming.

agreed 100%

i do like xplay more than the others

and tss rocked everything

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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Sep 02, 2004 4:29 pm

cbwing0 wrote:Yes, have fun making train sims, restaurant sims, mosquito sims, and the like (not to mention other bizzare games like those from the cho aniki series). :eyeroll:

"THe stuff they come up with" I was referring to Filter, not american game creators (especially considering DoA is Japanese). However, I can say that American RPGs, First Person Shooters, Sims, and Real Time Strategy games (all very popular here) tend to be lacking in plot, not my style, and hard to portray the sort

What makes you think I'd be working on sims of any kind? :eyebrow:

I mean, come on... SO there are some bizarre games in Japan. Still, the audiences in Japan are more for story than American audiences are. That's just truth... I mean, it's not a generalization (I know there are americans who aren't like that) or anything. It's pure statistics... RPGs just don't do as well here overall as sports games, RTS games, sims, and FPS games.

The stuff you've hilighted have been small projects for the most part. Also, Microsoft makes a train sim, BTW. THe sim stuff is mostly on the PC, but the consoles have always ruled the roost in Japan.

When I see and hear people talking about games on TV, and all around me, it is clear that America isn't my audience. That is a nice bit of non sequitur that just because I'm going to Japan, somehow I'll be working on sims or on "strange" games. Of course, I like a little strange. Also, Japanese sense of humor is different than american, so some very natural things even come off as "strange" to an american. Whatver.

You ignore that Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Chrono Trigger, Seiken Densetsu, Castlevania, classics like Mario, Zelda, and Metroid, and even stuff like the original Ninja Gaiden and Rygar all came from Japan. Hmm... Actually, I'm not sure if Rygar did... Well, the rest stands.

The reason America isn't my audience isn't because of games that exist, but because of what is most popular... Grand Theft Auto... DoA (though that was Japanese, Lowbrow is lowbrow) and FPS games like Doom and Halo... That's what makes it big here... That's why America isn't my audience. So, I won't be wasting my time on sims... Of course, I would love to make some, uh, quirky games... Like my "Bob" project.

In any case, I see that the only reason you said that was because you misunderstood "the stuff they came up with here" Still, I'm making myself very clear so no more misunderstandings... I think that as a whole, American audiences don't respect games enough to be affected by them as Japan does...

(I just looked up that Cho Aniki... Gah... NO! No no no no no no no... That's not what I meant by weird... To be fair, there has been a CRAPLOAD of that kind of stuff on the PC in the US... A lot of homemade games... It's just a sense of machismo and cultural barriers and such that prevented it from getting mainstream... I mean, as for the weird stuff... So, yeah... It's not just Japan...)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Yojimbo » Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:02 pm

I don't think you're being fair to American RPG's. Have you ever played Fallout, Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale 2, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2, Neverwinter Nights, Greyhawk: Temple of Elemental Evil, KOTOR, Daggerfall, Morrowind? ALL of these RPG's have outstanding plots and characters that go far beyond the typical stale Japanese RPG.

Don't get me wrong I like my Final Fantasy's, Dragon Warrior's, Suikoden's, and so on but the stories overall, with a couple exceptions have been very linear while using basically the same characters over and over again. Heck just read the Japanese RPG cliche's thread while it is made in jest alot of those things are very true.;)
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Postby cbwing0 » Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:46 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:"THe stuff they come up with" I was referring to Filter, not american game creators (especially considering DoA is Japanese). However, I can say that American RPGs, First Person Shooters, Sims, and Real Time Strategy games (all very popular here) tend to be lacking in plot, not my style, and hard to portray the sort
Thanks for clearing that up. The original comment just came off as a bit snobbish, so I had to respond.

I suppose I am the "typical" American gamer. While I enjoy a good story to go along with my games, what I enjoy the most in a game is action. For that reason, I play a lot of fighting, racing, and action-RPG titles (not to mention combinations of those, such as Armored Core, Dynasty Warriors, etc.). I don't really care where my games are made, as long as they are fun.

Having said that, I also don't care for the Grand Theft Auto series, or most fps titles (although Unreal Tournament and Halo are exceptions). Similarly, I don't like a lot of the "traditional" RPGs that come out of Japan, such as the Final Fantasy series, Secret of Mana, or Chrono Trigger. The turn-based combat just gets...old.

Those are my preferences, which apparently differ somewhat from yours; but that is why a wide variety of genres, developers, and titles flourish in the gaming industry.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:36 pm

I'm not going to spend much more time defending what I said. I'm sorry you thought what I said was snobbish, and I detest most american style RPGs. I have a heart for Japan, and the US doesn't respect the power of video games. Think what you want, it's just the case. I'm basing this off of sales reports and off the average comments from the people I know. I prefer the linear stories because when you watch movies or read books, they do tend to be rather linear. The story in Final Fantasy X, for instance, was much more impacting than the "non-linear" thing in Seiken Densetsu 4. Options are good, I will not deny that. I mean, I think Chrono Trigger and Seiken Densetsu 3 had great balance of story and options, but when the options are too varied, they lose focus on a compelling story, and things end up being all very event based rather than character based... I could honestly go on for a while, but I need to nip it in the bud.

So, yeah... Sorry you felt offended. I didn't mean to offend anyone here. I was really getting angry with G4. To be honest, I'm rather angry right now, so I'm going to leave it at that. I didn't mean to offend anyone in here, but I don't think you should be offended by anything I said anyhow, once you actually understand it. Goodbye.
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Postby Yojimbo » Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:58 pm

Well it just seems to me that you haven't played many American RPG's Bob. If I'm wrong then say so but you sound a little biased to me. I don't think it's possible for anyone who likes RPG's to not find one they like in that list I made.
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Postby cbwing0 » Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:03 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:So, yeah... Sorry you felt offended. I didn't mean to offend anyone here. I was really getting angry with G4. To be honest, I'm rather angry right now, so I'm going to leave it at that. I didn't mean to offend anyone in here, but I don't think you should be offended by anything I said anyhow, once you actually understand it. Goodbye.

Don't worry...I may be easily provoked to start debates, but I am not easily offended ;) .

Once again, it appears that our tastes in games simply differ. I prefer non-linear RPGs in which you create your own character, rather than the "Japanese style" that puts you in the role of a premade hero following a linear quest. That is probably why Phantasy Star Online is one of my favorite RPGs of all time (even though it was made in Japan, most RPGs of this type are made in the United States), since it is action-oriented and you get to create a unique character to play through the game as you please.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:49 pm

It's funny... This thread went way off topic, but whatever...

The categories they had was "Who would you most want to date"

The top for the men was "The girls from DoA" They have no personalities, they were made for fanservice, and... Well, those two things are enough... Besides the fact they couldn't pick one, that proves to me that the people who did the voting were rather immature...

Even with Samus as one of the top crew, the only reason she was voted in was because she was a "girl with a gun" and that is some sort of fetish. She is mostly a blank slate, though she was fleshed out a bit more in the last two games... SO, most dateable means they posess (SP?) some sort of fetish gratifying quality... I got a bit sick by that...

The girls, they were a bit better... I think that when more female players come into the matter in the US, it will mean an improvement in games here... Of course, there is still the vote for the GTA guy... O_o

The greatest date location in a video game... The top place was vice city!! I mean, come on... First off, as for a real place, it's based on miami... I suppose Miami would be a decent date place. Beaches, night clubs, its good for that sort of thing... But, the fictional Vice City, in terms of the game, has the constant threat of Tommy what'shisname and the other guys... But, the dumbest thing was the second place, which was Halo... If anyone here voted for Halo, don't say you did... You'll go down a peg in my book.

Then for best couple, I think number three was a lesbian couple from a golf game... I mean, ignoring the homosexuality aspect of it, they're what you call "lipstick lesbians" meaning they were designed to get men hot, not as a realistic couple. The guys just voted for them because they do things during the game, and it is there to gratify a fetish...

I will not be missing any of G4's programming...

Oh, and though I probably shouldn't, I have played some of the games on that list, like Baldur's gate for instance... I haven't played all of them, nor do I intend to. If I'm turned off by the visual style, and if it doesn't catch my eye, I won't be buying it... Of course, there is one (I believe) american style RPG I'll be trying out, if only to get the great "Dead Ale Wives Club" skit using the characters. That would be Summoner. Summoner 2, also, has some funny stuff at the end as well.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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