I have a number of acquaintances from my elementary and middle school (I went to a non-denominational Christian school, if you're wondering) most of whom were Christians. It was a small school, so we were a pretty tight knit group. We all knew each other and we all worshipped together, and most of us seemed fairly strong in our faith, both inside and outside school. But since most of us up and left for high school I know many of my old friends have changed. Some have begun dating people of the same gender. Some have become atheists or agnostics, or dabble in things like Wicca. Some have taken up drugs and drinking and pre-marital sex. I would love a second chance to talk to all my childhood friends and possibly help them get back on the straight and narrow, but the same truth is I can't get in contact with many of them.
So...heh, sort of a sill question to answer, but even if they have become homosexuals or atheists, they believed with all their hearts in Christ when they were children. Do they still have place in Heaven built for them?