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Postby Mave » Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:32 pm

I have nothing really substantial to contribute here for the time being. Just that, I'll be trying out traditional medium on my artworks such as cheap marker pens, ball point pens and color pencils. I'll post 'em here when I'm done. oh I do need to get working on my manga as well. ^^;;;; Meanwhile everyone, keep up the good job!
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Postby Kireihana » Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:19 pm

I love using colored pencils. I need to learn how to make different textures with them, though. ^_^

Anyway, here's a ballpoint sketch I did. There are plenty of things I would have erased and fixed on this, had I done it in pencil, such as the left arm (or his right) being to short. I thing I put in too many ab muscles, lol.
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Postby Chapel » Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:31 am

Ah mave and Kire friends here and on DA ur pen sketch looks awsome. U should color it in too.

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Postby Kireihana » Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:57 am

Thank you! Lol, I'm now addicted to ballpoint pen sketches. They're fast and easy; I don't have to waste time or thought erasing and fixing things. So here are two more sketches; the first one is pretty bad, but I liked how the hair came out so I thought I'd post it. The second one I loved the eyes and face, etc. ... anyway, I posted these mainly for review, so any crit would be greatly appreciated!
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Postby Syreth » Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:09 pm

Well, I read some of this thread and I kinda wanted to post in here. I don't want to make an extensive profile for myself, since I hardly consider myself an artist, but I draw and I want to make a manga. I guess you could say I have big aspirations in comparison to my little talent. I only hope that it glorifies God. I've pretty much been a pencil only person my whole life. I want to do inking, but I'm hardly familiar with it... so unfamiliar with it that I don't even know how bad I am at it. I'm doing the drafting work for chapter 1 of my manga. I think the title is going to be Final Hour, which pretty much explains the theme of it. It'll be sci-fi/fantasy which takes place in a figurative world that represents the end times. Btw, could anyone refer me to some info as to how you get your stuff copyrighted? Thanks
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Postby Kireihana » Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:21 pm

Welcome Syreth! Glad to have you here! About your questions:

Well anything original you create automatically belongs to you. I'm not exactly sure how to get it in-the-record-book copyrighted though.

As for inking, you might want to invest in some inkpens, although ballpoints are good for outlining, they only come in one size and I find it tedious to fill in large areas with them. Sharpies are good for filling in large areas, but not for outlining because they bleed a bit. Your best bet would be getting a waterproof and smudge resistant brand, like Sakura Micron.

I'm not saying ballpoints or Pilot pens are bad for inking, I just personally like the quick and easy route. ^_^

Oh and don't be afraid to post a profile, regardless of your talent, because we're all learning here. ^.~
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Postby For_Him » Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:49 pm

I've got some stuff, but I don't have the tech' to upload 'em! :waah!:
I wanna show my stuff! I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna!
(picks self off the floor)
Sorry, that was really stupid of me. :bang: :red:
I'll try to show my stuff sometime in the near future(soon I hope).
A lot of my art revolve around my christian(protestant)faith. I just hope to show 'em.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:56 am

Syreth wrote:Btw, could anyone refer me to some info as to how you get your stuff copyrighted? Thanks

You can attain a certain amount of copyright protection merely by claiming the work is yours. On your site, for example, the mere presence of the copyright statement gives you some legal protection. Trademarks or formal copyrights require speaking with governent agencies and money.
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Postby Syreth » Fri Aug 06, 2004 1:12 am

Thanks for the advice, UC. I'll keep that in mind. :)
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Postby Chapel » Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:03 am

Yeah my website automatically copy rights my stuff as well as Deviant Art but I'm sure their are more extreme ways of getting like a prermanent CR.

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Postby Psycho Ann » Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:08 pm

I'll just quickly post this here:

There's also a frequently used way of sending yourself a sealed envelope with a copy of your art so you have untampered proof that you hold an earlier dated copy.
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Postby Chapel » Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:21 pm

wow I never thought of using the letter thing Good Idea. But I have been to the copy right place. Ann speaks the truth.

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Postby Chapel » Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:23 am

So how many people here have DA account that I don't already know about... Lets have a shout out for DA accounts so we can all look at each others art.

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Postby Kireihana » Wed Aug 11, 2004 3:32 am

I'm Kireihana, just like I am here. Just click on the button in my sig ^.~
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Postby Chapel » Sat Aug 14, 2004 9:17 pm

sweet thanks kire anyone else this isn't a club its a thread so anyone who has a DA account i'd like to look at ur stuff.

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Postby Chapel » Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:06 pm

So here is a queation for you all I know I use Deviant art for all my art and I have some risky art. I have been condemed for having such art. I also have artist nudes. What are peoples thoughts on this. Just wondering, I am secure in my faith and I want to do art like this to better grasp the way the body both female and male are composed. I know some will say its wrong, I know some will say there are other ways. However, this is a choice I have made for myself. I just wanted your all opinions on it. If any of you think less of me because of the content of some of my art I apologize for offending you.

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Postby Psycho Ann » Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:10 am

Quick drop in about the nude art thing. It depends on how the nudity or similar is handled. Is it clear that it's for artistic expression? For learning? Can the viewer tell it's not for eye-candy?

I've seen some of your more risque work Chapel, and I would say that even to me it does come off as more fan-service than artistic expressions of the female body. Mainly because of the pose and expressions ala swimsuit calender model ;) (not to mention the lingerie)

Try picking up any 'how to draw the nude' book in an art store and flip through it. The poses are 'modest' and more natural than posed-to-accencuate-certain-parts. A big key is the expression on the model's face; it's not looking provocative or 'too' innocent. Just basic expressions, thoughtful ones, serene ones, usually looking away from the camera. (I recommend 'How to draw the Human Figure with Victor Ambrus'--some very nice sketches and how he handles the overall composition)

I posted nude art at my dA account before (but took it down because of the new regulations that you have to have the model's consent) and I judge my own more scantily art this way as well. Know that it isn't a matter of where the artist, we, stand but how it effects the viewers that see our art. Would non-Christians think we're hypocrites? Would our art make fellow brothers or sisters stumble?

This is probably the hardest thing in being a Christian artist--it's to acknowledge we got some resposibilities now that we're ambassadors for God in this dark world. ^^

That's my two cents, and I urge anyone with mulling over this, that includes you Chapel ;), to just pray about it and think it over. In the end, it's still your decision. ^^
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:43 am

You can't remove extra posts (I can and did); in general it is best to never press the post button more than once. Generally, once it has been pressed, your message is posted.

On nude art: I (being a non-artist) really don't have any reason to look at it, so it matters precious little to me. However, I agree with Psycho Ann in that it has a lot to do with the position and the reason why it has been done.
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Postby Chapel » Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:33 am

yeah position plays hard into it and the expression on the face. I dig what you all are saying. Anyone else have a DA account if not for the artists out there you should check it out. great place to get ur art to the world.

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Postby Lochaber Axe » Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:46 pm

Personally, fanservicy or nude work doesn't bother me that much, because of my past. I wish not to get into that topic, however. It is how you express the nudity/gore/language that matters. If it serves a purpose besides just being there, then it is fine.

I really don't know why you would say that UC. Writing would be the same, if not more, persuasive than images. A fanservicy picture can be far outdone by a fanservicy paragraph because it involves the reader's imagination.

I have read things that still sicken me.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:41 am

Lochaber Axe wrote:I really don't know why you would say that UC.

I think you took something in the wrong sense. Relating to drawn art, I have no personal preferences. But written art, I have a great many concerns about.

Lochaber Axe wrote:Writing would be the same, if not more, persuasive than images. A fanservicy picture can be far outdone by a fanservicy paragraph because it involves the reader's imagination.

I agree completely. That was an issue for me a fair number of years ago, so it's still a bad point with me. Unlike drawn nudity, which I'm basically uneffected by.

Lochaber Axe wrote:I have read things that still sicken me.

The same. I just don't want to think about that...
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Postby Mave » Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:42 pm

hmmm interesting topic...

I do draw sexy women from time to time. Only recently, have I started to place them into manga form. Alright, let's find out whether I can pull off drawing sexy women but not make them fanservicey/offensive to anyone.

I have 2 characters....

1) Isabel, the one in "off shoulder" dress. She owns a pub and generally, serves drinks, mangaes her female waitresses, chats with customers, nothing obscene really (she's really a decent lady...just dresses up like that coz that's how women in such places are expected to dress.

2) Felicia, a pretty young girl who models sexy clothes for a living. As a result, she has gotten used to dressing up pretty fashionable and ahem revealing clothes.

So is anyone comfortable with these designs? Be as frank as possible..if it bothers you, say so. (I'll remove them if asked to do so). I just want to hear what's the general idea of what's OK and what's not for manga artists like us.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:56 pm

I'm sorry... did you say not objectionable to anyone? That is in effect impossible, assuming your character is corporeal. My advice would be to get a general consensus from trusted male Christians and use that.

On an administrative level, I think both of those are perfectly acceptable.

Mave wrote:1) Isabel, the one in "off shoulder" dress. She owns a pub and generally, serves drinks, mangaes her female waitresses, chats with customers, nothing obscene really (she's really a decent lady...just dresses up like that coz that's how women in such places are expected to dress.

I really don't think anyone should be offended by this. Additionally, I like the character design.

Mave wrote:2) Felicia, a pretty young girl who models sexy clothes for a living. As a result, she has gotten used to dressing up pretty fashionable and ahem revealing clothes.

Fanservicy without a doubt. On the other hand, that was basically Felicia's intention...

Now, that may or may not have been helpful in the slightest.
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Postby Mave » Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:19 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:I'm sorry... did you say not objectionable to anyone? That is in effect impossible, assuming your character is corporeal. My advice would be to get a general consensus from trusted male Christians and use that.

oh...I guess I meant "anyone in CAA" when I said 'anyone'. heh But what you said is true, UC. I know I won't be able to please everyone. A general consensus from my CAA brothers and sisters would be great. ^^ That was the intention. Oh yeah, everyone, pls be kind to me with your comments. I do not support fanservice in any way but sometimes, an image that isn't a big deal for me, serves as a stumbling block for our brothers. So I need help here! ^_^

Fanservicy without a doubt. On the other hand, that was basically Felicia's intention...

ahh...well, it's not really her personal intention actually, but that certainly is the impression huh? This is for a manga that will take a long time before it materializes. ^_^] Now, that may or may not have been helpful in the slightest.[/QUOTE]
Very helpful. Thanks! ^^ Now, I shall await for others to comment as well.
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Postby Chapel » Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:28 am

Mave I think they are spectatular, I would not be put out by these at all oh course u have seen some of the stuff I draw so my opinion isn't really what your looking for... But props these girls look wonderful.. I also agree with the statement on written works over drawn. My imagination is far more leathel to my purity than my eyes.

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Postby lightningp » Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:17 pm

I have gone by ids such as LightningP, Lightning Prophetess2k4 (a.a), shan, big shan attack, mizz shan (deviant art), northgal2k3 (aim) and skoger (all my mesenger ids are on my profile)

Pigma Microns, Zig Pens, Sharpies, 2H and 5H pencils, Art paper (stratmore, mead Academie, etc), and adobe photoshop 7.
These are the pens I have very good sucesses with and all. When my Japanese pen ran out these really pinch hit well for me.

I have been drawing ever since I was 5 and started out tracing superheroes I saw on TV. I didn't get serious with drawing a lot until High school and after a while it grew from there. Just so much to say. I never had professional art experience, I have been pretty much self taught. God blessed me to learn how to draw things by looking a lot. After trial and error and some books I started nailing down techniques. When I got hooked on the manga style ever since my Junior year in high school I started to be interested in doing more in that style since I failed miserably trying to imitate Western style after a while I merge both techniques in my art. When I went to college for my english degree, I was blessed to take some art classes for electives esp. computer art and after collecting a lot of manga and surfing sites to be better at my coloring it went from there. I even found the support of other artists pushing me to be better every time so it had been such an experieance.

Current Project
Lightning Prophetess- Some of you still probably remember the old working title of it as "Legend of the Lightning Prophetess".
Its my only project for right now. I may make some other stories but getting LP situated is sorta first priority this season.
I have all the main character designs, current stories and older versions of the story at my website.- Its an ongoing webmanga that is in partnership with Cyberlight Comics and is out now pretty regular. Today, I just posted the 2nd issue. has been a lot more work then the first. But God is so good!


Color, and shading and story. Well to me, through trial and error, color has been my strong suit. I can't say much of that a few months ago but through God showing me through websites and tutorials on good shade and color, its pretty much been awesome. Another is story. I graduated college recently in English and I decided to pursue that major because I make a lot of good stories. In fact in high school I have an unfinished novel which it made a finalist in a national writing contest. So I love to write. People tell me a lot that I should be a good sitcom writer or etc. After I gotten saved when I was 15, the desire for me to use these talents and gifts to the glory of God is strong. To me, any work that I am led to do, has that highest quality to me because I want to give God my best and His people the best. This is why I never stopped writing or drawing is because God placed that passion in me. Character designs has been also a strong suit for me because I love making characters that are loveble and belieable.

Forshortening, still trying. .>_< Another is backgrounds. I am getting better with them is just I have to now hand draw them in order for them to look good rather than photoshop them. So that has been a big help for me.

Nobuhiro Watsuki (Rurouni Kenshin) Action Scenes.
Tite Kubo (Bleach) Story and Action Scenes
Yoshihiro Togashi (YuYu Hakisho) Story
Yukiau Sugisaki (Pilot Candidate- The Candidate For Goddess) Shading and Art
CLAMP- Big Swords and everything.

Most of my drawings are too big to post on here but if you get a chance. Check out the LP stories and art at my site as well as my deviant art site , I am open to critiques and what I should improve on, storyline suggestions, etc. I have the first 2 issues up of the retooled story tell me what you think about them. I am open to feedback.

Thanks a mil :)
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Postby RoyalWing » Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:55 pm

Welcome to lightningp! ^v^
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Postby lightningp » Mon Aug 30, 2004 8:32 pm

Mave wrote:hmmm interesting topic...

I do draw sexy women from time to time. Only recently, have I started to place them into manga form. Alright, let's find out whether I can pull off drawing sexy women but not make them fanservicey/offensive to anyone.

I have 2 characters....

1) Isabel, the one in "off shoulder" dress. She owns a pub and generally, serves drinks, mangaes her female waitresses, chats with customers, nothing obscene really (she's really a decent lady...just dresses up like that coz that's how women in such places are expected to dress.

2) Felicia, a pretty young girl who models sexy clothes for a living. As a result, she has gotten used to dressing up pretty fashionable and ahem revealing clothes.

So is anyone comfortable with these designs? Be as frank as possible..if it bothers you, say so. (I'll remove them if asked to do so). I just want to hear what's the general idea of what's OK and what's not for manga artists like us.

The women don't look offensive at all. In fact they look very tastefully done. You emphasize good styling with the clothes yet it still shows what kind of character is it. You can do a 'sexy' character and be tasteful with it. Like for instance, when you see the 30s through 50s screen sirens their clothers are pretty tasteful. You're on the right track with your design :)
Lightning Prophetess Online
Psalms 127:1
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Postby Chapel » Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:37 pm

See and this girl draws girls respectfully LOL I'm so horrible

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Postby lightningp » Fri Sep 03, 2004 4:41 pm

You aint horrible at all Chapel man, it is so cool and unique viewpoints how people draw men and women that is just cool. Everyone has their own style ^^
Lightning Prophetess Online
Psalms 127:1
Current Progress of LP:
Episode 4: 57% finished
Volume 2: (Planning stages)
Hype of Betrayal (Side Story): 10%- Script and cover art

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