Okay, I guess I won't be on for a while because there's a hurricane/tornado warning for my county and we're expecting winds of up to 100 mph or more.
The power is expected to go out and I'm hoping my house survives...
pray that God protects us and everything turns out well.
I was born on the west coast so I know nothing about this kind of thing...some people are really worried, and some don't seem to care so much. I'm not really either...but having been through natural disasters before, I know the devastation stuff like this can cause. It's surreal.
I don't know if bringing the community a little closer is worth losing everything I have...but if I'm dead it won't matter. ^_^
Woah, did I just write that?
...actually, I'm hoping that doesn't happen either.
This should probably go in the prayer section anyways...but I don't think that will matter much either.
Keep my family in your prayers,