Biggest thrill/kick you've ever gotten out of a game?

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Postby Zilch » Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:13 pm

Volt wrote:You are a very very lucky Christian... Having an Open Minded pastor like that.

:drool: sorry, I've been around too many "Everything is from the DEVIL!!!" type chrisitians... ByTheWay, I'm hunting down your paster. And I'm coming over to your church. (thinks) wherever you are...

Did I mentioned he beat Max Payne, and plays Ghost Recon? Gwaha.

Watching the beginning of Armed And Dangerous was the hardest I've EVER laughed at a video game.
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Postby KBMaster » Sun Jul 04, 2004 7:17 am

Well, there was this time in FFVII
[spoiler]When Cloud is riding on his cool bike!!!! And he comes down the stairs and you get to play him ON THE BIKE AND IT WAS JUST OH SO COOL!!!![/spoiler] I was screaming(y'know, that girly scream when you see something cool ;) ) And I almost cried when [spoiler]Aeris died!! :waah!: I made sure I beat Jenova, because I don't think I could've kept the tears back if I had to see her die again.[/spoiler] and I did the girly scream again when [spoiler] Cloud and Aeris went on their date, but I already knew what was coming to Aeris, so that was awful, but the date and the play was really cute!![/spoiler]. Then on the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker [spoiler]When Link does some wicked cool moves and sticks the master sword through Ganondorf's head. I just sat there holding my controller, open mouthed.[/spoiler]
Wow, I'm not the only one who did terrible things to their sims. My little girl had just come home from school. I was wondering how long the school bus would stay there. So I put her in front of the bus, fully aware of the fact that she was tired, miserable an had to go to the bathroom. So, long story short, she goes to the bathroom right in front of the bus, then falls asleep in it. I tried to move her to a bed, but she fell asleep!
Then there was that time when I made my chick, who couldn't cook without setting the house on fir, cook herself something to eat(the mom was outside in a VERY small room with a broken television. No doors, no windows, just a broken television), and I took away the doors, so she couldn't escape. She didn't make it.
There was also the time when the social worker came to take my baby away. I wasn't going to stand for that, so i took away the doors, blocked all possible exits, and kept her inside the rooom. There was no way she was leaving with my baby, who I had taken good care of(well, EXCUSE me if mom was smelly), but she somehow escaped with her social worker superpowers.
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Postby AngelSakura » Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:12 am

Whoa, that sounds fun. I need to get the Sims.
Probably the funniest thing in Windwaker for me was making all the pigs mad at me and then running around the island like a lunatic. lol
But the thing I got a thrill out of was stocking up my boat, going in the direction of the wind, and sailing as fast as I could, jumping every once in a while.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Sun Jul 04, 2004 2:18 pm

I remember LoZ: Links Awakening for the Game Boy. There was an item shop where you can grab something off the shelf, run in a circle around the clerk, and run out the door with your item while his back is turned. However, there are repercussions: The next time you go in, he'll zap you really hard and kill you. After that, for the duration of the game your name will be changed to "THIEF". You can do it as many times as you want throughout the game, so long as you don't mind getting killed every other time you step in there.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:28 pm

In the same game, I got a (slight) kick out of the line "You got Marin!" just before she follows you around.

It is always fun in fighting games when you accidently pull off really cool moves without attempting to. Conversely, it drives me nuts when I can beat games better just by smacking about whoever I'm fighting (I played Bodoukai today, and had that annoyance).
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Postby Chazz » Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:38 pm

yeah, that dbz game has a really weak fighting system.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:49 pm

There is another difficulty level to story mode, right? Whatever my friend had set it at, beating Cell in his final manifestation was effortless. The only reason I even lost any life was because I was busy trying to pull off some of the techniques. In the end I just punched him until he died (correction, I did block)...

Normally I am not very adept at fighting games, assuming they have quality systems. Soul Caliber II, for example, I had trouble with. This system was pretty shallow, as I passed up my friend's skill after one match... but ah well. It isn't like I spent any money on it.
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Postby *Bonbon* » Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:19 pm

on the note of beeing mean to your sims i have been doing that for years!!! once i wanted to see how long my little girl could swim for so, i took out all the ladders to the pool and she swam and swam and swam... sooner of later more like later i noticed everyone stoped doing what ever they were doing and went out to the pool. so i followed and then OH MY GOODNESS I FORGOT JIMMET WAS STILL SWIMMING!! well she died swiming. so i made a nice little patch of flowers in the back yard near her tomb stone and i have not done anything mean to my sims since
except the time i had my sim sleep out side and the time i had the house burn down and the time...
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Postby *Bonbon* » Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:25 pm

off the sims and on to games well i laugh every time i make link dive off the bridge by the groudo(not sure how to spell anythig to day kinda an off day so bear wtih me) because he never tucks his head in so he is basicly doing a face plant and on my cousins tomb rader the new one you can do a swan dive and so we took her up to like a five story drop and swan dived off then she lands on her head and rolls up in a ball or just plain lands funny we did this for about a half an hour it was so funny at the time i think it also involved alittle too much live wire if you know what i mean?! :dance:
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Postby Lobo » Sat Jul 17, 2004 6:54 pm

battlefield 1942: i love running people over in the jeep
f-zero gx: going over 1000 Km per hour (its unbeliveabley fast at that speed)
any mega man EXE game: battling bass
mega man X2: battling zero
metroid prime: beating the game at 100%

thats all i can think of at the moment
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Postby Savior_Sora » Sat Jul 17, 2004 8:20 pm

Beating Omega Weapon in FFVIII!!!

Watching "Another Side Another Story" in KH

Fighting Sephiroth in KH

Finding Cloud's true self in FFVII (in the lifestream)

Flying Ragnarock in FFVIII................

Getting my Mustang in Gran Tourismo :D!!!
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Mon Jul 19, 2004 4:23 pm

Silent Hill 2: using Hyper Spray on an enemy, then carving up the poor helpless sucker with the Chainsaw.
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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:29 pm

Other than those that have been said...

1.Gaunlet: Dark Legacy-Defeating Garm, unlocking Sumner, clearning the secret heaven/hell cloud level.

2.Soul Calibur 2-Scoring ring-outs, connecting with Astaroth's unblockable vertical chopping attack :evil:

3.Sword of the Berserk-Defeating Nosferatu Zodd.

4.Samurai/Dynasty Warriors-performing True Musou attacks (especially Kenshin Uesigi's and Gan Ning's).

5.Robotech: Battlecry-Jack's commentary :lol:

6.Power Stone 2-The whole game. :P

7.Street Fighter EX3-Winning 3 vs. 1 matches on the hard difficulty setting.

8.Armored Core 2-Working your way to #1 in the arena.

Honorable mention: victory music from FFVII.

1.Tekken Tag Tournament-Killing people using Gun Jack's flying stomp, Tekken Bowl.

2.Soul Calibur 2-winning with the joke weapons.

3.Gauntlet: Dark Legacy-turning into Pojo.

4.Twisted Metal: Black-running over defeated drivers as they flee from their wrecked vehicles.

Of course there is always a sense of triumph when you finally complete a challenging portion of a game, such as a boss fight, human vs. match, etc.; but, the ones I have listed are my favorites.
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Postby RoyalWing » Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:04 pm

Once I played the sims and my family was... well, weird people. My man was peeing everywhere (don't know why!! These things always happen to me!) and I exhausted the woman so much she fell asleep on the lawn. Enter the burglar. :lol: It's no wonder why I didin't like that game, very fast!

In Final Fantasy VII, was funniest. The first time I played the game, It was on computer! And the controls were all jumbled together on the number pad! So it was hard to do anything! the part where you have to make Cloud do the cheers with all the other soldiers, I kept being confused because of the buttons and did it all wrong. Rufus kept getting all mad! He was frurious! So at the end his assistant says "HAHAAHA!! Here you go kid. Go blow yourself up!" or something like that. "*Ding* Received Grenade". T__T thanks.
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Postby Arbre » Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:48 pm

Some of those listed are really gruesome. o_o

I don't play as many video games as I want to, so I'm limited in my choices for biggest thrill.

Completing everything in Super Smash Bros Melee was good. I struggled to beat the last event for a while.

In OoT, I thought that was kinda amusing what it said after you recieved bombs for the first time. "What a lucky guy!" Now you can blow stuff up! >=D
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:46 pm

cbwing0 wrote: 1.Gaunlet: Dark Legacy-Defeating Garm, unlocking Sumner, clearning the secret heaven/hell cloud level.

Questions and comments.

Actually, I found the battle with Garm extremely anticlimactic. He pretty much just got killed, unlike Skorne, who put up a serious fight. Regarding Sumner... I saw the level but never went to the effort to finish it. Does he have any particular benefits other than looking like Sumner?

Furthermore, I wish to ask about the secret level. Specifically, I wish to have more detail, as I am curious as to whether I have played it or not.
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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:06 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:Actually, I found the battle with Garm extremely anticlimactic. He pretty much just got killed, unlike Skorne, who put up a serious fight.

I agree...I found Skorne's level (the second one) to be the most difficult part about fighting him, as it forced you to manage your health through the level of powerful spawns immediately followed by the tough boss fight. However, I got a bigger thrill out of beating Garm, since it was the actual end of the game.

uc pseudonym wrote:Regarding Sumner... I saw the level but never went to the effort to finish it. Does he have any particular benefits other than looking like Sumner?

He does have quite a few benefits. Sumner starts the game with all of his stats (including HP) maxed, along with an upgraded pet, 5000 gold, and max potions. His class is "yellow wizard" according to the in-game audio, although is name shows up as "Sumner" on the character selection screen. Of course there is not much incentive to beat the game with him given that he is already as powerful as he can get]Furthermore, I wish to ask about the secret level. Specifically, I wish to have more detail, as I am curious as to whether I have played it or not.[/quote]
I am referring to the coin grabbing stage at the very end of the Toxic Spire level of the Sky Dominion (home of the Valkyrie, with the Plague Fiend as the final boss), in which you obtain the Unicorn secret character. I found it to be the most frustrating of the secret levels, since you only get one chance to get each coin. I probably had to play it 20+ times to beat it. In case you're curious, the Unicorn is simply the alternate version of the knight that starts with an additional 50 points in each stat.

I have heard rumors of another Gauntlet game in the works, but I have yet to see a screenshot, trailer, or any official news beyond that. Hopefully it is a reality and not just a rumor :thumb: .
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:15 pm

cbwing0 wrote:I agree...I found Skorne's level (the second one) to be the most difficult part about fighting him, as it forced you to manage your health through the level of powerful spawns immediately followed by the tough boss fight. However, I got a bigger thrill out of beating Garm, since it was the actual end of the game.

Actually, the level is relatively easy if you merely never step on any switches until you have killed everything nearby. And I must admit, when we actually killed Garm, it was somewhat enjoyable.

Out of curiosity, did you notice (perhaps my senses are faulty) that Skorne's attack rate increases considerably near the end of the battle? That made it enjoyable, as it felt far more climactic.

cbwing0 wrote:He does have quite a few benefits. Sumner starts the game with all of his stats (including HP) maxed, along with an upgraded pet, 5000 gold, and max potions. His class is "yellow wizard" according to the in-game audio, although is name shows up as "Sumner" on the character selection screen. Of course there is not much incentive to beat the game with him given that he is already as powerful as he can get]

That is good to hear. Perhaps I would find that enjoyable (though his level appears to be relatively difficult).

cbwing0 wrote:I am referring to the coin grabbing stage at the very end of the Toxic Spire level of the Sky Dominion (home of the Valkyrie, with the Plague Fiend as the final boss), in which you obtain the Unicorn secret character. I found it to be the most frustrating of the secret levels, since you only get one chance to get each coin. I probably had to play it 20+ times to beat it. In case you're curious, the Unicorn is simply the alternate version of the knight that starts with an additional 50 points in each stat.

Ah, yes. I did play the level, though I realized quickly that it would be nigh impossible to get all the coins in only a few tries.

cbwing0 wrote:I have heard rumors of another Gauntlet game in the works, but I have yet to see a screenshot, trailer, or any official news beyond that. Hopefully it is a reality and not just a rumor :thumb: .

We can only hope.
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Postby wolfs_rain_hige » Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:31 pm

i remember one time when i was playing americas army (yeah its a crappy game but whatever) and my team had been elimanated and i was the last guy standing and the other team had all there guys alive (i think there were about 7) and i got sniper rifle out and sniped all 7 guys and won the round for our team!!
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