Legend of Zelda

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:03 pm

Actually, I enjoyed Majora's Mask because it broke away from the Zelda formula of plots revolving around Ganon and Zelda. It was, however, a pretty bizarre turn from the former line of events.

RoyalWing wrote:But of course, I really like cute stuff, which most people here, don't.

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Postby RoyalWing » Tue Jul 27, 2004 7:14 pm


But I never played the Majora's Mask. I think some of the art for it that I saw, was very cool! More... darker? Yes, I heard that it didn't have Zelda or Ganon in it? But I heard there was a moon and a clock or something... and someone who wants a friend. That does sound different from the average Zelda game!

Maybe that was one a bit like Wind Waker (in popularity) because for Majora the story was too weird and for Wind Waker they didn't like the art. I do remember when Ocarina of Time came out, there was great popularity in my area but then when Majora's mask came, most people just didn't talk about it or some people just say it was "ok."

That must be so hard for the creators, they make an original series but when they are too original, they get bad results! O_O;
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Postby Lehn » Tue Jul 27, 2004 7:46 pm

'RoyalWing' wrote:But I never played the Majora's Mask. I think some of the art for it that I saw, was very cool! More... darker? Yes, I heard that it didn't have Zelda or Ganon in it? But I heard there was a moon and a clock or something... and someone who wants a friend. That does sound different from the average Zelda game!

Didn't miss much, more of a spin-off of OoT. It wasn't as easy as OoT, mind you, but I wasn't exactly pulling out my hair during any of the temples.
Don't get me wrong, there was some rather tedious bits, like collecting the masks and the fairies, but once you've done it, you can do it the second time through without a second glance.
The art did improve a good bit, more streamlined and not so bulky as OoT, and smaller things are more detailed. More fairytale-ish settings.
The storyline was my biggest itch though, a moon giving me the evil eye isn't any real incentive to make me shake in my Nikes, if you know what I mean. Gannon was a better villain then just some little kid playing dress-up.
Yeah, MM did make more of a play at morals compared to OoT (the different faces of friendship was a big theme, while in OoT, there was just the basic ‘ohmygosh, gotta save the princess!’ emotion going on), but I felt as if it tigged off some of the games potential by making that trade. There’s a lot more sub-character development, but nothing as deep as some of the friendships and quirks as in any FF title.

Given the choice just to goof off, I would pick MM over OoT, just because the world map is bigger, and there's a changing menu of mini-games depending on what Day it is.

I hated the art in WW. I understand the marketing values, but really, there's only so much a girl can put up with. I've played it twice and gave up hope. Give me my PS2 and FF any day of the week over that cell-shading. And that's saying something from a girl who's the ruling block champ on most N64 games.
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Postby PrincessZelda » Tue Jul 27, 2004 7:56 pm

Wait, is this acording to the games, or acording to my head?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:32 pm

Your head, based off of the games.

The Imp of Majora's Mask was a poor villain... but Majora itself was pretty evil. Had it played more of a solid role it would have been cool.
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Postby MasterDias » Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:50 pm

I don't have much experience with Majora's Mask. I did play it in a store once, and got a bad ache in my neck from staring up at the screen, but besides that...

I enjoyed Wind Waker quite a bit and liked the cel-shaded graphics well enough, although I am glad that Nintendo is going back to the realistic look. If I had a major complaint about WW, it would be the lack of dungeons. I could've done with some more...and the treasure-hunting was slightly tedious.

Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages seem to be overlooked Zelda games. I will say that I really enjoyed those although it has been quite a while since I played them.
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