Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Jul 21, 2004 6:26 am
I've got a running "deal" I made with God that I'd only keep 10 Percent of what's left over for myself if I got anything that let me keep at least 100,000 dollars...
So, let's see... Assuming this is gross, Tax would be at least 50%
4 Billion left
Tithe is 10% so that leaves 3.2 billion
A tenth of that (that I keep for myself) is 320 million. Hmm...
Pefect Anime/Game/Movie collection
House in Chico, CA (Even better if I could get a house and property in Richardson Springs, but I don't know if any properties are for sale there...)
A house in Japan (even a rather small house is still about a million dollars to own... I wouldn't go extravegant)
I'd get the entire Pimsleur Collection... All of the languages not for personal use, but to lend out (well, I would use some of them)
I'd get an HDTV (non plasma) for every at the YWAM base in Richardson Springs, as well as a blue laser HD-DVD player. And bumpers to keep them from trying to jump into the TV.
I'd get a set of Five full size HD-cams, a couple boom mikes, a crane, a sound studio, a foley studio (a sound studio with a bunch of sound making stuff for sound effects), a full size van with hybrid energy and covered in solar panels on the surface.
I'd have an adobe studio... Photoshop, illustrator, encore, audition, after effects, premiere... I'd also get the newest flash and director for all of them as well as either 3ds Max or Maya. They would all be on 64 bit workstations with render cards and the best graphics cards...
Um... I'd have a hundred dollar soft DDR pad and a cobalt flux DDR pad, not to mention all of the games (including the Japanese games) but I won't buy the X-box one hahahahahahah...
I'd get a crapload of Mannatech stuff, a Jack LeLaine juicer, a weight set, one of those ab things that click, that "Restore Four" stuff and a bunch of other stuff I've seen on Infomercials or heard about through friends and Family (like the clustered water...)
I'd spend a good million to self-publish my books.
That should all leave a good 300 million... That's a decent amount for a video game production, right? It's even good for a blockbuster movie! Maybe my "Diamond Spearhead" story into a movie? A fully CG movie, even! Nah... I don't know, I'll have plenty of things to do with the money..
The rest of the money would be in 9 even pieces. 1 to my church, 1 to my old (christian) school (for equipment, more buildings, and to subsidize the students! Also, to pay for the Teachers to continue their education, and to get more teachers) 1 to missions, 1 to my parents, 1 to other family, 1 to friends, 1 for schollarships for media arts degrees (particularly video game development), 1 to start a game company, 1 is up in the air for now... I'll find out that one later...
I had said I'd have two chunks for family, but I think I'll make that one chunk and sponsor an indie movie, provided I can be involved in it, hehe... Or, instead of a movie, how about a 320 million dollar TV show? I would love to use 320 million for "The Level" but only if I really really polished the script (and, you know, finished it) Having that budget for Diamond Spearhead would be nice... Though, that means I wouldn't have any money for the other two movies... That is, unless I split the money over 3 films... Hmm... I'd actually rather have my 3 books turned into an anime TV series. 3 half season shows, perhaps? That would make each story about 4 and 1/2 hours. If I could do that, that would rock!
It would have to be streamlined a bit, but it could work. Of course, my story may be too americanized for anime... Who knows... In any case, I'd definately have my story Manga-ized. I really want to see Maix go through his different stages. It would be great to see what someone could come up with when given the right information. (a member on the TechTV forums came up with a pic for Maix, but it was WAY too feminine and way too claustrophobic... He didn't exactly have my full description and example to go by, so I can't blame him...)
Well, that's about it.
Hmm... Back to my share of the money... I think that I'd also get all the training stuff for the adobe software and take a class for flash. Also, I'd get one of those huge printers that are like three feet across, and rolls of paper for it... I would print my own posters and murals. I'd get a 15 or 20 Megapixel digicam and make a huge mural/poster with photoshop. It would be one, long, integrated picture using filters, layers, and Text... It would be sweet! I mean, the kind of thing they'd charge like 50 bucks for at a print shop, only I'd get it for prolly about 2 or 3 bucks... It would just be my entire existance... Friends, Family, historical events, games and anime and movies, and a vision for the future (God willing) I'd also just print out a massive picture of each of my really good friends. (I'd have to use a 10 or 15 megapixel camera to keep it from getting all pixelated)
Oh, I'd definately get one of those business lines made for big servers, and I'd, well, get a big server. I would have a bunch of stuff on there, and open it up to friends to put stuff on there like videos and it would have a POP account that double scanned all incoming mail, and autofiltered out spammish stuff... Ok, so that's harder than one might think, but still... I'd hire someone to filter my stuff for me... I hate going through message offering me... Well, offering me things I most definately don't need...
Hmm... I'd definately build dorms next to my house, so I could rent them out and have people to talk to... Of course, the college age won't be my age for that much longer... Hmm... I guess my wishes could change in a few years... We'll see
Ooh, forgot about my plane... Need a plane, preferably a jet... A leer Jet. Yeah. I'd get my pilot's license and take regular trips to visit friends... I'd also use it to take friends places. It would be stocked with great movies, fast food, and there would be sleeping compartments... Not for the claustrophobic, though... They'd be like air conditioned and circulated coffins with speakers in them, and they would be stacked. I am the opposite of claustrophobic (with spaces, not people) , so i'd love something like that. You could stick an MP3 CD or an audio CD (or, even WMA's or some weirder formats, since they would all be running windows with winamp and media player) THere would be screens, but you make all your selections outside. You could have a controller inside, though. You could even run a movie in the sleeping chamber, but you'd only hear the sound...
I still remember visiting Mel Gibson's (at least I think it was his... It was someone famous') plane. It was in a hanger in Van Nuys where my friend's Dad worked. he worked for that company that built the stinger missiles... I forgot what they were called... They don't exist anymore... ooh, rabbit trail... I should buy some stinger missiles too, hehe... No, not really.
Um... I'd buy my whole line of T-shirts and other cafepress stuff... I'd get Megatokyo stuff, Legendary Frog Stuff, and Homestarrunner stuff... Maybe 8-bit theater stuff, too. I'd definately be making stuff for my stories... I'd get it manga-ized, and then use those designs for posters, shirts, action figures, and any other crap I could think of... In addition to the manga style, I'd also have a different style art for the initial releases and release stuf based on that. I'd definately get a few people to do the audio-books and make it somewhat dramatic (maybe 4 male voices, 2 female voices plus the primary narrator) The third male voice would have creative differences a third of the way through the project, so his characters would have to be voiced by 2 new people because he covered so much range and it was hard to replace all of that with one person. Hmm... And one of the girls should have a baby during recording...
My Jet will be commandeered by the millitary during the war with Canada, and all my Alanis Morrisette CD's and most of my anime (dubbed in Canada) will be confiscated and destroyed... Wait, um... I guess I lost my focus there a bit... I better stop and go to sleep... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess