Beyond that, my answer to life has "checked" so to speak. Once I had taken the position, life continued to justify it as the right one. While I am not one for "experiences" of any kind, I have more or less discovered similar results in my own way. It is my belief that God is quite aware of what I am, and would not do such things that I would find futile.
In a way it reminds me of the belief/seeing issue. It is good to believe before you see, but better to see after you have believed.
Ingemar wrote:Much of the "proof" you mentioned has been produced by admittedly wise people--but in searching for "proof," they felt they needed to "convince" skeptics who demanded evidence for the existence of God, if not the validity of the Bible. (I don't think I have to remind you of what Jesus said about the generation who asks for "a sign.") "Proof" will not win souls to heaven. In fact, "proof" may only motivate the a[nti]theists to find further ways of disproving the Bible. Only God's power will lead to salvation.
This is true, and Ingemar's point should be considered. However, I would suggest that God's power generally manifests itself through people, not Holy Light of Blindness experiences, and that it could well be manifested in reason.
Most people who argue against Christianity do not care about proof, they merely seek to bash a position they do not like. But there are honest intellectual seekers, and I can think of a few situations where serious discussion and research has led to finding God.