Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

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Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby Otakutron » Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:15 pm


Seems appropriate to use my first post in order to introduce myself; hopefully I'll be around long enough to make this worth our while. ;)

I'm prone to going into unnecessary detail, so I'll try to keep it simple and straightforward. No surprise but I'm here because I'm a Christian that enjoys animation and reading in general, with a particular fondness for animé and manga. I grew up in the '80s and '90s but it was only towards the late 1990s that I began to intentionally consume animé, with manga not being regularly enjoyed until the early-to-mid 2000s. Quite a lot of "classic" and contemporary shows... I've never seen at all. XD

I also ended up finding this website and joining the forums rather late in my day, so I'd appreciate any pointers. I glanced at the FAQ and I'm looking for things that might be a bit more informal, like how best to mind my manners while here but aren't hard and fast board rules. For example, in introducing myself I am tempted to start naming other message boards or websites where I am a presence, but my general online history has taught me not to assume you can do that every place (it is rather easy to abuse for spamming advertisements >.>).
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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby anlptgtsg » Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:34 pm

Hello and welcome to CAA. Hope you enjoy it here :)

While reading your post, I kind a think you are a logical thinking kind of person :D. And I say stories are sometimes more interesting with lots of unnecessary details.
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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby Kraavdran » Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:08 pm

Hello and welcome!

From the midwest? Very cool. I used to live/travel around there for a little bit. Wonderful area, the midwest. I like the lack of humidity, compared to here on the east coast.

In terms of pointers, I'm afraid that I can't help you too much. I don't really know etiquette when it comes to forums. This is really the only forum I've ever joined.

Usually, for new members, we ask "get to know you" questions. So here are a few for you:
1) What is your favorite anime series? Feel free to list a few if you can't choose.
2) What event encouraged you to look in to anime more?
3) What is your favorite manga? Do you think that they will turn it into an anime? (or, if they have, what are your thoughts on it?)
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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby shooraijin » Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:48 pm

I don't think I'd consider it spamming to list other boards you're at, as long as it wasn't an obvious appeal for members. :)

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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby Sheenar » Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:20 am

Welcome to CAA!! I hope you enjoy your time here! :)

Here is the thread with the forum rules: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=65767

And here is the New Member's Guide to CAA: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=52132

I hope this helps! :)
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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby Otakutron » Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:28 pm

Probably should actually respond, huh? XD

Thanks for the greetings and suggested reading for forum "stuff". Answering some of the questions given earlier:

1) My favorite animé is hard to narrow down so I'm going to cheat and go with four because of how things break down. For the longest time it was Trigun not only is that general nostalgia but it was the first one that I finished (and back when I had to rent it on VHS). I would probably lean heavily towards Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (2012-2015) or Hunter X Hunter (2011-2014). I have read some of the manga for all three of these, though sadly wasn't able to read the whole thing. The thing I may enjoy the most is a bit iffy because I thought more of the first season than the second and I've never read the source material (at all): Log Horizon. For the most part it just suits my sensibilities better (contrary to what two of the three I just listed indicate, I'm not overly focused on gore XD).

Ask me again and I might change my mind; my mood can really affect my enjoyment of a series.

2) What has encouraged me to look into animé more is it becoming more available. I have always enjoyed animation and once I learned that "the cool art from certain cartoons and a lot of my video games" was animé, I began searching it out... but I was a greedy kid with a lot of nerdy interests, so I didn't throw a lot of money into animé. Even as an adult there were so many other things and the price didn't come down. It is great that now there are so many legal streaming services and you can find DVD/Blu Ray Box Sets even at Wal-Mart!

I did have an annoying phase before I really understood that animé didn't always have to be "serious business". XD

3) Hmm... I think most of them already have been adapted. Right now I've been reading Ajin: Demi-Human via Crunchyroll and I think I might enjoy that being adapted to animation. Of what has been adapted, I haven't seen The Seven Deadly Sins animé, I was quite pleased with the (relatively) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Hunter X Hunter.
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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby Mullet Death » Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:33 pm

I'm fairly certain I've seen you on Crunchyroll. I'm that i_love_u_jesus guy over there (I wish I could change it to Mullet Death for consistency). Small world/Internet. I usually liked your posts on Crunchy because you seemed to go against the grain. The Crunchyroll "community" if it can be so called, is pretty hostile to Christianity in particular and religion in general.

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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby Kraavdran » Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:51 am

Otakutron wrote: The thing I may enjoy the most is a bit iffy because I thought more of the first season than the second and I've never read the source material (at all): Log Horizon. For the most part it just suits my sensibilities better (contrary to what two of the three I just listed indicate, I'm not overly focused on gore XD).

Glad to see another Log Horizon fan. I really appreciated the first season too. It seems we share a few similarities in taste as far as that goes. I also don't tend to watch shows with gore.

Otakutron wrote: 2) What has encouraged me to look into animé more is it becoming more available. I have always enjoyed animation and once I learned that "the cool art from certain cartoons and a lot of my video games" was animé, I began searching it out... but I was a greedy kid with a lot of nerdy interests, so I didn't throw a lot of money into animé. Even as an adult there were so many other things and the price didn't come down. It is great that now there are so many legal streaming services and you can find DVD/Blu Ray Box Sets even at Wal-Mart!

That is very true. My access to anime was fairly limited when I got into it in high school. But, especially the past few years, you can get almost anything on legal streaming sites (Crunchyroll and Funimation).
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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby Otakutron » Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:37 am

Mullet Death wrote:I'm fairly certain I've seen you on Crunchyroll. I'm that i_love_u_jesus guy over there (I wish I could change it to Mullet Death for consistency). Small world/Internet. I usually liked your posts on Crunchy because you seemed to go against the grain. The Crunchyroll "community" if it can be so called, is pretty hostile to Christianity in particular and religion in general.

Aye, it can be a rather hostile place, though for better or worse it isn't abnormal online; the internet allows one to magnify his or her voice quite disproportionately, so long as he or she is willing to disregard things varying from basic concepts of proper etiquette (and netiquette) to bending board rules to flat out violating the law in some areas because in doing so you can make three people look like three million. The big risk is the "echo chamber" effect that plagues any like minded group: unsurprisingly people with similar interest and beliefs will agree on matters and it is far too easy to forget that just because we all agree, we don't determine the truth.

Anyway, on Crunchyroll my screen name is KamisamanoOtaku. For the record, it appears to be a botched translation attempt on my part: I still haven't gotten around to learning any Japanese and I pestered an acquaintance to help me years ago... my bad. =P If it is available, I just go by "Otaku", such as over on the Allspark, Pojo, PokéBeach, PokéGym, SixPrizes and Steve Jackson Games forums. Other places I'll be under "Otakutron".
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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby MomentOfInertia » Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:00 pm

Hello and a somewhat belated welcome. o_o/

Trigun was good. haven't seen JoJo's or Hunter yet.

Log Horizon was very good. The flaw of the second season (especially the second half) is that it's not a whole arc, it's building for the next season, for the stories that haven't been written yet.

Your avatar is familiar, but I can't place it. Some webcomic comments section? Something RPG-ish? ... Grand Line 3.5 ?
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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby Otakutron » Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:34 am

MomentOfInertia wrote:Hello and a somewhat belated welcome. o_o/

Trigun was good. haven't seen JoJo's or Hunter yet.

I can't recommend them to everyone, but unless you are particularly sensitive about graphic violence or sexually suggestive scenes, I strongly certainly recommend Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Hunter X Hunter to all mature viewers (hopefully most adults, most later teens with younger teens being a matter of parental discretion) unless you don't do "action" shows in general. Even if one is sensitive to these things only only slightly entertained by "action" based series, you'll find enriching - though sometimes challenging - stories with the biggest hurdle being making it through the earlier episodes. Said episodes aren't of low quality, but the series are both designed to subvert expectations, with their depth only becoming apparent after you make a decent amount of progress. Still they are not for everyone.

As a reference point, growing up I could enjoy the over-the-top violence of things like the Mortal Kombat video games but I don't think I could handle the most recent games in the series (and haven't even tried). I don't do horror movies of really any stripe, unless you count things like Army of Darkness... which is probably a good example because even though it is only one of three (well, now four) films, I don't think know if I could handle the first two in the series and am uncertain about the most recent.

MomentOfInertia wrote:Log Horizon was very good. The flaw of the second season (especially the second half) is that it's not a whole arc, it's building for the next season, for the stories that haven't been written yet.

In my case, the biggest hurdle are certain aspects of the series have now put me a bit on guard; when past series have gone down this road I've met with less than satisfactory results, though this could be one of the exceptions. It also isn't anything overt; the series is just addressing metaphysical issues in general.

MomentOfInertia wrote:Your avatar is familiar, but I can't place it. Some webcomic comments section? Something RPG-ish? ... Grand Line 3.5 ?

I do read Grand Line 3.5 and this avatar (with the screen name "Otaku") is what I use on Comic Fury. Though if you have played Mega Man X4 you should also be familiar with it... and if you haven't played Mega Man X4, that too is highly recommended. XD
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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby Thunderscream872 » Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:29 am

I know I'm a little late, but, hey, welcome to CAA :)

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Re: Late Night/Early Morning Introductory Post

Postby ClaecElric4God » Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:09 pm

Welcome, welcome. Sorry for the late welcome. Hopefully you're still around!
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