Emacs-fu wrote:@Kraavdran I have not seen Log Horizon's Season 2 yet! I keep meaning to start into it but life has a way of throwing things your way and convincing you that they are more pertinent
Emacs-fu wrote: The link list I shared above should be a good place to peruse when you start playing with Elementary. The great thing about it is that it is based off of Ubuntu, so you should have a ton of online articles and how-tos available for every imaginable thing you would wish to do. It would definitely be a great start for a former Mac user, although transforming a new Ubuntu install into a Macbuntu would also be a something you could consider, depending on how much memory you are willing to give to the Desktop Environment alone
ClaecElric4God wrote:Welcome, welcome. Good to see a new face around here. Don't trip over the door frame. Or that ax handle. Or that gas mask. Or...well, you can trip over the barbed wire. It's been there for weeks, I don't think it belongs to anyone. But seriously, don't eat tin foil. It's bad for you.
Kraavdran wrote:Wow, thanks for the info! I'll have to look in to Macbuntu. Although, I don't know if I would be willing to give the desktop environment that much memory. I'm impressed that they were able to create something that looks so similar though... quite impressive. So, it sounds like you are a big fan of ubuntu-based linux? What is your personal favorite flavor of linux?
Emacs-fu wrote: It is hip and cool among some Linux circles to bash Ubuntu and its derivatives for various reasons. I agree with some of them (they could make them a ton lighter memory-wise) but overall I feel like the dislike it earns isn't justified. It usually works well OOTB and can be customized as much or little as you wish. That said, I don't typically use it as my go-to desktop operating system. Debian is my favorite by far, especially the Simplice derivative with allows me to begin with a fairly minimal installation and add whatever packages I need and thereby eliminate bloat
Emacs-fu wrote: As for the important stuff, it sounds like I will just finish Log Horizon's 1st Season and leave it there with fond memories, lest I ruin it with a "meh" Season 2
Kraavdran wrote:In terms of cloud storage, I'm looking at either Mega or pCloud. Mega is nice with a free 50gb of storage space, but might be heavy on resources.
Emacs-fu wrote: As for the important stuff, it sounds like I will just finish Log Horizon's 1st Season and leave it there with fond memories, lest I ruin it with a "meh" Season 2
Emacs-fu wrote:Let's see here... I thought I replied, but my last message must have been borked. (Sometimes my wifi will cut out and play nasty tricks on me ) And, GNU/Linux is a passion of mine so I do not mind talking about it by any means
1) I use LibreOffice is my primary word processor for college, as my professors usually want it submitted in docx format. I have found that it works the best if you are trying to emulate MS Word in your documents and it has great support on their website.
2) I go back and forth between Firefox and Chrome(ium). I have found the Firefox interface easier to customize and control, but often Chrome (or the open source version, Chromium) will work better with webpages and Crunchyroll. It's really a matter of personal taste!
One thing I would remind you of: you customize Linux to your heart's content. That means, if you like the look of Elementary, but would like to use Debian as your base, you can most certainly make it look identical. In an easy 15 minutes, you could install XFCE and make look like this, this, that, or the other and a thousand other variations
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