yukoxholic wrote:Thank you K. Ayato and ClaecElric4God. You're both right. It's just this constant battle within me that's impacting my life. I'm angry and hurt. Logically, I agree with what you are both saying. It's sound, good sense but than the illogical side of myself just feels betrayed by my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as well as God because I'm not Jesus I cannot forgive like He does and I just feel like I've been building up the scars by shutting everyone out. I know I've said this a lot but it's just complicated or maybe I just cannot let go because it's become a part of me. :/
yukoxholic wrote:I know I could post a new thread but I figure in case I want to divulge into details I'd rather it be in the right place. So, recently I've been trying to move from the past and have spent 2 years since trying therapy in order to heal. Unfortunately, I went through a slew of therapists who told me "they had expertise" when really they had no experience at all in what I needed to heal from. Now, it's Sunday and I've emailed more therapists and scoured the internet trying to find someone that can help me quit from looking backward but to rather move forward. I'm tired of hearing from family and friends to "just move on" because it's been 2 years. If it were that easy to deal with my trauma I would have moved forward by now. Please, I ask anyone who is willing to pray that I find the right therapist that can deal with trauma and help me to move on.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:W4C I know you mean well, but practically that might not be the best advice unless you mean all of this adjunctly to individual counseling. Don't get me wrong, I am all for fulfilling spiritual needs and finding healing in fellowship. However, if she's dealing with some sort of complex trauma then she needs very specialized care where safety and trust with a client can be established. You could find that in a group counseling setting, but only if it's a very specialized kind of group counseling (e.g. veterans with PTSD group) with very skilled group leaders due to how delicate the subject matter is. You never know when someone's well-intentioned words can damage or be trigger another person. If that happens you need someone with training or expertise to work through those stages of group settings. So it's best not to always expect someone with a trauma history to share their experiences in a group setting if it is not something that has been really dealt with. I'm all for prayer groups but they ought to supplement a counseling relationship on the side to fulfill other important needs, but it's not where the psychotherapeutic work itself can best take place.
You could argue that it's with the most qualified Counsellor - Holy Spirit.
Nate wrote:Talking about certain things with more than one individual can be intimidating or even harmful in some situations.
Nate wrote:You could but now we're in the Christian Science movement where hey, don't go to a doctor if you break your leg, just pray really hard because really God is the greatest doctor.
Nate wrote:Which isn't to slam the Christian group counseling but just to say you actually really do need professional help and if you wanna pray or go to faith healers even that's fine but make sure you're doing it in addition to actual medical attention and not in lieu of it.
Warrior4Christ wrote:If you think you might benefit from some traditional psychotherapy as well, then sure, do both. That's up to you.
GeneD wrote:A colleague of mine was raped in December and her blood tests came back HIV positive. She's getting re-tested though. Please pray for her and her family. The, for the lack of words I can't say on CAA, man is on trial so please pray that justice will be done and he'll be found guilty.
GeneD wrote: A happy update, and not one I was expecting to get; the sad excuse for a human being who raped her was found guilty on all charges and received a maximum sentence. My faith in our justice system has definitely taken a step up. Thanks for everyone's prayers and please continue to pray that my friend and her family are able to keep moving forward from this closure.
peachmlplover wrote:but as long as that man is alive someone has to go and tell him that he's loved, and that God will forgive him if he accepts him as his savior.
I know how you feel Lynna, I've also been struggling with lust recently as well.Lynna wrote:Hello. I have been struggling with lust really badly for the past two months, and I would appreciate prayers. Thanks ^^
John_Smith wrote:But I know God made no mistake. I am a man, God made me so, and I know, without the slightest doubt, that this is how I should be.
Nate wrote:Okay, I've been thinking a lot about if I should respond to this post, as I'm not trying to start debate and I know this thread is mainly for prayer, but the more I thought about it the more I felt compelled to respond, so I will do so but I will try to keep it brief and I won't do it for the purposes of debate. So here goes. *cracks knuckles*
Nate wrote:People are born with all kinds of conditions, diseases, disorders, and defects. People are born with Down's Syndrome, extra fingers, webbed digits, messed up hands, hip dysplasia, cojoined twins, extra sex organs, so on, so forth.
If you can accept that there are many different ways in which a person can just be plain old born different, then it's a pretty short hop to accepting that a person can be born with a man's body and a lady's brain (or a lady's body and a man's brain). Something like 0.1% to 1% of humans are born intersexed, and genitals are way harder to screw up than something as complicated as a human brain.
I don't think it's right to frame gender dysphoria as God "making a mistake" any more than a child born with Down's was a "mistake" or that Ernie Defort and his "brother" were a "mistake" (Ernie Defort was born with a parasitic twin attached to his chest, there was no head, but it was a fully functioning body with developed arms and legs and even liver and kidneys). Most Christians believe we live in a "sin-cursed" world and that as such, the world is imperfect and messed up without God actively having a hand in it. In this sense, a brain that is "programmed" to be female in a male body isn't God screwing up, it's a result of living in a fallen world and I don't see any problem with accepting that the fallen nature of the world has caused this sort of thing to happen.
Nate wrote:Now. All that said, if you feel this is something you have to overcome, I'm not going to tell you otherwise. You have every right to deal with this in the manner you so choose, and I wish you well in your decisions. I would however like to say that I don't think you should throw out the idea of transitioning purely because you think it would be "wrong" or because you feel it would imply that God "made a mistake." If you believe you can get through this without transitioning, hey, more power to you. I know many transgender individuals who have chosen not to transition for one reason or another. If you feel transitioning is not necessary, then that's that, but I will say I do believe you should consider it if the only reason you're against it is because you think it would be saying "God messed up." It's a medical procedure that may help you, and I don't think you should feel bad about it, any more than a person who is born with six fingers on their hands should feel bad about getting surgery to remove them (okay, sorta bad example, as the parents will probably have that surgery done while they're still an infant, still you get what I'm saying I hope).
That said, I won't try and convince you further, as my purpose isn't to debate, and wish you well in whatever decision you make made.
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