Safety for me and possibly for the other person involved

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Safety for me and possibly for the other person involved

Postby Never thirsty! » Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:57 pm

I was outside playing basketball and the other person let's call him jake so Jake comes outside (this is my friend's halfcourt patio hybrid.) so jake says to me "since I'm here you have to leave" so I say "This isn't your turf so no I don't" he replies "just know next time I see you I'll have a pistol and I'm going to shoot you dead." so that's the prayer for me for him I'll defend myself till I'm safe even if it means he will no longer need a body because the soul will have exited in other words if I have to end him to stay safe I will that's for him and me that it doesn't get there but knowing him I won't even be able to take a jog to calm myself of course the other people except my friends would testify against me and that 8 to 3 so the odds wouldn't be in my favor(why Effie Trinket? Hunger Games refrence btw.)
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Re: Safety for me and possibly for the other person involved

Postby Lynna » Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:53 pm

Are you aware that you could get help from the police from this person? Uttering threats is a pretty serious thing to do, and (At least in Canada, but I would hope the US has this too) is enough reason for the law enforcement to take action. Please, if you seriously think that this person is a threat, get help. Don't trust your odds. While its true God often protects people, he can't stop them from being reckless. It's not worth risking your life or the life of this other person, in addition to that person's soul.
I'll be praying that you get the help you need and that a confrontation never happens.
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Re: Safety for me and possibly for the other person involved

Postby goldenspines » Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:36 pm

if I recall correctly, Never Thirsty! lives outside the US/Canada somewhere (Puerto Rico?), so the laws may be very different and in some cases, police help may be rather impossible.

Even so, I doubt it's a good idea to put your life needlessly in danger (the odds may be in your favor, but that doesn't help anyone if you're dead, man.). Sometimes things are just not worth it and it's better to walk away. If possible, I echo Lynna in saying that it may be good to seek help from the police.
I don't pretend to know the extreme danger of your situation or of the place where you live (though I do know there are many dangerous places in the world), but I do know that if you somehow feel the need to kill someone just over defending a basketball court, it has to be something fairly serious.
I encourage you to seek an answer from God; I honestly wouldn't know what to do in your situation.
Either way, I'll be praying. Hopefully things works out for the best.
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Re: Safety for me and possibly for the other person involved

Postby Xeno » Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:57 am

If he lives in Puerto Rico, the laws are fairly similar since its a US territory. Regardless of where you live though, I'd contact the police to report the threat. As far as dealing with the other guy, instead of trying to be all machismo, just do your best to avoid him. If some guy is going to threaten to kill you because you were at some other guys house, do you really think that is worth wasting any time on? The correct answer would be no. But if you do decide to take on this guy, just remember to not bring a knife to a gun fight, and it was nice knowing you Image
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Re: Safety for me and possibly for the other person involved

Postby kipitama » Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:42 pm

It does not matter where you live. You need to do what God would want. Read some Bible, pray, and report the situation. If this person went to jail and ended up discovering Christ, it would all be worth it. If this person died tonight, how are we to know where his eternal soul ended up?
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