My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:12 pm

Zeldafan2 wrote:
Bio_Plus wrote: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: *
I know I saw the main 6 and even Apple Bloom in this episode, but who was the little purple dragon with them? Because I know it couldn't have been Spike.

This will be an easy rant: There was nothing good about this episode!

I'll sum it up:

RD: Mine's about this awesome pegasus, who's the best flier ever and becomes captain of the Wonderbolts.
Rarity: However did you come up with that ingeniously woven intricate plot line?
She asked Dave Polsky and Merriwether Williams.

Okay, I'll admit, while I overall enjoyed this episode, I do agree Spike was very OOC. But what else did you see that was particulairy bad about this episode?

And, would you say in your opinon it was worse than Magic Duel, or better?

Because the episode concentrates so much on Spike it is ruined because they break every single character trait he was ever given. And the interaction with Spike and the other ponies doesn't feel real because Spike feels fake. The rest of the characters were normal, because of the focus on Spike. There was four really great moments in the show, especially from Pinkie, but not enough to interest me in the episode, but rather distracts me from the tediousness of the episode (which is something at least, I'll admit).
Magic Duel's problem lies in a broken story, confusing dialog, the darker feel that isn't normal for FiM and breaking Fluttershy's character. All of these things can to some degree be fixed. But this episode breaks canon, breaks character and breaks continuity. And I can't forgive them for that.

There's a rumor going around that the main character for this episode was original Derpy and was later replaced by Spike, which eerily makes sense. But honestly, if this rumor is even a little bit true it would have been better for them to scrap it than to redo it.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Zeldafan2 » Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:10 pm

Bio_Plus wrote:
Zeldafan2 wrote:
Bio_Plus wrote: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: *
I know I saw the main 6 and even Apple Bloom in this episode, but who was the little purple dragon with them? Because I know it couldn't have been Spike.

This will be an easy rant: There was nothing good about this episode!

I'll sum it up:

RD: Mine's about this awesome pegasus, who's the best flier ever and becomes captain of the Wonderbolts.
Rarity: However did you come up with that ingeniously woven intricate plot line?
She asked Dave Polsky and Merriwether Williams.

Okay, I'll admit, while I overall enjoyed this episode, I do agree Spike was very OOC. But what else did you see that was particulairy bad about this episode?

And, would you say in your opinon it was worse than Magic Duel, or better?

Because the episode concentrates so much on Spike it is ruined because they break every single character trait he was ever given. And the interaction with Spike and the other ponies doesn't feel real because Spike feels fake. The rest of the characters were normal, because of the focus on Spike. There was four really great moments in the show, especially from Pinkie, but not enough to interest me in the episode, but rather distracts me from the tediousness of the episode (which is something at least, I'll admit).
Magic Duel's problem lies in a broken story, confusing dialog, the darker feel that isn't normal for FiM and breaking Fluttershy's character. All of these things can to some degree be fixed. But this episode breaks canon, breaks character and breaks continuity. And I can't forgive them for that.

There's a rumor going around that the main character for this episode was original Derpy and was later replaced by Spike, which eerily makes sense. But honestly, if this rumor is even a little bit true it would have been better for them to scrap it than to redo it.

If the rumor was true, it would make more sense for her to be a main character than Spike. (If you think about it, you could consider it a copy and paste job).

And, after looking back at Dave Polsky's track record, I'd have to say he's the worst writer on the show's writing staff IMHO.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:41 pm

I have to agree. I thought Dave Polsky was showing some improvement with 'Too many Pinkie Pies', but after episode he's getting worse. But then the story was by Polsky while the writing was by Merriwether so it's not only his fault this time.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Zeldafan2 » Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:59 pm

Bio_Plus wrote:I have to agree. I thought Dave Polsky was showing some improvement with 'Too many Pinkie Pies', but after episode he's getting worse. But then the story was by Polsky while the writing was by Merriwether so it's not only his fault this time.

Too true.

What worries me:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Is how Dave Polsky is writing the next episode which is featuring Discord's return. Add that to the episode description I read on Wikipedia, my expectations are extremely low. I'll probably lose some rage I've garnered for him, however, during the three week time that exists before the next episode.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:16 pm

Zeldafan2 wrote:
Bio_Plus wrote:I have to agree. I thought Dave Polsky was showing some improvement with 'Too many Pinkie Pies', but after episode he's getting worse. But then the story was by Polsky while the writing was by Merriwether so it's not only his fault this time.

Too true.

What worries me:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Is how Dave Polsky is writing the next episode which is featuring Discord's return. Add that to the episode description I read on Wikipedia, my expectations are extremely low. I'll probably lose some rage I've garnered for him, however, during the three week time that exists before the next episode.

That's the worst news ever. :waah!: How could they do that? What's wrong with them! Giving Polsky to write one of the most loved characters, that's crazy!
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Zeldafan2 » Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:54 pm

Bio_Plus wrote:
Zeldafan2 wrote:
Bio_Plus wrote:I have to agree. I thought Dave Polsky was showing some improvement with 'Too many Pinkie Pies', but after episode he's getting worse. But then the story was by Polsky while the writing was by Merriwether so it's not only his fault this time.

Too true.

What worries me:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Is how Dave Polsky is writing the next episode which is featuring Discord's return. Add that to the episode description I read on Wikipedia, my expectations are extremely low. I'll probably lose some rage I've garnered for him, however, during the three week time that exists before the next episode.

That's the worst news ever. :waah!: How could they do that? What's wrong with them! Giving Polsky to write one of the most loved characters, that's crazy!

I know, right? I have a feeling after watching that next episode, I'll start to think they should relieve him of his writing duties.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:00 pm

Yes, but there's another writer on board too.
Anyway, my thoughts:
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: This is not what I thought Discord was like. It's not supposed to be this easy to get him to change his ways. Come ON! THIS IS HORRIBLE! Why can't the villains stay evil on this show?
I've given up on Polsky. My rating: 1/10.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:01 pm

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: *
I actually liked this episode. Nothing nearly as bad happened as I thought it would. Flutters was a little out of character at the start with Discord, but only a little. And I'm not sure how I feel about the ending. Like Rock I also would like bad guys to stay bad, especially such a great villain as Discord. But on the other hoof I also liked the 'only friend I ever had ending'.

But this also makes things very interesting. What if Discord didn't turn good? What if he's still playing them for fools? There was no way he could have escaped in this episode, at the end, if she failed, all Fluttershy had to do was use her Element. So maybe Discord is buying his time until he can properly dispose of the Elements.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Zeldafan2 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:10 pm

You're correct, I was unaware a guy name Teddy Antonio worked on the story as well.

But on the episode,

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: IMHO, I like this episode a LITTLE bit better than I thought I was going to. I really liked the way they brought Fluttershy's character back to the way it had been developed in season 2 as opposed to her strange behavior in Magic Duel.

The concept of Discord reforming as soon as I first heard about it really made me upset. I mean, he's the living embodiment of chaos, disorder, destruction. Almost, in a way, like Satan's right hand man, IMHO. But besides that, generally, when a villain reforms, its done in a really cheesy manner, and feels a bit forced (there are exceptions, of course), and the way they concluded this episode particulairy with its rather cheesy reuse of the show's subtitle, none of that suprised me at all.

However, I felt Discord's characterization for the most part, was consistent with his character in The Return of Harmony. He felt a bit more childish, perhaps, but not as OOC as I was expecting from Dave Polsky. Some of his lines were quite clever, and John de Lancie felt as enthusiastic as ever to be voicing the role again. Of course, I still didn't like him reforming, but that's besides the point.

However, this episode definitely felt rushed. The way Discord used Fluttershy's trust in him to get his way was definitely clever, but his decision to change everything back was way too hasty. I would have spreaded the plot out over two episodes the second one involving Twilight, and the others trying to figure out a way to stop Discord without the elements' power, while Fluttershy tried to work on the soft side Discord may have inside his chaotic nature.

@Bio_Plus: That is true. You can never be sure, but I wouldn't be suprised if Discord stayed reformed. The way they finished this episode also suggests he will have a recurring appearance in future episodes (although, I'm honestly doubting that will ever happen.

Overall, I felt this episode deserves a 6 out of ten (or, a 2 and a half out of 6 in cutie marks.)
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:44 am

Just saw "Just For Sidekicks"
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: This episode finally gets the show back on track after two weeks of subpar episodes. I loved seeing the pets again. Man, it's been a long time since we saw Owlowicious and Tank, huh? I almost want to consider RD a bad owner. And it was nice to see almost the entire cast too, even the CMC. Also, why does Fluttershy never reign in Angel Bunny. He's such a jerk! All in all, I give this a 6/6!
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:26 am

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: *
This was an awesome episode! But I think it had just too much going on all at once. It left me wanting more CMC and Crystal Empire, more pets being great, more Spike being Spike. It just felt like they keep building up to something more awesome and then pull back.
I'm glad to see they showed what happened to PeeWee. I would have like to see more of him, but at least they gave closure to it and didn't just avoid him.
And for once I feel that the lesson in this episode held the episode back. All the places where Spike lost a gem felt a little forced.

But that's only complaints, there was still so much awesome in the episode. Rainbow Dash and Tank! I loved that! RD has just been phenomenal this entire season. The CMC was just great with the little parts they had, especially Scoots offering up her feather. Rarity's line to Spike, '...and good luck to you.', had me laughing so hard. :P And seeing some of the old background ponies again was nice, like Screwball, although that name still sucks.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Twister980 » Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:30 am

Past two episodes:
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: First: Well played, Fluttershy, Well played. And this.

Second: That episode was fun, I think Spike learned his lesson. My favorite parts were as follows; Winona as a rug, the CMC taking care of the animals, and Rainbow Dash's cute moments with Tank. (Oh yeah, don't forget to wear a helmet. *DONK*)
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Zeldafan2 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:26 pm

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Very well-done episode, Spike was back in character, the gags were hilarious, and seeing the pets again was really cool. Corey Powell again shows his skill as a writer, even though he's a newbie.

I wouldn't say this episode was QUITE as good as his earlier episode, Sleepless in Ponyville, as aspects of this episode (including the moral like Bio said) felt awfully forced, and kind of gave the episode an awkward pace. But still, overall, an enjoyable episode.

I can't wait till the Equestria Games episode in two weeks. Its hard to believe the season's nearly over.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:24 pm

Weeelll Welll Welll.....
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Looks like Twily's getting some wings after all kids: ... oard01.jpg
What do you all think about that?
I'm not upset about it at all, It seems pretty cool, actually. Dunno why everyone's freaking out. Totally saw it coming.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Zeldafan2 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:51 pm

ChristianKitsune wrote:Weeelll Welll Welll.....
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Looks like Twily's getting some wings after all kids: ... oard01.jpg
What do you all think about that?
I'm not upset about it at all, It seems pretty cool, actually. Dunno why everyone's freaking out. Totally saw it coming.

There's a reason some fans are upset about this.

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: For one thing. this all implies Twilight's going to become a princess of Equestria, alongside Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. This can potentially mean:

A. The show is jumping the shark. Twilight will no longer be a main character since she's a princess now, so the show will feature her in a recurring role, and come up with a new character to replace her.

B. This could signify the end of the series, because the main protagonst has discovered her path in life, and is a perfect moment for a series finale. However, this is doubtful, because investment documents from DHX media do show that a the studio's being paid to do a fourth season, so the chance of this happening is unlikely.

Or C: Twilight decides not to become a Princess because she doesn't want to leave her friends. This is possible, but without further details, this theory sounds vague and confusing.

The first one is at least a valid concern, while the third one may also be true. Its hard to tell, but this could very well be a bad thing.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby mechana2015 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:26 pm

Fans are rediculous. I can think of at least 5 major plots off the top of my head that could require this that aren't 'become a princess'. Everyone's looking at one picture and crying ruined forever, without considering a lot of options, just the one that makes them mad, which is getting really disappointing about this fandom. They've decided that they're in the drivers seat, rather than the writers and know better than the writing staff, and act like babies when the show doesn't go the way their fanfic says it should go.

Here's some options that could turn everything you just said on end:
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: What if her alicorn state isn't permanent? What if it's a ruse? A joke? A scene from a dream? What if it's a spell Luna and Celestia put on her to make someone think she's an alicorn. Or, conversely, what if she's turning into one but can't hold onto it, and therefore is a normal pony most of the time? We've never actually seen what makes an alicorn, especially since cadence arrived, since she's clearly not a deity, just a very powerful magical force. Maybe it's just phenomenal magic power which manifests as having both traits, not a royal thing but a power thing. Twilights apocalyptically strong in magic, so maybe thats what happens once she gets her powers under full control, which has possibly been a part of the whole lead up in the series.

Edit: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: K... so the princess thing is confirmed but still. Claiming it's the WORST THING EVARRRR before the episode has aired is ridiculous and I'm rather tired of hearing it, especially since they mentioned in the interview I saw that they've been planning for this since the beginning. Perhaps we'll actually find out why princesses are all alicorns and how an alicorn comes about, which has been a long running question.

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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby ChristianKitsune » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:11 am

I just think its neat that:
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: If it has really planned as Mech has said, that Twilight is the PERFECT in-between for Celestia and Luna. She's TWILIGHT. Compared to the Day and Night this is really cool. IMO

Also I like to play with the idea that perhaps Celestia is growing weaker and Twily is going to be a huge help.
They have been hinting at this since the beginning of the season, perhaps more hints even before that.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:29 am

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: *
The one thing I don't understand is why everybody is saying Twilight will spend less time with her friends when she becomes a Princess. There is not one reason that should happen. Twilight has always been a full-time student living in Ponyville and she's going to be a full-time student afterwards, Celestia said that this was only the next step in her lessons.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Twister980 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:49 am

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: There actually has been a synopsis put up on Wikipedia for next Saturday's episode. When Twilight casts a spell that switches the Cutie Marks and destinies, the only way to reverse the spell is by writing her own magic. I have a feeling that is where Alicorn Twilight comes in, and it may or may not be a one time thing.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby mechana2015 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:02 am

Bio_Plus wrote: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: *
The one thing I don't understand is why everybody is saying Twilight will spend less time with her friends when she becomes a Princess. There is not one reason that should happen. Twilight has always been a full-time student living in Ponyville and she's going to be a full-time student afterwards, Celestia said that this was only the next step in her lessons.

Because the fans think they know exactly what should happen or will happen despite not being the writers of the series and have seemed to have lost the idea that the writing staff is competent somewhere along the line.

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: This is pretty sad considering Meghan McCarthy (IIRC) specifically said it wouldn't influence the interaction negatively, just introduce new issues for Twilight to face.

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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:39 pm

Friendship is Magic Season 4 confirmed for 26 episode!!!!

Awwww! Yeahhhh! This is going to be sweet! :D
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:53 pm

Really! That's awesome. what's your source?
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Zeldafan2 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:56 pm

Broly Ultimatrix wrote:Really! That's awesome. what's your source?

On wikipedia, they have a link to Daniel Ingranm's credit list on his promotional website, saying he's worked on 91 episodes of My little pony: Friendship is Magic. Apparently, its listed on a PDF document. The page wouldn't open correctly for me the first time, but it may work for you.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby mechana2015 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:51 pm

It's also on Equestria Daily.

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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Zeldafan2 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:31 pm


SPOILER: Highlight text to read: This was a decent episode, although Dave Polsky's somewhat poor writing leaks through on occasion (particulairy with his characterization of Pinkie Pie.) The gags were mostly funny, and the humor didn't feel forced, although I felt Fluttershy and Applejack were seriously underused.

What really felt odd about this episode, though, was the mismatched focus the episode seemed to put on Twilight and Rainbow Dash. The beginning and end of the episode both put the spotlight on Rainbow Dash, but the middle of the episode seems to focus on Twilight's character development in regards to learning to control herself, and not panic when things didn't go her way. On the other hand, we have Rainbow Dash, not wanting to have the Crystal Ponies feel the same pain she did when their respective cities didn't get to host the games. While both are interesting, and character establishing moments, the episode didn't seem to figure out who the story was focused on, resulting in a rather forced ending, and an abruptly cut short epiphany by Twilight right before the chase.

In the end, however, I found this episode to be a fun way to spend a Saturday morning.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:10 pm

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: *
I agree with Zeldafan. I also found the episode really boring, the dialog was bland and there was hardly any tension to drive the story, not even mentioning there was no surprises, twists or anything to break the pace. It seems Dave Polsky has made it his goal to try and write the worst episode. Amy Keating Rogers will be returning in Season 4 and I really hope they get Charlotte Fullerton to write some episode again. If only Polsky would take over Keating's old position on Care Bears I'd be happy.

Hey! And Rainbow's dad! WooHoo! Which was the only exciting thing about the episode.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:22 pm

In case you folks haven't heard, a C&D order was given to those people making the Fighting is Magic game. Because fighting is wrong and girls shouldn't do it.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:51 pm

That's up there with the saddest thing I've ever heard... Why now? hasn't the game been openly showing it's in-progress work over the past 2 years? just makes no sense but then I'm not a lawyer or a game designer so can't really say on the matter.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:25 am

Broly, they were making the game unofficially. I'm surprised people didn't think this would happen. It's not like Capcom was making the game. This was a fan project.
anyway, episode review time.
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I kinda liked this. The bit where they did the cheer was neat, especially with Rainbow darting around to create a heart. Nice bit of animation there. And I thought it was neat that they tied this right in with the last episode. I'm giving it 5 cutie marks. Polsky outdid himself this time.
Oh, and about this Twilight turning into an alicorn. I agree with Kit-chan, this seemed inevitable. I think it will be an interesting direction, considering that we know so little about alicorns to begin with.

Oh, and I'm happy about Rogers coming in again. Maybe that means less fail from Polsky. I liked this one and Too Many Pinkie Pies, but most of his stuff has been so subpar.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:13 am

Sorry if I came off ranty, I was really Really looking forward to the game and felt pretty bad about it being shut down. I'm not to in-tune emotionally to a trickle could be a waterfall in my eyes I just can't tell. I did some reading and the whole Mane6 thing looks pretty lost causish from a legal perspective I just hope something good can come of it. Anyway.
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I enjoyed how they tied this last episode in with the previouse, it shows branching of plot design I've really wanted to see in action for what I have planned for the side rp I'm a part of. It was nice to see Plosky not extremize our characters even if they were underused. At least Fluttershy could look at her shadow again and Spike wasn't a night in training and... well you get what I'm saying. I give it 5/6 as well.
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