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Postby K. Ayato » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:21 pm

I definitely agree. If you ever see him again, this time make sure you're not alone. Thank God it didn't get any worse and you were able to escape.
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

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Postby Yuki-Anne » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:12 pm

I told one of my coworkers and if he shows up again I'll DEFINITELY let others know.
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Postby K. Ayato » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:25 pm

And while you're at it, see if you can get some mace on your key ring. Doesn't hurt to have some backup ;).
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby KatieKakes » Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:14 pm

ok,so I have pretty much 2 different lives that I live in. my school one & my youth group one.

the majority of my friends at school are not christian. most of them aren't too bad. the worst that they do is probably cussing. although some people in our group have turned to worser things to deal with their problems. & honestly, I feel really intimidated for being the "good" one out of my friends. I try to be proud of myself but I just can't. I really hate the feeling & don't know how to handle it.

my other life is the one at my youth group. I love all of these people & love hanging out with them. they're all a lot like me & going there every wednesday is something I look forward to. but there's a bit of a problem. I don't have a lot of fun hanging out with them. they just don't seem like the type of people I wanna be super close to. as much as I love being with them on wednesday nights,I feel like I connect with my non christian friends better. :/

what I'm asking is to please pray for me & my situation. it really is a tough one to be in. I want my school friends to become closer to God, but I'm really scared of the outcome. are they gonna change completely? or are they just gonna back out on their sins a little & still be themselves?
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Postby K. Ayato » Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:19 pm

You're not responsible for their choices. It's up to them. What matters is you do your best in life for the Lord. :)
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby KatieKakes » Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:21 pm

I know,but I still feel guilty :/
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Postby Sheenar » Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:54 pm

Urgent prayer needed for a couple of friends of mine.

Friend #1: She posted last night on FB about suicidal leanings. It scared the mess out of me because I care about this person a lot. This morning a mutual friend posted saying my friend called the crisis center and is now in a psych facility getting treatment. Please pray for her.

Friend #2: She told me on Wed. that her boyfriend had grabbed her (he left marks) --not sure what else may have happened. But she left their apartment and stayed with a friend. Tonight, she was talking about possibly giving him another chance --said he promised to quit drinking. I am concerned because this person has shown abusive behavior toward her --I don't want her to be caught up in that cycle --I know what it's like to keep going back to your abuser, hoping they've really changed this time. I don't wish any of that on her.
Then again, it is her decision. I can't make it for her. Please pray for wisdom/guidance for her.

Thank you all. :)
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

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Postby bkilbour » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:20 pm

Two months ago, I got the internet disconnected from my room.
Instead of that making temptation happen less, it snuck up on me every time I had to use wifi. I didn't even realize I was loading up porn until it was too late.
Got the internet restored in my room today, and the first thing that happened was I messed up hard.
I'm getting really frustrated here. It's one thing to just give in; it's a lot worse when you're doing it subconsciously. Please pray that God would give me the discipline and self-control to fight this properly, instead of being so shackled to it.
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Postby TopazRaven » Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:06 pm

Hey everyone. I'm having a bit of a personal problem at the moment that I'd rather not give to much detail on. I don't want to be selfish, but could I ask for you please to keep me in your prayers and ask God to hopefully clear up this confusion soon? Thank you very much. I'll be praying for everyone else in this thread as well.
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Postby Atria35 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:36 pm

Praying, Topaz!
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Postby TopazRaven » Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:00 pm

Thank you kindly.
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Postby bkilbour » Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:33 pm

I'll pray for you. Feel free to PM me if you'd wanna talk about it, 'kay? I'll listen :)
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Postby TopazRaven » Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:37 pm

Thanks! It's more along the lines of something I need to figure out on my own I think, nothing to serious. :) Thanks for the offer though!
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I’m trying. I’m trying. I AM TRYING. …but nothing’s ----ING working.

Postby rocklee24 » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:38 am


First of all before you read my post... or in this case, an essay, I apologize for the inappropriate title of my post. But keep in mind that I did not choose this title for the fun of it, or to get a shock out of the reader, that would a be very senseless thing to do. I am choosing this title because these are my feelings. These are my honest feelings.



I am angry at myself, I am angry at where I‘m at in my life, and at times, I am angry at God.

I am angry to the point of giving up my faith, and just giving up. I just can’t take it anymore.

To recap, in case if you have not read my previous post a few years ago, let’s call this a part 2.

In 2005, I have graduated with a bachelor’s of fine arts in visual communication. I was 19. I was the first and only autistic student to ever graduated with honors and an award for exceptional achievement received from the dean of the university. My mother, my grandmother, and my family were very proud of me, and I am so grateful. It was one of the happiest moment of my life. Without God and my mother being there for me and taking care of me, I would not be the person that I…… was.

………the person that I used to be.

Back then, I had so much ambition. I was ready to step my foot on Californian soil to make my mark in the movie industry. I had my created story 50% done, but not copy written yet, but as soon as someone that’s involved with movie production, and/or such, they can take a look at my portfolio, see my story, and like it. And hopefully, get it green lit. I thought I was not giving up that easily since I was fresh out of the university getting ready to start a new career…

…that. Was SIX. Years. Ago. I am now 26. I will turn 27 in the next three months. Those days… were DONE. All that’s left… was but a recollection.

…what career?

Today. At this very moment. Now. I have no job. No revenue. No money. No car. A dated resume. A dusty portfolio. Very limited knowledge of the job market. Sometimes no ambition. And no tolerance.

I always get annoyed with my mom because she always have this get-rich-quick mentality. Whenever she says that if I can get a job that’ll pay me $1000 a week, I get very upset with her. I’m thinking to myself “that’s IMPOSSIBLE. No one gets paid a thousand dollars a week unless they are either internet celebrities or they are really, really good at their job with ZERO flaws.”

Ugh… it is a really long story, but for the sake of getting to my point, the next day me and my mother got into an argument. It all started when she called me to the living room, desperate. She saw the news that they were having a job fair that’s being held right that very moment. And she immediately told me to get on the computer to see if there are any jobs available. So, my natural reaction, was to be angry. I’m always annoyed whenever she gets desperate. So of course she saw me get angry at a computer monitor, and she starts yelling at me. Not out of anger, but out of desperation. My reaction of course was to be angrier. She was telling me that every time she comes up with an idea, I get annoyed and angry with her. She told me that I thought her ideas were stupid or something, and she said I thought I was a nuisance to her. …for the most part… it was sometimes true. I was annoyed with her ideas because I had some ideas that takes time to plan, but she says that her ideas are quicker and it won’t take time. And that’s also another thing that’s wrong with me. I lost the ability to cooperate with my mother. And worst of all, I, at some times, forgot that she was suffering more than me. And that made me very angry. Angry at myself. She always took me through guilt trips after guilt trips saying that she is trying everything that she could think of, or an inspiration that God has given her, for me and her to get money in our door. It’s always “Money--this” and “Money--that” When we have money, we are free. If we don’t have money, we are NOT free. So technically, we are not free. And her famous phrase is “I won‘t be here forever! I am trying to get you a future! I am doing this for YOU! It’s all for YOU!“ I started cried in front of her. But she’s not having it. It’s not getting me anywhere. She said that, as well.

She is a diabetic and have undergone 2 strokes and a seizure. Plus she just got back from surgery last month. Everyday her mobility is limited, and she gets depressed. She always say to her family members that I have never caused her any grief. But I felt like I did cause her grief. I felt like her pain, and her struggles was all my fault. She relied on my elder brothers and sisters transportation to take us somewhere, but it’s very limited and they have lives of their own. So it’s just the two of us. Alone.

My mother have had me sent letters, and letters, and letters, AND LETTERS of different celebrities that will grant us recognition, which, by the way, I’ve been doing that for over SIX years. Someone who can recognize my talents, such as my animation, my graphic design, my music composition, music writing, singing, acting or voice acting, plus I even make family portraits for them, for people like Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, Ellen DeGeneres, President Barack Obama, Former President Bill Clinton, Jenny McCarthy, Dan Marino, Holly Roberson Pete, Charles Gibson, Diane Sawyer, Usher, Jamie Foxx, Janet Jackson, CeeLo Green, Emilio Estafan, Gloria Estafan, LADY GAGA, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Not one. Single. Answer from ANY of them. Not even from their own websites. They aren’t even supposed to post their own email addresses for security purposes. Simply because they’re multi-billion dollar celebrities. They CAN’T. That’s when I went nuts and kept every ounce of rage stored up inside me and swallowed it in without yelling it out. That’s where my mother sees me like this, yells at me out of desperation not to get like this, and everything went to Hell.

I’m very angry at myself. More than I was angry at God. My mother have prayed every single night for me, more than for my brother’s and sisters, for me to have a stable future. I lost my touch with God because of the things I went through. I’ve sometimes prayed, but not every night, and very little, and I often stray from God and my mother and focus on my comfort when I am not too busy. Like I said, my ambitions, my goal, my LIFE. MY LIFE! Was FAR from my reach! And to add salt on a big gaping wound, me and my mother won 2 tickets for an expensive steak dinner for free last month. But we have no car, no one to take us, and it will expire in 2 days. So even If some of my brothers and sister were to have free time of taking me and my mother there, it’ll already be too late. PLUS they have to bring their kids along and expect my mom to pay for the kids!

Man, I am so ----ing laughable! I am so angry, I am even shouting out swear words that I can’t even type here in my post right now!

I’m Just SO ----ING INFURIATED!! I’M…… I’M……

……I’m hopeless. Desperate. Losing my strength. Losing my mind. I feel like I need to call on to God, but I feel like He is not answering me. I am just as desperate as my mom was. She has been hustling most of her life to provide for her own family. Now she can’t work, is disabled, and the only revenue we have received… was social security money that’s $600 a month. Oh, and the rent was more than that. So now it’s all on ME to make things happen with what I have… but I’m struggling. I’m always angry, and almost nothing seems to go right for me.

……I’m even crying while I’m typing this. I can’t take it anymore. Someone, anyone, please help me… PLEASE… I know that I’m selfish, and I don’t expect some kind of miracle, and I am certainly not expecting anyone to be Oprah, or Ellen DeGeneres, but I need someone who… could give me anything to work with. Any contacts at all. If they happen to know someone who’s in the movie industry, or in the music industry, or a graphic magazine industry or-- d---it…..ANYTHING… please… just… please…

And………… Just………… Pray for my mom. If you don’t want to pray for me, that’s fine. I felt don’t deserve a prayer after what I treated her. But just pray for my mother. Her name is Gloria.

…this is the end of part 2. So if there’s ever going to be a part 3... Chances are it could be just as worse as the previous two. Let’s hope not.
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Postby bkilbour » Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:47 pm

Alright, so first things first, I will pray for you. I will pray that you have guidance and comfort from the LORD on every part of your life, and that He will show both you and your mother that He is trustworthy in all things.

Second, PM me if you need financial assistance. I might not have much, but I've been known to be a steady patron of artists. If anything, I'll proactively PM you.

Third, although I have a job now, I can relate - having been homeless at the height of the recession before I joined the Navy, I know what it's like to be angry at God. There are dry seasons, but after I read Hebrews 12, I understood it with a new light, and I recommend the same for you.

I'll PM you,, and keep praying for you, brother. God Bless.
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Postby rocklee24 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:55 pm

bkilbour (post: 1512333) wrote:Alright, so first things first, I will pray for you. I will pray that you have guidance and comfort from the LORD on every part of your life, and that He will show both you and your mother that He is trustworthy in all things.

Second, PM me if you need financial assistance. I might not have much, but I've been known to be a steady patron of artists. If anything, I'll proactively PM you.

Third, although I have a job now, I can relate - having been homeless at the height of the recession before I joined the Navy, I know what it's like to be angry at God. There are dry seasons, but after I read Hebrews 12, I understood it with a new light, and I recommend the same for you.

I'll PM you,, and keep praying for you, brother. God Bless.

Thank you man... thank you. You don't know how much this means to me...
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Postby TopazRaven » Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:19 pm

Well, that certainly is a lot to deal with. I'm not so good with words, but know both you and your mother will be in my prayers.
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Postby rocklee24 » Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:30 pm

Thanks a lot... i'm feeling a little better, though... not fully, but i'm recovering.

Like you said, i have a lot to deal with but... whatever, right...?
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Postby bkilbour » Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:48 pm

Ugh.... I need to confess something.
So me and another gal have been hanging out for the past few weeks. I've been feeling really safe around her, and it was pretty cool. The problem was that I was ignoring the sexual tension that kept growing between us. When I should have been more careful, and not let myself alone near her, I would instead sleep next to her, cuddle, etc. - we were hitting it off as close friends, but I realize now that it was inappropriate.

We didn't go all the way - it got all the way to oral stimulation and... yeah, ended there. I stopped it before she would have gone to intercourse.
I don't feel crushed about it, but I definitely know it was wrong. I'm going to be spending the next few days repenting over this and trying to get right with God.

I ask for prayer in three things. First, that I would be forgiven. I suck, and I'm pretty disappointed in myself for what I did.

Second, please pray that I wouldn't let this happen again. I was in a weak point, thought I could keep myself from filth like that, but I fell on my butt tonight, and that's an awful feeling. I'm at a point where I could recover though and God would restore purity to me - IF I don't repeat the same mistake again.

Third, I ask for prayer that my friend would quit as well. She apparently has been having sex since she was 12 (she's 22 right now); it's going to take a lot more work, but please pray that the LORD would restore both of us to purity, regardless of the sins that we've committed. I'd never done any of this before; she's done it a lot. Even so, may God forgive us and be merciful to us.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:46 am

Sometimes I wish Lust would just die. It would make life so much easier and less painful. I don't have a girlfriend, never have, but I still struggle with lust. Try to not put yourself in situations where it can go south quickly but above all, don't bash yourself up with guilt, repent, be honest with God, get back up on your feet and fight that mongrel Lust with every fibre of your being. Don't go it alone though. I'll be praying for you, mate.
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Postby K. Ayato » Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:15 am

Praying, sailor.
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby TopazRaven » Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:25 am

I'll be praying for you both as well.
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Postby K. Ayato » Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:46 am

Take heart in knowing God will still be willing and ready to forgive, even if you mess up again.
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:53 am

I echo what the others have said, Bk. God is totally going to forgive you we all mess up and we all make mistakes. Don't fret too much about it.
I'll be praying for you as well.
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Postby ADXC » Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:29 am

@ bk-I totally feel you, dude. Like W4J and you, I struggle with lust issues. I'm getting better at resisting; however, there doesn't go a while where I don't sin. We need to look at this and say we're never going to be fully perfect until heaven. However, we need to learn from these instances so we can know what to avoid next time. These times help us to realize that we cannot do it on our own, but that we need the help of God. Dependence on Him is key for us to become more like Him.

I would like to remind everyone about what Joseph did when Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him. He fled. He ran away far from her. Sometimes we think retreating is dumb or shows weakness, but I think it shows great restraint in the face of temptation. If you cannot think of anything else to do in these situations, just leave and run away from it. I'm here for you buddy.

Oooook, so I know that this thread is not for advice giving(And I'll try to not do that again. XD), but I still wanted to point out that Biblical parallel because I think it fits nicely.

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Postby Atria35 » Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:29 am

Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1512977) wrote:Sometimes I wish Lust would just die. It would make life so much easier and less painful. I don't have a girlfriend, never have, but I still struggle with lust. Try to not put yourself in situations where it can go south quickly but above all, don't bash yourself up with guilt, repent, be honest with God, get back up on your feet and fight that mongrel Lust with every fibre of your being. Don't go it alone though. I'll be praying for you, mate.

Since lust is basically sexual attraction, and people probably wouldn't have sex without it, I think that it's best that it sticks around. I kind of like being here :lol:

Anycase, praying. I think AXDC has the right idea- if it's a situation that could lead to immorality, get out of it or stop doing it. Cuddling is only cuddling until it goes to the next level (I enjoy doing it, myself, but know when to stop), but sleeping in bed together? Asking for trouble.
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Postby K. Ayato » Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:33 am

Praying for the girl as well, that she can be forgiven for the past and start anew :).
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:11 pm

I'll be praying for you as well because I have the same problem. It seems that it's one problem after another with me. But I'm fighting it hard and it seems I'm coming out on top. ^^ I wish you luck and much love.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:23 pm

Atria, Lust isn't godly, it isn't just sexual attraction. It's inappropriate sexual attraction - treating someone as a sex object for one's own pleasure. Please tell me you understand there's a difference.

I love AXDC's advice: If you cannot think of anything else to do in these situations, just leave and run away from it.
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:34 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1513075) wrote:Atria, Lust isn't godly, it isn't just sexual attraction. It's inappropriate sexual attraction - treating someone as a sex object for one's own pleasure. Please tell me you understand there's a difference.

Replying with PM because I'm sure we've all heard the phrase 'lust for power', and know it hs nothing to do with sexual attraction.
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