I am an anime fan, but I am not neurotypical by any means, nor do I have Aspergers syndrome. Yet I hope that will not hinder me in any way.Lockon Stratos wrote: And I'd also like to know something.
Are anime fans more likely Aspies or nypicals?
TheMewster (post: 1502301) wrote:Well, I'm an aspie three. Welcome to CAA and God bless! What's your favorite book of the Bible?
raider~joseph (post: 1503667) wrote:I am a asperger's victim.I say victim because I haven't been able to control mine to the point where people will start dealing with it.Regardless a warm welcome and here is your Twihard seeking rocket launcher its standard for all twihard slayers.May the blessing of abe lincon the great be with you.(ONLY HARDCORE SLAYERS GET THIS REFRENCE.)
raider~joseph (post: 1503695) wrote:Abe Lincon vampire hunter?Seriously?
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