Postby Bobtheduck » Wed May 25, 2011 12:36 am
I hate Pay It Forward. I believe it's silly and way, way, way, overly simplistic. Human nature is selfish, and 90% of people would not pay something forward simply because someone told them to. Being simplistic isn't what made me hate it, though. It's more that people worshiped it, especially those in certain Christian circles.
There is a certain director that hasn't made a single movie I've had a desire to see, and the one that I watched all the way through made me want to throw up, only because of how manipulative and deceptive he is... Those will be the only clues I'll leave, but that should be enough.
I loved the Matrix when it first came out, and for years after, even the sequels, but I just watched it (with Rifftrax, which don't normally make me hate movies) and the scene with the building security really... really bothered me. I mean, they weren't agents, they were just random security guards. They brought guns into the Matrix, why not, like, a helicopter or something so they wouldn't need to get past the guards and essentially murder innocent people. I don't have a problem with them killing the agents, and indirectly the people the agents had taken over... The agents are the ones that sacrificed those lives, really, at that point. But the people in the hallway... Pointless. They try to draw parallels to Jesus, but Jesus never wasted innocents. Or... Anyone, for that matter. It's more like he did the right thing RIGHT AT THE END after taking the cheap way out up to that point.
Oh, yeah, little Fockers. If only because I'm tired of seeing that guy get picked on (even if he does stupid things that are his fault) I will say, I felt a mountain of relief when [spoiler]it was his father, and not wife or father-in-law that found him in the pit.[/spoiler] if that had been another embarrassing scene, I would have lost it.
I will agree with Eat, Pray, Love... terrible movie. First movie I saw with my wife. Of all the movies...
[spoiler]Batman went through many stages, some serious and some silly and some absurd, and I believe that not only is Nolan's take on it just as valid others (such as the Animated series), his take on the Joker, from what I understand, is closer to the year one Joker than any other non-comic adaptation's has been. Joker's personality formed into what most people thought of (before Dark Knight) as a result of widespread censoring in the Comics industry. [/spoiler] Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess